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# Script to dump weak RSA certs (Exponent 3 or Modulus size < 1024) according to
# and
# Extended to be used for
use strict;
use warnings;
use DBI;
my $cacert_db_config;
my $cacert_db_user;
my $cacert_db_password;
# Read database access data from the config file
eval `cat perl_mysql`;
my $dbh = DBI->connect($cacert_db_config, $cacert_db_user, $cacert_db_password, { RaiseError => 1, AutoCommit => 0 } ) || die "Cannot connect database: $DBI::errstr";
my $sth_certs;
my $sth_userdata;
my $cert_domid;
my $cert_userid;
my $cert_orgid;
my $cert_CN;
my $cert_expire;
my $cert_filename;
my $cert_serial;
my $cert_recid;
my $user_email;
my $user_firstname;
my $reason;
my $grace_time_days = 0; # 14 used for bug#918
my @row;
sub IsWeak($) {
my ($CertFileName) = @_;
my $ModulusSize = 0;
my $Exponent = 0;
my $result = 0;
# Code for Testing only! Hardcoding some filenames to fail the tests.
# if ($CertFileName eq '../crt/server/301/server-301988.crt' ||
# $CertFileName eq '../crt/client/258/client-258856.crt' ||
# $CertFileName eq '../crt/orgserver/2/orgserver-2635.crt' ||
# $CertFileName eq '../crt/orgclient/0/orgclient-808.crt') {
# return "Test";
# }
# Do key size and exponent checking for RSA keys
open(CERTTEXT, '-|', "openssl x509 -in $CertFileName -noout -text") || die "Cannot start openssl";
while (<CERTTEXT>) {
if (/^ +([^ ]+) Public Key:/) {
last if ($1 ne "RSA");
if (/^ +Modulus \((\d+) bit\)/) {
$ModulusSize = $1;
if (/^ +Exponent: (\d+)/) {
$Exponent = $1;
if ($ModulusSize > 0 && $Exponent > 0) {
if ($ModulusSize < 1024 || $Exponent==3) {
$result = "SmallKey";
if (!$result) {
# Check with openssl-vulnkey
# This is currently not tested, if you don't know what you are doing leave it commented!
if (system("openssl-vulnkey -q $CertFileName") != 0) {
$result = "openssl-vulnkey";
return $result;
# Select only certificates expiring in more than two weeks, since two weeks will probably be needed as turnaround time
# Get all domain certificates
$sth_certs = $dbh->prepare(
"SELECT `dc`.`domid`, `dc`.`CN`, `dc`.`expire`, `dc`.`crt_name`, `dc`.`serial`, `dc`.`id` ".
" FROM `domaincerts` AS `dc` ".
" WHERE `dc`.`revoked`=0 AND `dc`.`expire` > DATE_ADD(NOW(), INTERVAL $grace_time_days DAY)");
$sth_userdata = $dbh->prepare(
"SELECT `u`.`email`, `u`.`fname` ".
" FROM `domains` AS `d`, `users` AS `u` ".
" WHERE `d`.`memid`=`u`.`id` AND `d`.`id`=?");
while(($cert_domid, $cert_CN, $cert_expire, $cert_filename, $cert_serial, $cert_recid) = $sth_certs->fetchrow_array) {
if (-f $cert_filename) {
$reason = IsWeak($cert_filename);
if ($reason) {
($user_email, $user_firstname) = $sth_userdata->fetchrow_array();
print join("\t", ('DomainCert', $user_email, $user_firstname, $cert_expire, $cert_CN, $reason, $cert_serial, $cert_recid)). "\n";
# Get all email certificates
$sth_certs = $dbh->prepare(
"SELECT `ec`.`memid`, `ec`.`CN`, `ec`.`expire`, `ec`.`crt_name`, `ec`.`serial`, `ec`.`id` ".
" FROM `emailcerts` AS `ec` ".
" WHERE `ec`.`revoked`=0 AND `ec`.`expire` > DATE_ADD(NOW(), INTERVAL $grace_time_days DAY)");
$sth_userdata = $dbh->prepare(
"SELECT `u`.`email`, `u`.`fname` ".
" FROM `users` AS `u` ".
" WHERE `u`.`id`=?");
while(($cert_userid, $cert_CN, $cert_expire, $cert_filename, $cert_serial, $cert_recid) = $sth_certs->fetchrow_array) {
if (-f $cert_filename) {
$reason = IsWeak($cert_filename);
if ($reason) {
($user_email, $user_firstname) = $sth_userdata->fetchrow_array();
print join("\t", ('EmailCert', $user_email, $user_firstname, $cert_expire, $cert_CN, $reason, $cert_serial, $cert_recid)). "\n";
# Get all Org Server certificates, notify all admins of the Org!
$sth_certs = $dbh->prepare(
"SELECT `dc`.`orgid`, `dc`.`CN`, `dc`.`expire`, `dc`.`crt_name`, `dc`.`serial`, `dc`.`id` ".
" FROM `orgdomaincerts` AS `dc` ".
" WHERE `dc`.`revoked`=0 AND `dc`.`expire` > DATE_ADD(NOW(), INTERVAL $grace_time_days DAY)");
$sth_userdata = $dbh->prepare(
"SELECT `u`.`email`, `u`.`fname` ".
" FROM `users` AS `u`, `org` ".
" WHERE `u`.`id`=`org`.`memid` and `org`.`orgid`=?");
while(($cert_orgid, $cert_CN, $cert_expire, $cert_filename, $cert_serial, $cert_recid) = $sth_certs->fetchrow_array) {
if (-f $cert_filename) {
$reason = IsWeak($cert_filename);
if ($reason) {
while(($user_email, $user_firstname) = $sth_userdata->fetchrow_array()) {
print join("\t", ('OrgServerCert', $user_email, $user_firstname, $cert_expire, $cert_CN, $reason, $cert_serial, $cert_recid)). "\n";
# Get all Org Email certificates, notify all admins of the Org!
$sth_certs = $dbh->prepare(
"SELECT `ec`.`orgid`, `ec`.`CN`, `ec`.`expire`, `ec`.`crt_name`, `ec`.`serial`, `ec`.`id` ".
" FROM `orgemailcerts` AS `ec` ".
" WHERE `ec`.`revoked`=0 AND `ec`.`expire` > DATE_ADD(NOW(), INTERVAL $grace_time_days DAY)");
$sth_userdata = $dbh->prepare(
"SELECT `u`.`email`, `u`.`fname` ".
" FROM `users` AS `u`, `org` ".
" WHERE `u`.`id`=`org`.`memid` and `org`.`orgid`=?");
while(($cert_orgid, $cert_CN, $cert_expire, $cert_filename, $cert_serial, $cert_recid) = $sth_certs->fetchrow_array) {
if (-f $cert_filename) {
$reason = IsWeak($cert_filename);
if ($reason) {
while(($user_email, $user_firstname) = $sth_userdata->fetchrow_array()) {
print join("\t", ('OrgEmailCert', $user_email, $user_firstname, $cert_expire, $cert_CN, $reason, $cert_serial, $cert_recid)). "\n";