Markus Warg 8398c9048d initially import ZendFramework-1.9.5 into repository
code was modified slightly, so the code differs from the original downloadable 1.9.5 version
2010-03-31 10:12:32 +02:00

342 lines
12 KiB

(function() {
var oldTimeout = setTimeout;
var oldInterval = setInterval;
// mozilla has unsafe methods on array
var fixMozArrayFunction = function (name) {
var method = Array.prototype[name];
if(method && !method.fixed){
(Array.prototype[name] = function () {
if (this == window) {
throw new TypeError("Called with wrong this");
return method.apply(this, arguments);
}).fixed = true;
// these are not safe in mozilla
var xhrGet = function(){
return dojo.xhrGet.apply(dojo,arguments);
}; = function(element) {
// summary:
// Creates a secure sandbox from which scripts and HTML can be loaded that
// will only be able to access the provided element and it's descendants, the
// rest of the DOM and JS environment will not be accessible to the sandboxed
// scripts and HTML.
// element:
// The DOM element to use as the container for the sandbox
// description:
// This function will create and return a sandbox object (see
// for the provided element.
var wrap =;
element = wrap(element);
var document = element.ownerDocument;
var mixin, dojo =,wrap);
var imports= [];
var safeCalls = ["isNaN","isFinite","parseInt","parseFloat","escape","unescape",
"alert","confirm","prompt", // some people may not want to allow these to be called, but they don't break capability-limiting
//"ADSAFE", // not using ADSAFE runtime for the time being
"setTimeout","setInterval","clearTimeout","clearInterval", // we make these safe below
for(var i in dojo){
safeCalls.push(i); // add the safe dojo functions to as available global top level functions
imports.push("var " + i + "=dojo." + i); // add to the list of imports
// open the dojo namespace (namespaces are pretty silly in an environment where you can't set globals)
function get(obj,prop) {
// basic access by index function
prop = '' + prop;
if( {
throw new Error("bad property access");
if(obj.__get__) {
return obj.__get__(prop);
return obj[prop];
function set(obj,prop,value) {
// basic set by index function
prop = '' + prop;
get(obj,prop); // test it
if(obj.__set) {
return obj.__set(prop);
obj[prop] = value;
return value;
function forEach(obj,fun) {
// short syntax iterator function
if(typeof fun != "function"){
throw new TypeError();
if("length" in obj) {
// do arrays the fast way
if(obj.__get__) {
// use the catch getter
var len = obj.__get__('length');
for (var i = 0; i < len; i++) {
if(i in obj) {, obj.__get__(i), i, obj);
else {
// fast
len = obj.length;
for (i = 0; i < len; i++) {
if(i in obj) {, obj[i], i, obj);
else {
// for each an object
for (i in obj) {, get(obj,i), i, obj);
function Class(/*Function*/superclass, /*Object*/properties, /*Object*/classProperties) {
// summary:
// A safe class constructor
// superclass:
// There may be zero or more superclass arguments. The constructed class
// will inherit from any provided superclasses, protypically from the first,
// via mixin for the subsequent. Later arguments
// will override properties/methods from earlier arguments
// properties:
// The constructed
// "class" will also have the methods/properties defined in this argument.
// These methods may utilize the <em>this</em> operator, and they
// are only the code that has access to <em>this</em>. Inner functions
// are also prohibited from using <em>this</em>.
// If no superclasses are provided, this object will be the prototype of the
// constructed class (no copying
// will be done). Consequently you can "beget" by calling new (Class(obj)).
// All methods are "bound", each call results in |this| safety checking call.
// classProperties:
// This properties will be copied to the new class function.
// Note that neither dojo.declare nor dojo.extend are acceptable class constructors as
// they are completely unsecure. This class constructor is conceptually based on declare
// but also somewhat influenced by base2, prototype, YUI, resig's patterns, etc.
// example:
// | var Car = Class({drive:function(speed) { ... } ); // create a Car class with a "drive" method
// | var FastCar = Class(Car,{driveFast: function(speed) { return * speed); } }); // create a FastCar that extends Car
// | var fastCar = new FastCar; // instantiate
// | fastCar.driveFast(50); // call a method
// | var driveFast = fastCar.driveFast;
// | var driveFast(50); // this will throw an error, the method can be used with an object that is not an instance of FastCar
var proto,superConstructor,ourConstructor;
var arg;
for (var i = 0, l = arguments.length; typeof (arg = arguments[i]) == 'function' && i < l; i++) {
// go through each superclass argument
if(proto) { // we have a prototype now, we must mixin now
else {
// this is the first argument, so we can define the prototype ourselves
// link up the prototype chain to the superclass's prototype, so we are a subtype
superConstructor = arg;
var F = function() {};
F.prototype = arg.prototype;
proto = new F;
if(arg) { // the next object should be the properties
// apply binding checking on all the functions
for (var j in arg) {
// TODO: check on non-enumerables?
var value = arg[j];
if(typeof value == 'function') {
arg[j] = function() {
if(this instanceof Class){
return arguments.callee.__rawMethod__.apply(this,arguments);
throw new Error("Method called on wrong object");
arg[j].__rawMethod__ = value; // may want to use this for reconstruction and toString,valueOf
if(arg.hasOwnProperty('constructor')) {
ourConstructor = arg.constructor;
proto = proto ? mixin(proto,arg) : arg; // if there is no proto yet, we can use the provided object
function Class() {
// the super class may not have been constructed using the same technique, we will just call the constructor
mixin(Class,arguments[i]); // the optional second object adds properties to the class
proto.constructor = Class;
Class.prototype = proto;
return Class;
function checkString(func){
if(typeof func != 'function') {
throw new Error("String is not allowed in setTimeout/setInterval");
function setTimeout(func,time) {
// sandboxed setTimeout
return oldTimeout(func,time);
function setInterval(func,time) {
// sandboxed setInterval
return oldInterval(func,time);
function evaluate(script){
// sandboxed eval
return wrap.evaluate(script);
var load = wrap.load = function(url){
// provides a loader function for the sandbox
if (url.match(/^[\w\s]*:/)){
throw new Error("Access denied to cross-site requests");
return xhrGet({url:(new dojo._Url(wrap.rootUrl,url))+'',secure:true});
wrap.evaluate = function(script){
//if(!alreadyValidated) {,safeCalls, // the safe dojo library and standard operators
{document:1,element:1}); // these are secured DOM starting points
if(script.match(/^\s*[\[\{]/)) {
var result = eval('(' + script + ')');
// TODO: call render on result?
else {
//eval('wrap.evaluate=('+arguments.callee.toString()+')'); // yeah, recursive scoping;
return /*===== dojo.declare("", null, =====*/ { //
loadJS : function(url){
// summary:
// Loads the script from the given URL using XHR (assuming
// a plugin system is in place for cross-site requests) within the sandbox
// url:
// The url of the script to load
wrap.rootUrl = url;
return xhrGet({url:url,secure:true}).addCallback(function(result) {
evaluate(result,element /*If we get the results with a secure proxy, we would call put true here */);
loadHTML : function(url){
// summary:
// Loads the web page from the provided URL using XHR (assuming the
// plugin system is in place) within the sandbox. All scripts within the web
// page will also be sandboxed.
// url:
// The url of the web page to load
wrap.rootUrl = url;
return xhrGet({url:url,secure:true}).addCallback(function(result){
element.innerHTML = result;
evaluate : function(script){
// summary:
// Evaluates the given script within the sandbox
// script:
// The JavaScript text to evaluate
return wrap.evaluate(script);
// TODO: could add something for pre-validated scripts
}/*===== ) =====*/;
})(); = function(element,wrap) {
// Creates a safe subset of Dojo core library
var safeFunctions = ["mixin","require","isString","isArray","isFunction","isObject","isArrayLike","isAlien",
//var domFunctions = ["clone","byId"];
var doc = element.ownerDocument;
var unwrap =;
dojo.NodeList.prototype.addContent.safetyCheck = function(content){
}; = function(name,value){
throw new Error("Can not set behavior");
dojo.NodeList.prototype.attr.safetyCheck = function(name,value){
if (value && (name == 'src' || name == 'href' || name=='style')){
throw new Error("Illegal to set " + name);
var safe = {
query : function(query,root) {
return wrap(dojo.query(query,unwrap(root || element))); // wrap the NodeList
connect: function(el,event) {
var obj = el;
arguments[0] = unwrap(el);
if(obj!=arguments[0] && event.substring(0,2) != 'on'){
// it is probably an element, and it doesn't look like an event handler, probably not safe
throw new Error("Invalid event name for element");
return dojo.connect.apply(dojo,arguments);
body : function() {
return element;
byId : function(id) {
return element.ownerDocument.getElementById(id); // use the safe document
fromJson : function(str) {
// make sure it is safe before passing it to the unsafe dojo.fromJson,[],{});
return dojo.fromJson(str);
for (var i = 0; i < safeFunctions.length; i++) {
safe[safeFunctions[i]] = dojo[safeFunctions[i]];
return safe;