You cannot select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

392 lines
12 KiB

dojo.declare("dijit.form._FormMixin", null,
// summary:
// Mixin for containers of form widgets (i.e. widgets that represent a single value
// and can be children of a <form> node or dijit.form.Form widget)
// description:
// Can extract all the form widgets
// values and combine them into a single javascript object, or alternately
// take such an object and set the values for all the contained
// form widgets
// value: Object
// Name/value hash for each form element.
// If there are multiple elements w/the same name, value is an array,
// unless they are radio buttons in which case value is a scalar since only
// one can be checked at a time.
// If the name is a dot separated list (like a.b.c.d), it's a nested structure.
// Only works on widget form elements.
// example:
// | { name: "John Smith", interests: ["sports", "movies"] }
// TODO:
// * Repeater
// * better handling for arrays. Often form elements have names with [] like
// * people[3].sex (for a list of people [{name: Bill, sex: M}, ...])
reset: function(){
dojo.forEach(this.getDescendants(), function(widget){
validate: function(){
// summary: returns if the form is valid - same as isValid - but
// provides a few additional (ui-specific) features.
// 1 - it will highlight any sub-widgets that are not
// valid
// 2 - it will call focus() on the first invalid
// sub-widget
var didFocus = false;
return dojo.every(, function(widget){
// Need to set this so that "required" widgets get their
// state set.
widget._hasBeenBlurred = true;
var valid = widget.disabled || !widget.validate || widget.validate();
if (!valid && !didFocus) {
// Set focus of the first non-valid widget
didFocus = true;
return valid;
}), function(item) { return item; });
setValues: function(val){
dojo.deprecated(this.declaredClass+"::setValues() is deprecated. Use attr('value', val) instead.", "", "2.0");
return this.attr('value', val);
_setValueAttr: function(/*object*/obj){
// summary: Fill in form values from according to an Object (in the format returned by attr('value'))
// generate map from name --> [list of widgets with that name]
var map = { };
dojo.forEach(this.getDescendants(), function(widget){
if(!{ return; }
var entry = map[] || (map[] = [] );
for(var name in map){
var widgets = map[name], // array of widgets w/this name
values = dojo.getObject(name, false, obj); // list of values for those widgets
values = [ values ];
if(typeof widgets[0].checked == 'boolean'){
// for checkbox/radio, values is a list of which widgets should be checked
dojo.forEach(widgets, function(w, i){
w.attr('value', dojo.indexOf(values, w.value) != -1);
}else if(widgets[0]._multiValue){
// it takes an array (e.g. multi-select)
widgets[0].attr('value', values);
// otherwise, values is a list of values to be assigned sequentially to each widget
dojo.forEach(widgets, function(w, i){
w.attr('value', values[i]);
* TODO: code for plain input boxes (this shouldn't run for inputs that are part of widgets)
dojo.forEach(this.containerNode.elements, function(element){
if ( == ''){return}; // like "continue"
var namePath =".");
var myObj=obj;
var name=namePath[namePath.length-1];
for(var j=1,len2=namePath.length;j<len2;++j){
var p=namePath[j - 1];
// repeater support block
var nameA=p.split("[");
if (nameA.length > 1){
if(typeof(myObj[nameA[0]]) == "undefined"){
myObj[nameA[0]]=[ ];
} // if
if(typeof(myObj[nameA[0]][nameIndex]) == "undefined"){
myObj[nameA[0]][nameIndex] = { };
} // repeater support ends
if(typeof(myObj[p]) == "undefined"){
if (typeof(myObj) == "undefined"){
return; // like "continue"
if (typeof(myObj[name]) == "undefined" && this.ignoreNullValues){
return; // like "continue"
// TODO: widget values (just call attr('value', ...) on the widget)
case "checkbox":
element.checked = (name in myObj) &&
dojo.some(myObj[name], function(val){ return val==element.value; });
case "radio":
element.checked = (name in myObj) && myObj[name]==element.value;
case "select-multiple":
dojo.forEach(element.options, function(option){
option.selected = dojo.some(myObj[name], function(val){ return option.value == val; });
case "select-one":
dojo.forEach(element.options, function(option){
option.selected = option.value == myObj[name];
case "hidden":
case "text":
case "textarea":
case "password":
element.value = myObj[name] || "";
getValues: function(){
dojo.deprecated(this.declaredClass+"::getValues() is deprecated. Use attr('value') instead.", "", "2.0");
return this.attr('value');
_getValueAttr: function(){
// summary:
// Returns Object representing form values.
// description:
// Returns name/value hash for each form element.
// If there are multiple elements w/the same name, value is an array,
// unless they are radio buttons in which case value is a scalar since only
// one can be checked at a time.
// If the name is a dot separated list (like a.b.c.d), creates a nested structure.
// Only works on widget form elements.
// example:
// | { name: "John Smith", interests: ["sports", "movies"] }
// get widget values
var obj = { };
dojo.forEach(this.getDescendants(), function(widget){
var name =;
if(!name||widget.disabled){ return; }
// Single value widget (checkbox, radio, or plain <input> type widget
var value = widget.attr('value');
// Store widget's value(s) as a scalar, except for checkboxes which are automatically arrays
if(typeof widget.checked == 'boolean'){
// radio button
if(value !== false){
dojo.setObject(name, value, obj);
// give radio widgets a default of null
value = dojo.getObject(name, false, obj);
if(value === undefined){
dojo.setObject(name, null, obj);
// checkbox/toggle button
var ary=dojo.getObject(name, false, obj);
dojo.setObject(name, ary, obj);
if(value !== false){
// plain input
dojo.setObject(name, value, obj);
* code for plain input boxes (see also dojo.formToObject, can we use that instead of this code?
* but it doesn't understand [] notation, presumably)
var obj = { };
dojo.forEach(this.containerNode.elements, function(elm){
if (! {
return; // like "continue"
var namePath =".");
var myObj=obj;
var name=namePath[namePath.length-1];
for(var j=1,len2=namePath.length;j<len2;++j){
var nameIndex = null;
var p=namePath[j - 1];
var nameA=p.split("[");
if (nameA.length > 1){
if(typeof(myObj[nameA[0]]) == "undefined"){
myObj[nameA[0]]=[ ];
} // if
if(typeof(myObj[nameA[0]][nameIndex]) == "undefined"){
myObj[nameA[0]][nameIndex] = { };
} else if(typeof(myObj[nameA[0]]) == "undefined"){
myObj[nameA[0]] = { }
} // if
if (nameA.length == 1){
} else{
} // if
} // for
if ((elm.type != "select-multiple" && elm.type != "checkbox" && elm.type != "radio") || (elm.type=="radio" && elm.checked)){
if(name == name.split("[")[0]){
} else{
// can not set value when there is no name
} else if (elm.type == "checkbox" && elm.checked){
if(typeof(myObj[name]) == 'undefined'){
myObj[name]=[ ];
} else if (elm.type == "select-multiple"){
if(typeof(myObj[name]) == 'undefined'){
myObj[name]=[ ];
for (var jdx=0,len3=elm.options.length; jdx<len3; ++jdx){
if (elm.options[jdx].selected){
} // if
}); // forEach
return obj;
// TODO: ComboBox might need time to process a recently input value. This should be async?
isValid: function(){
// summary:
// Returns true if all of the widgets are valid
// This also populate this._invalidWidgets[] array with list of invalid widgets...
// TODO: put that into separate function? It's confusing to have that as a side effect
// of a method named isValid().
this._invalidWidgets = dojo.filter(this.getDescendants(), function(widget){
return !widget.disabled && widget.isValid && !widget.isValid();
return !this._invalidWidgets.length;
onValidStateChange: function(isValid){
// summary:
// Stub function to connect to if you want to do something
// (like disable/enable a submit button) when the valid
// state changes on the form as a whole.
_widgetChange: function(widget){
// summary:
// Connected to a widget's onChange function - update our
// valid state, if needed.
var isValid = this._lastValidState;
if(!widget || this._lastValidState===undefined){
// We have passed a null widget, or we haven't been validated
// yet - let's re-check all our children
// This happens when we connect (or reconnect) our children
isValid = this.isValid();
// Set this so that we don't fire an onValidStateChange
// the first time
this._lastValidState = isValid;
}else if(widget.isValid){
this._invalidWidgets = dojo.filter(this._invalidWidgets||[], function(w){
return (w != widget);
}, this);
if(!widget.isValid() && !widget.attr("disabled")){
isValid = (this._invalidWidgets.length === 0);
if (isValid !== this._lastValidState){
this._lastValidState = isValid;
connectChildren: function(){
// summary:
// Connects to the onChange function of all children to
// track valid state changes. You can call this function
// directly, ex. in the event that you programmatically
// add a widget to the form *after* the form has been
// initialized.
dojo.forEach(this._changeConnections, dojo.hitch(this, "disconnect"));
var _this = this;
// we connect to validate - so that it better reflects the states
// of the widgets - also, we only connect if it has a validate
// function (to avoid too many unneeded connections)
var conns = this._changeConnections = [];
function(item){ return item.validate; }
// We are interested in whenever the widget is validated - or
// whenever the disabled attribute on that widget is changed
conns.push(_this.connect(widget, "validate",
dojo.hitch(_this, "_widgetChange", widget)));
conns.push(_this.connect(widget, "_setDisabledAttr",
dojo.hitch(_this, "_widgetChange", widget)));
// Call the widget change function to update the valid state, in
// case something is different now.
startup: function(){
// Initialize our valid state tracking. Needs to be done in startup
// because it's not guaranteed that our children are initialized
// yet.
this._changeConnections = [];