Markus Warg 8398c9048d initially import ZendFramework-1.9.5 into repository
code was modified slightly, so the code differs from the original downloadable 1.9.5 version
2010-03-31 10:12:32 +02:00

356 lines
12 KiB

Status: dont know where this will all live exactly
Need to pull in the implementation of the various helper methods
Some can be static method, others maybe methods of the ContentSetter (?)
Gut the ContentPane, replace its _setContent with our own call to dojox.html.set()
(function() {
var alphaImageLoader = /(AlphaImageLoader\([^)]*?src=(['"]))(?![a-z]+:|\/)([^\r\n;}]+?)(\2[^)]*\)\s*[;}]?)/g;
// css at-rules must be set before any css declarations according to CSS spec
// match:
// @import '';
// @import 'you/never/thought/' print;
// @import url("it/would/work") tv, screen;
// @import url(/did/you/now.css);
// but not:
// @namespace dojo ""; /* namespace URL should always be a absolute URI */
// @charset 'utf-8';
// @media print{ #menuRoot {display:none;} }
// we adjust all paths that dont start on '/' or contains ':'
var cssPaths = /(?:(?:@import\s*(['"])(?![a-z]+:|\/)([^\r\n;{]+?)\1)|url\(\s*(['"]?)(?![a-z]+:|\/)([^\r\n;]+?)\3\s*\))([a-z, \s]*[;}]?)/g;
var adjustCssPaths = dojox.html._adjustCssPaths = function(cssUrl, cssText){
// summary:
// adjusts relative paths in cssText to be relative to cssUrl
// a path is considered relative if it doesn't start with '/' and not contains ':'
// description:
// Say we fetch a HTML page from level1/page.html
// It has some inline CSS:
// @import "css/page.css" tv, screen;
// ...
// background-image: url(images/aplhaimage.png);
// as we fetched this HTML and therefore this CSS
// from level1/page.html, these paths needs to be adjusted to:
// @import 'level1/css/page.css' tv, screen;
// ...
// background-image: url(level1/images/alphaimage.png);
// In IE it will also adjust relative paths in AlphaImageLoader()
// filter:progid:DXImageTransform.Microsoft.AlphaImageLoader(src='images/alphaimage.png');
// will be adjusted to:
// filter:progid:DXImageTransform.Microsoft.AlphaImageLoader(src='level1/images/alphaimage.png');
// Please note that any relative paths in AlphaImageLoader in external css files wont work, as
// the paths in AlphaImageLoader is MUST be declared relative to the HTML page,
// not relative to the CSS file that declares it
if(!cssText || !cssUrl){ return; }
// support the ImageAlphaFilter if it exists, most people use it in IE 6 for transparent PNGs
// We are NOT going to kill it in IE 7 just because the PNGs work there. Somebody might have
// other uses for it.
// If user want to disable css filter in IE6 he/she should
// unset filter in a declaration that just IE 6 doesn't understands
// like * > .myselector { filter:none; }
cssText = cssText.replace(alphaImageLoader, function(ignore, pre, delim, url, post){
return pre + (new dojo._Url(cssUrl, './'+url).toString()) + post;
return cssText.replace(cssPaths, function(ignore, delimStr, strUrl, delimUrl, urlUrl, media){
return '@import "' + (new dojo._Url(cssUrl, './'+strUrl).toString()) + '"' + media;
return 'url(' + (new dojo._Url(cssUrl, './'+urlUrl).toString()) + ')' + media;
// attributepaths one tag can have multiple paths, example:
// <input src="..." style="url(..)"/> or <a style="url(..)" href="..">
// <img style='filter:progid...AlphaImageLoader(src="noticeTheSrcHereRunsThroughHtmlSrc")' src="img">
var htmlAttrPaths = /(<[a-z][a-z0-9]*\s[^>]*)(?:(href|src)=(['"]?)([^>]*?)\3|style=(['"]?)([^>]*?)\5)([^>]*>)/gi;
var adjustHtmlPaths = dojox.html._adjustHtmlPaths = function(htmlUrl, cont){
var url = htmlUrl || "./";
return cont.replace(htmlAttrPaths,
function(tag, start, name, delim, relUrl, delim2, cssText, end){
return start + (name ?
(name + '=' + delim + (new dojo._Url(url, relUrl).toString()) + delim)
: ('style=' + delim2 + adjustCssPaths(url, cssText) + delim2)
) + end;
var snarfStyles = dojox.html._snarfStyles = function (/*String*/cssUrl, /*String*/cont, /*Array*/styles){
/**************** cut out all <style> and <link rel="stylesheet" href=".."> **************/
// also return any attributes from this tag (might be a media attribute)
// if cssUrl is set it will adjust paths accordingly
styles.attributes = [];
return cont.replace(/(?:<style([^>]*)>([\s\S]*?)<\/style>|<link\s+(?=[^>]*rel=['"]?stylesheet)([^>]*?href=(['"])([^>]*?)\4[^>\/]*)\/?>)/gi,
function(ignore, styleAttr, cssText, linkAttr, delim, href){
// trim attribute
var i, attr = (styleAttr||linkAttr||"").replace(/^\s*([\s\S]*?)\s*$/i, "$1");
i = styles.push(cssUrl ? adjustCssPaths(cssUrl, cssText) : cssText);
i = styles.push('@import "' + href + '";');
attr = attr.replace(/\s*(?:rel|href)=(['"])?[^\s]*\1\s*/gi, ""); // remove rel=... and href=...
attr = attr.split(/\s+/);// split on both "\n", "\t", " " etc
var atObj = {}, tmp;
for(var j = 0, e = attr.length; j < e; j++){
tmp = attr[j].split('='); // split name='value'
atObj[tmp[0]] = tmp[1].replace(/^\s*['"]?([\s\S]*?)['"]?\s*$/, "$1"); // trim and remove ''
styles.attributes[i - 1] = atObj;
return ""; // squelsh the <style> or <link>
var snarfScripts = dojox.html._snarfScripts = function(cont, byRef){
// summary
// strips out script tags from cont
// invoke with
// byRef = {errBack:function(){/*add your download error code here*/, downloadRemote: true(default false)}}
// byRef will have {code: 'jscode'} when this scope leaves
byRef.code = "";
function download(src){
// console.debug('downloading',src);
url: src,
sync: true,
load: function(code){
byRef.code += code+";";
error: byRef.errBack
// match <script>, <script type="text/..., but not <script type="dojo(/method)...
return cont.replace(/<script\s*(?![^>]*type=['"]?dojo)(?:[^>]*?(?:src=(['"]?)([^>]*?)\1[^>]*)?)*>([\s\S]*?)<\/script>/gi,
function(ignore, delim, src, code){
byRef.code += code;
return "";
var evalInGlobal = dojox.html.evalInGlobal = function(code, appendNode){
// we do our own eval here as dojo.eval doesn't eval in global crossbrowser
// This work X browser but but it relies on a DOM
// plus it doesn't return anything, thats unrelevant here but not for dojo core
appendNode = appendNode || dojo.doc.body;
var n = appendNode.ownerDocument.createElement('script');
n.type = "text/javascript";
n.text = code; // DOM 1 says this should work
dojo.declare("dojox.html._ContentSetter", [dojo.html._ContentSetter], {
// adjustPaths: Boolean
// Adjust relative paths in html string content to point to this page
// Only useful if you grab content from a another folder than the current one
adjustPaths: false,
referencePath: ".",
renderStyles: false,
executeScripts: false,
scriptHasHooks: false,
scriptHookReplacement: null,
_renderStyles: function(styles){
// insert css from content into document head
this._styleNodes = [];
var st, att, cssText, doc = this.node.ownerDocument;
var head = doc.getElementsByTagName('head')[0];
for(var i = 0, e = styles.length; i < e; i++){
cssText = styles[i]; att = styles.attributes[i];
st = doc.createElement('style');
st.setAttribute("type", "text/css"); // this is required in CSS spec!
for(var x in att){
st.setAttribute(x, att[x]);
head.appendChild(st); // must insert into DOM before setting cssText
if(st.styleSheet){ // IE
st.styleSheet.cssText = cssText;
}else{ // w3c
empty: function() {
this.inherited("empty", arguments);
// empty out the styles array from any previous use
this._styles = [];
onBegin: function() {
// summary
// Called after instantiation, but before set();
// It allows modification of any of the object properties - including the node and content
// provided - before the set operation actually takes place
// This implementation extends that of dojo.html._ContentSetter
// to add handling for adjustPaths, renderStyles on the html string content before it is set
this.inherited("onBegin", arguments);
var cont = this.content,
node = this.node;
var styles = this._styles;// init vars
if(this.adjustPaths && this.referencePath){
cont = adjustHtmlPaths(this.referencePath, cont);
if(this.renderStyles || this.cleanContent){
cont = snarfStyles(this.referencePath, cont, styles);
// because of a bug in IE, script tags that is first in html hierarchy doesnt make it into the DOM
// when content is innerHTML'ed, so we can't use dojo.query to retrieve scripts from DOM
var _t = this;
var byRef = {
downloadRemote: true,
errBack:function(e){, 'Exec', 'Error downloading remote script in "''"', e);
cont = snarfScripts(cont, byRef);
this._code = byRef.code;
this.content = cont;
onEnd: function() {
// summary
// Called after set(), when the new content has been pushed into the node
// It provides an opportunity for post-processing before handing back the node to the caller
// This implementation extends that of dojo.html._ContentSetter
var code = this._code,
styles = this._styles;
// clear old stylenodes from the DOM
// these were added by the last set call
// (in other words, if you dont keep and reuse the ContentSetter for a particular node
// .. you'll have no practical way to do this)
if(this._styleNodes && this._styleNodes.length){
// render new style nodes
if(this.renderStyles && styles && styles.length){
if(this.executeScripts && code){
// clean JS from html comments and other crap that browser
// parser takes care of in a normal page load
code = code.replace(/(<!--|(?:\/\/)?-->|<!\[CDATA\[|\]\]>)/g, '');
// replace _container_ with this.scriptHookReplace()
// the scriptHookReplacement can be a string
// or a function, which when invoked returns the string you want to substitute in
code = code.replace(/_container_(?!\s*=[^=])/g, this.scriptHookReplacement);
evalInGlobal(code, this.node);
this._onError('Exec', 'Error eval script in '', '+e.message, e);
this.inherited("onEnd", arguments);
tearDown: function() {
delete this._styles;
// only tear down -or another set() - will explicitly throw away the
// references to the style nodes we added
if(this._styleNodes && this._styleNodes.length){
delete this._styleNodes;
// reset the defaults from the prototype
dojo.mixin(this, dojo.getObject(this.declaredClass).prototype);
dojox.html.set = function(/* DomNode */ node, /* String|DomNode|NodeList */ cont, /* Object? */ params){
// TODO: add all the other options
// summary:
// inserts (replaces) the given content into the given node
// node:
// the parent element that will receive the content
// cont:
// the content to be set on the parent element.
// This can be an html string, a node reference or a NodeList, dojo.NodeList, Array or other enumerable list of nodes
// params:
// Optional flags/properties to configure the content-setting. See dojo.html._ContentSetter
// example:
// A safe string/node/nodelist content replacement/injection with hooks for extension
// Example Usage:
// dojo.html.set(node, "some string");
// dojo.html.set(node, contentNode, {options});
// dojo.html.set(node, myNode.childNodes, {options});
// simple and fast
return dojo.html._setNodeContent(node, cont, true);
// more options but slower
var op = new dojox.html._ContentSetter(dojo.mixin(
{ content: cont, node: node }
return op.set();