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* Zend Framework
* This source file is subject to the new BSD license that is bundled
* with this package in the file LICENSE.txt.
* It is also available through the world-wide-web at this URL:
* If you did not receive a copy of the license and are unable to
* obtain it through the world-wide-web, please send an email
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* @category Zend
* @package Zend_Application
* @subpackage UnitTests
* @copyright Copyright (c) 2005-2009 Zend Technologies USA Inc. (
* @license New BSD License
* @version $Id: BootstrapTest.php 17802 2009-08-24 21:15:12Z matthew $
if (!defined('PHPUnit_MAIN_METHOD')) {
define('PHPUnit_MAIN_METHOD', 'Zend_Application_Module_BootstrapTest::main');
* Test helper
require_once dirname(__FILE__) . '/../../../TestHelper.php';
* Zend_Loader_Autoloader
require_once 'Zend/Loader/Autoloader.php';
* @category Zend
* @package Zend_Application
* @subpackage UnitTests
* @copyright Copyright (c) 2005-2009 Zend Technologies USA Inc. (
* @license New BSD License
* @group Zend_Application
class Zend_Application_Module_BootstrapTest extends PHPUnit_Framework_TestCase
public static function main()
$suite = new PHPUnit_Framework_TestSuite(__CLASS__);
$result = PHPUnit_TextUI_TestRunner::run($suite);
public function setUp()
// Store original autoloaders
$this->loaders = spl_autoload_functions();
if (!is_array($this->loaders)) {
// spl_autoload_functions does not return empty array when no
// autoloaders registered...
$this->loaders = array();
$this->autoloader = Zend_Loader_Autoloader::getInstance();
$this->application = new Zend_Application('testing');
public function tearDown()
// Restore original autoloaders
$loaders = spl_autoload_functions();
foreach ($loaders as $loader) {
foreach ($this->loaders as $loader) {
// Reset autoloader instance so it doesn't affect other tests
public function testConstructorShouldInitializeModuleResourceLoaderWithModulePrefix()
require_once dirname(__FILE__) . '/../_files/ZfModuleBootstrap.php';
$bootstrap = new ZfModule_Bootstrap($this->application);
$module = $bootstrap->getModuleName();
$loader = $bootstrap->getResourceLoader();
$this->assertEquals($module, $loader->getNamespace());
public function testConstructorShouldAcceptResourceLoaderInOptions()
$loader = new Zend_Loader_Autoloader_Resource(array(
'namespace' => 'Foo',
'basePath' => dirname(__FILE__),
$this->application->setOptions(array('resourceLoader' => $loader));
require_once dirname(__FILE__) . '/../_files/ZfModuleBootstrap.php';
$bootstrap = new ZfModule_Bootstrap($this->application);
$this->assertSame($loader, $bootstrap->getResourceLoader(), var_export($bootstrap->getOptions(), 1));
public function testModuleNameShouldBeFirstSegmentOfClassName()
require_once dirname(__FILE__) . '/../_files/ZfModuleBootstrap.php';
$bootstrap = new ZfModule_Bootstrap($this->application);
$this->assertEquals('ZfModule', $bootstrap->getModuleName());
public function testShouldPullModuleNamespacedOptionsWhenPresent()
$options = array(
'foo' => 'bar',
'ZfModule' => array(
'foo' => 'baz',
require_once dirname(__FILE__) . '/../_files/ZfModuleBootstrap.php';
$bootstrap = new ZfModule_Bootstrap($this->application);
$this->assertEquals('baz', $bootstrap->foo);
* @group ZF-6545
public function testFrontControllerPluginResourceShouldBeRegistered()
require_once dirname(__FILE__) . '/../_files/ZfModuleBootstrap.php';
$bootstrap = new ZfModule_Bootstrap($this->application);
* @group ZF-6545
public function testFrontControllerStateRemainsSameIfNoOptionsPassedToModuleBootstrap()
require_once dirname(__FILE__) . '/../_files/ZfModuleBootstrap.php';
'resources' => array(
'frontController' => array(
'baseUrl' => '/foo',
'controllerDirectory' => dirname(__FILE__),
'bootstrap' => array(
'path' => dirname(__FILE__) . '/../_files/ZfAppBootstrap.php',
'class' => 'ZfAppBootstrap',
'ZfModule' => array(
'resources' => array(
'FrontController' => array(),
$appBootstrap = $this->application->getBootstrap();
$front = $appBootstrap->getResource('FrontController');
$bootstrap = new ZfModule_Bootstrap($appBootstrap);
$test = $bootstrap->getResource('FrontController');
$this->assertSame($front, $test);
$this->assertEquals('/foo', $test->getBaseUrl());
$this->assertEquals(dirname(__FILE__), $test->getControllerDirectory('default'));
* @group ZF-6545
public function testModuleBootstrapsShouldNotAcceptModuleResourceInOrderToPreventRecursion()
require_once dirname(__FILE__) . '/../_files/ZfModuleBootstrap.php';
'resources' => array(
'modules' => array(),
'frontController' => array(
'baseUrl' => '/foo',
'moduleDirectory' => dirname(__FILE__) . '/../_files/modules',
'bootstrap' => array(
'path' => dirname(__FILE__) . '/../_files/ZfAppBootstrap.php',
'class' => 'ZfAppBootstrap',
$appBootstrap = $this->application->getBootstrap();
$modules = $appBootstrap->getResource('Modules');
foreach ($modules as $module => $bootstrap) {
if ($module == 'default') {
// "default" module gets lumped in, and is not a Module_Bootstrap
$resources = $bootstrap->getPluginResourceNames();
* @group ZF-6567
public function testModuleBootstrapShouldInheritApplicationBootstrapPluginPaths()
require_once dirname(__FILE__) . '/../_files/ZfModuleBootstrap.php';
'resources' => array(
'modules' => array(),
'frontController' => array(
'baseUrl' => '/foo',
'moduleDirectory' => dirname(__FILE__) . '/../_files/modules',
'pluginPaths' => array(
'ZfModuleBootstrap_Resource' => dirname(__FILE__),
'bootstrap' => array(
'path' => dirname(__FILE__) . '/../_files/ZfAppBootstrap.php',
'class' => 'ZfAppBootstrap',
$appBootstrap = $this->application->getBootstrap();
$modules = $appBootstrap->getResource('Modules');
foreach ($modules as $bootstrap) {
$loader = $bootstrap->getPluginLoader();
$paths = $loader->getPaths();
$this->assertTrue(array_key_exists('ZfModuleBootstrap_Resource_', $paths));
if (PHPUnit_MAIN_METHOD == 'Zend_Application_Module_BootstrapTest::main') {