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phpSettings.display_startup_errors = 1
phpSettings.display_errors = 1
includePaths.library = LIBRARY_PATH
bootstrap.path = APPLICATION_PATH "/Bootstrap.php"
bootstrap.class = "Bootstrap"
resources.frontController.controllerDirectory = APPLICATION_PATH "/controllers"
resources.frontController.noViewRenderer = 0
resources.frontController.noErrorHandler = 0
resources.frontController.useDefaultControllerAlways = 0
resources.layout.layoutPath = APPLICATION_PATH "/layouts/scripts"
resources.view[] =
autoloadernamespaces.0 = "CAcert_"
; Database settings for Session DB
ca_mgr.db.session.pdo = "Pdo_Mysql"
ca_mgr.db.session.autocleanup = 1 = "localhost"
ca_mgr.db.session.username = "ca_mgr"
ca_mgr.db.session.password = "jsdfhsd47534hsdf7"
ca_mgr.db.session.dbname = "ca_mgr"
; Database settings for Auth DB (CACert User Table)
ca_mgr.db.auth.pdo = "Pdo_Mysql" = ""
ca_mgr.db.auth.username = "ca_mgr"
ca_mgr.db.auth.password = "6348Jhfge(3457H5Kse"
ca_mgr.db.auth.dbname = "cacert"
ca_mgr.db.auth.tablename = "users"
; Database settings for Auth DB (Manager User Table)
ca_mgr.db.auth2.pdo = "Pdo_Mysql" = "localhost"
ca_mgr.db.auth2.username = "ca_mgr"
ca_mgr.db.auth2.password = "jsdfhsd47534hsdf7"
ca_mgr.db.auth2.dbname = "ca_mgr"
ca_mgr.db.auth2.tablename = "system_user"
; Database settings for Config DB (access to system_config and dnssecme data tables)
ca_mgr.db.config.pdo = "Pdo_Mysql" = "localhost"
ca_mgr.db.config.username = "ca_mgr"
ca_mgr.db.config.password = "jsdfhsd47534hsdf7"
ca_mgr.db.config.dbname = "ca_mgr"
; Application name for logger
log.application = "web"
[staging : production]
[testing : production]
phpSettings.display_startup_errors = 1
phpSettings.display_errors = 1
[development : production]
phpSettings.display_startup_errors = 1
phpSettings.display_errors = 1