diff --git a/www/policy/CAcertCommunityAgreement.php b/www/policy/CAcertCommunityAgreement.php new file mode 100644 index 0000000..4725355 --- /dev/null +++ b/www/policy/CAcertCommunityAgreement.php @@ -0,0 +1,512 @@ + + + +CAcert Community Agreement + + + + + +

0. Introduction

+ +

+This agreement is between +you, being a registered member ("Member") +within CAcert's community at large ("Community") +and CAcert Incorporated ("CAcert"), +being an operator of services to the Community. +

+ +

0.1 Terms

  1. + "CAcert" + means CAcert Inc., + a non-profit Association of Members incorporated in + New South Wales, Australia. + Note that Association Members are distinct from + the Members defined here. +
  2. + "Member" + means you, a registered participant within CAcert's Community, + with an account on the website and the + facility to request certificates. + Members may be individuals ("natural persons") + or organisations ("legal persons"). +
  3. + "Organisation" + is defined under the Organisation Assurance programme, + and generally includes corporations and other entities + that become Members and become Assured. +
  4. + "Community" + means all of the Members + that are registered by this agreement + and other parties by other agreements, + all being under CAcert's Arbitration. +
  5. + "Non-Related Person" ("NRP"), + being someone who is not a + Member, is not part of the Community, + and has not registered their agreement. + Such people are offered the NRP-DaL + another agreement allowing the USE of certificates. +
  6. + "Non-Related Persons - Disclaimer and Licence" ("NRP-DaL"), + another agreement that is offered to persons outside the + Community. +
  7. + "Arbitration" + is the Community's forum for + resolving disputes, or jurisdiction. +
  8. + "Dispute Resolution Policy" ("DRP" => COD7) + is the policy and + rules for resolving disputes. +
  9. + "USE" + means the act by your software + to conduct its tasks, incorporating + the certificates according to software procedures. +
  10. + "RELY" + means your human act in taking on a + risk and liability on the basis of the claim(s) + bound within a certificate. +
  11. + "OFFER" + means the your act + of making available your certificate to another person. + Generally, you install and configure your software + to act as your agent and facilite this and other tasks. + OFFER does not imply suggestion of reliance. +
  12. + "Issue" + means creation of a certificate by CAcert. + To create a certificate, + CAcert affixes a digital signature from the root + onto a public key and other information. + This act would generally bind a statement or claim, + such as your name, to your key. +
  13. + "Root" + means CAcert's top level key, + used for signing certificates for Members. + In this document, the term includes any subroots. +
  14. + "CAcert Official Document" ("COD" => COD3) + in a standard format for describing the details of + operation and governance essential to a certificate authority. + Changes are managed and controlled. + CODs define more technical terms. + See 4.2 for listing of relevant CODs. +
  15. + "Certification Practice Statement" ("CPS" => COD6) + is the document that controls details + about operational matters within CAcert. +
+ + +

1. Agreement and Licence

+ +

1.1 Agreement

+ +

+You and CAcert both agree to the terms and conditions +in this agreement. +Your agreement is given by any of +

+ + + +

+Your agreement +is effective from the date of the first event above +that makes this agreement known to you. +This Agreement +replaces and supercedes prior agreements, +including the NRP-DaL. +

+ + +

1.2 Licence

+ +

+As part of the Community, CAcert offers you these rights: +

+ +
  1. + You may USE any certificates issued by CAcert. +
  2. + You may RELY on any certificate issued by CAcert, + as explained and limited by CPS (COD6). +
  3. + You may OFFER certificates issued to you by CAcert + to Members for their RELIANCE. +
  4. + You may OFFER certificates issued to you by CAcert + to NRPs for their USE, within the general principles + of the Community. +
  5. + This Licence is free of cost, + non-exclusive, and non-transferrable. +
+ +

1.3 Your Contributions

+ + +

+You agree to a non-exclusive non-restrictive non-revokable +transfer of Licence to CAcert for your contributions. +That is, if you post an idea or comment on a CAcert forum, +or email it to other Members, +your work can be used freely by the Community for +CAcert purposes, including placing under CAcert's licences +for wider publication. +

+ +

+You retain authorship rights, and the rights to also transfer +non-exclusive rights to other parties. +That is, you can still use your +ideas and contributions outside the Community. +

+ +

+Note that the following exceptions override this clause: +

+ +
  1. + Contributions to controlled documents are subject to + Policy on Policy ("PoP" => COD1) +
  2. + Source code is subject to an open source licence regime. +
+ +

1.4 Privacy

+ + +

+You give rights to CAcert to store, verify and process +and publish your data in accordance with policies in force. +These rights include shipping the data to foreign countries +for system administration, support and processing purposes. +Such shipping will only be done among +CAcert Community administrators and Assurers. +

+ +

+Privacy is further covered in the Privacy Policy ("PP" => COD5). +

+ +

2. Your Risks, Liabilities and Obligations

+ +

+As a Member, you have risks, liabilities +and obligations within this agreement. +

+ +

2.1 Risks

+ +
  1. + A certificate may prove unreliable. +
  2. + Your account, keys or other security tools may be + lost or otherwise compromised. +
  3. + You may find yourself subject to Arbitration + (DRP => COD7). +
+ +

2.2 Liabilities

+ +
  1. + You are liable for any penalties + as awarded against you by the Arbitrator. +
  2. + Remedies are as defined in the DRP (COD7). + An Arbitrator's ruling may + include monetary amounts, awarded against you. +
  3. + Your liability is limited to + a total maximum of + 1000 Euros. +
  4. + "Foreign Courts" may assert jurisdiction. + These include your local courts, and are outside our Arbitration. + Foreign Courts will generally refer to the Arbitration + Act of their country, which will generally refer + civil cases to Arbitration. + The Arbitration Act will not apply to criminal cases. +
+ +

2.3 Obligations

+ +

+ You are obliged +

+ +
  1. + to provide accurate information + as part of Assurance. + You give permission for verification of the information + using CAcert-approved methods. +
  2. + to make no false representations. +
  3. + to submit all your disputes to Arbitration + (DRP => COD7). +
+ +

2.4 Principles

+ +

+As a Member of CAcert, you are a member of +the Community. + You are further obliged to + work within the spirit of the Principles + of the Community. + These are described in + Principles of the Community. +

+ +

2.5 Security


+CAcert exists to help you to secure yourself. +You are primarily responsible for your own security. +Your security obligations include +

+ +
  1. + to secure yourself and your computing platform (e.g., PC), +
  2. + to keep your email account in good working order, +
  3. + to secure your CAcert account + (e.g., credentials such as username, password), +
  4. + to secure your private keys, +
  5. + to review certificates for accuracy, + and +
  6. + when in doubt, notify CAcert, +
  7. + when in doubt, take other reasonable actions, such as + revoking certificates, + changing account credentials, + and/or generating new keys. +
+ +

+Where, above, 'secure' means to protect to a reasonable +degree, in proportion with your risks and the risks of +others. +

+ +

3. Law and Jurisdiction

+ +

3.1 Governing Law

+ +

+This agreement is governed under the law of +New South Wales, Australia, +being the home of the CAcert Inc. Association. +

+ +

3.2 Arbitration as Forum of Dispute Resolution

+ +

+You agree, with CAcert and all of the Community, +that all disputes arising out +of or in connection to our use of CAcert services +shall be referred to and finally resolved +by Arbitration under the rules within the +Dispute Resolution Policy of CAcert +(DRP => COD7). +The rules select a single Arbitrator chosen by CAcert +from among senior Members in the Community. +The ruling of the Arbitrator is binding and +final on Members and CAcert alike. +

+ +

+In general, the jurisdiction for resolution of disputes +is within CAcert's own forum of Arbitration, +as defined and controlled by its own rules (DRP => COD7). +

+ +

+We use Arbitration for many purposes beyond the strict +nature of disputes, such as governance and oversight. +A systems administrator may +need authorisation to conduct a non-routine action, +and Arbitration may provide that authorisation. +Thus, you may find yourself party to Arbitration +that is simply support actions, and you may file disputes in +order to initiate support actions. +

+ +

3.3 Termination


+You may terminate this agreement by resigning +from CAcert. You may do this at any time by +writing to CAcert's online support forum and +filing dispute to resign. +All services will be terminated, and your +certificates will be revoked. +However, some information will continue to +be held for certificate processing purposes. +

+ +

+The provisions on Arbitration survive any termination +by you by leaving CAcert. +That is, even if you resign from CAcert, +you are still bound by the DRP (COD7), +and the Arbitrator may reinstate any provision of this +agreement or bind you to a ruling. +

+ +

+Only the Arbitrator may terminate this agreement with you. +

+ +

3.4 Changes of Agreement

+ +

+CAcert may from time to time vary the terms of this Agreement. +Changes will be done according to the documented CAcert policy +for changing policies, and is subject to scrutiny and feedback +by the Community. +Changes will be notified to you by email to your primary address. +

+ +

+If you do not agree to the changes, you may terminate as above. +Continued use of the service shall be deemed to be agreement +by you. +

+ +

3.5 Communication

+ +

+Notifications to CAcert are to be sent by +email to the address +support at CAcert.org. +You should attach a digital signature, +but need not do so in the event of security +or similar urgency. +

+ +

+Notifications to you are sent +by CAcert to the primary email address +registered with your account. +You are responsible for keeping your email +account in good working order and able +to receive emails from CAcert. +

+ +

+Arbitration is generally conducted by email. +

+ +

4. Miscellaneous

+ +

4.1 Other Parties Within the Community

+ +

+As well as you and other Members in the Community, +CAcert forms agreements with third party +vendors and others. +Thus, such parties will also be in the Community. +Such agreements are also controlled by the same +policy process as this agreement, and they should +mirror and reinforce these terms. +

+ + +

4.2 References and Other Binding Documents

+ +

+This agreement is CAcert Official Document 9 (COD9) +and is a controlled document. +

+ +

+You are also bound by +

+ +
  1. + + Certification Practice Statement (CPS => COD6). +
  2. + + Dispute Resolution Policy (DRP => COD7). +
  3. + + Privacy Policy (PP => COD5). +
  4. + + Principles of the Community. +
+ +

+Where documents are referred to as => COD x, +they are controlled documents +under the control of Policy on Policies (COD1). +

+ +

+This agreement and controlled documents above are primary, +and may not be replaced or waived except +by formal policy channels and by Arbitration. +

+ +

4.3 Informative References

+ +

+The governing documents are in English. +Documents may be translated for convenience. +Because we cannot control the legal effect of translations, +the English documents are the ruling ones. +

+ +

+You are encouraged to be familiar with the +Assurer Handbook, +which provides a more readable introduction for much of +the information needed. +The Handbook is not however an agreement, and is overruled +by this agreement and others listed above. +

+ +

4.4 Not Covered in this Agreement

+ +

+Intellectual Property. +This Licence does not transfer any intellectual +property rights ("IPR") to you. CAcert asserts and +maintains its IPR over its roots, issued certificates, +brands, logos and other assets. +Note that the certificates issued to you +are CAcert's intellectual property +and you do not have rights other than those stated. +

+ + + + diff --git a/www/policy/DisputeResolutionPolicy.php b/www/policy/DisputeResolutionPolicy.php new file mode 100644 index 0000000..8b103d3 --- /dev/null +++ b/www/policy/DisputeResolutionPolicy.php @@ -0,0 +1,639 @@ + + + + +Dispute Resulution Policy + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +
DRP Teus Hagen
POLICY m20070919.3 + $Date: 2008/01/18 22:56:31 $ + +
Dispute Resolution Policy
+ + +

0. Introduction

+ +

+This is the Dispute Resolution Policy for CAcert. +Disputes arising out of +operations by CAcert and interactions between +users may be addressed through this policy. +This document also presents the rules for +resolution of disputes. +

+ +

0.1 Nature of Disputes

+ +

+Disputes include: +

+ + + +

1. Filing

+ +

1.1 Filing Party


+Anyone may file a dispute. +In filing, they become Claimants. +

+ +

1.2 Channel for Filing

+ +

+Disputes are filed by being sent to the normal +support channel of CAcert, +and a fee may be payable. +

+ +

+Such fees as are imposed on filing will be specified +on the dispute resolution page of the website. +

+ +

1.3 Case Manager


+The Case Manager (CM) takes control of the filing. +

+ +
  1. + CM makes an initial determination as + to whether this filing is a dispute + for resolution, or it is a request + for routine support. +
  2. + CM logs the case and establishes such + documentation and communications support as is customary. +
  3. + If any party acts immediately on the filing + (such as an urgent security action), + the CM names these parties to the case. +
  4. + CM selects the Arbitrator. +
+ +

+The personnel within the CAcert support team +are Case Managers, by default, or as directed +by the Dispute Resolution Officer. +

+ +

1.4 Contents


+The filing must specify: +

+ + + +

+If the filing is inadequate for lack of information +or for format, the Case Manager +may refile with the additional information, +attaching the original messages. +

+ +

1.5 The Arbitrator

+ +

+The Case Manager selects the Arbitrator according +to the mechanism managed by the Dispute Resolution Officer +and approved from time to time. +This mechanism is to maintain a list of Arbitrators available for +dispute resolution. +Each selected Arbitrator has the right to decline the dispute, +and should decline a dispute with which there exists a conflict +of interest. +The reason for declining should be stated. +If no Arbitrator accepts the dispute, the case is +closed with status "declined." +

+ +

+Arbitrators are experienced Assurers of CAcert. +They should be independent and impartial, including +of CAcert itself where it becomes a party. +

+ +

2. The Arbitration

+ + +

2.1 Authority

+ +

+The Board of CAcert and the Users vest in Arbitrators +full authority to hear disputes and deliver rulings +which are binding on CAcert and the Users. +

+ + +

2.2 Preliminaries

+ +

+The Arbitrator conducts some preliminaries: +

+ + + + +

2.3 Jurisdiction

+ +

+Jurisidiction - the right or power to hear and rule on +disputes - is initially established by clauses in the +User agreements for all CAcert Users. +The agreement must establish: +

+ + + +

+An external court may have ("assert") jurisdiction to decide on +issues such as trademark, privacy, contract and fraud, +and may do so with legal remedies. +These are areas where jurisdiction may need +to be considered carefully: +

+ + + +

+The Arbitrator must consider jurisdiction and rule on a +case by case basis whether jurisdiction is asserted, +either wholly or partially, or declines to hear the case. +In the event of asserting +jurisdiction, and a NRP later decides to pursue rights in +another forum, the Arbitrator should seek the agreement +of the NRP to file the ruling as part of the new case. +

+ +

2.4 Basis in Law

+ +

+Each country generally has an Arbitration Act +that elevates Arbitration as a strong dispute +resolution forum. +The Act generally defers to Arbitration +if the parties have so agreed. +That is, as Users of CAcert, you agree to resolve +all disputes before CAcert's forum. +This is sometimes called private law +or alternative dispute resolution. +

+ +

+As a matter of public policy, courts will generally +refer any case back to Arbitration. +Users should understand that they will have +strictly limited rights to ask the courts to +seek to have a case heard or to override a Ruling. +

+ + +

2.5 External Courts

+ +

+ When an external court claims and asserts its jurisdiction, + and issues a court order, subpoena or other service to CAcert, + the CM files the order as a dispute, with the external court + as Claimant. + The CM and other support staff are granted no authority to + act on the basis of any court order, and ordinarily + must await the order of the Arbitrator + (which might simply be a repeat of the external court order). +

+ +

+ The Arbitrator establishes the bona fides of the + court, and rules. + The Arbitrator may rule to reject the order, + for jurisdiction or other reasons. + By way of example, if all Parties are registered Users, + then jurisdiction more normally falls within the forum. + If the Arbitrator rules to reject, + he should do so only after consulting with CAcert counsel. + The Arbitrator's jurisidiction is ordinarily that of + dealing with the order, and + not that which the external court has claimed to. +

+ + +

2.6 Process

+ +

+The Arbitrator follows the procedure: +

+ + +
  1. + Establish the facts. + The Arbitrator collects the evidence from the parties. + The Arbitrator may order CAcert or Users under + jurisdiction to provide support or information. + The Arbitrator may use email, phone or face-to-face + meetings as proceedings. +
  2. + Apply the Rules of Dispute Resolution, + the policies of CAcert and the governing law. + The Arbitrator may request that the parties + submit their views. + The Arbitrator also works to the mission of CAcert, + the benefit of all Users, and the community as a whole. + The Arbitrator may any assistance. +
  3. + Makes a considered Ruling. +
+ +

3. The Ruling

+ +

3.1 The Contents

+ +

+The Arbitrator records: +

+ +
  1. + The Identification of the Parties, +
  2. + The Facts, +
  3. + The logic of the rules and law, +
  4. + The directions and actions to be taken by each party + (the ruling). +
  5. + The date and place that the ruling is rendered. +
+ + +

3.2 Process


+Once the Ruling is delivered, the case is closed. +The Case Manager is responsible for recording the +Ruling, publishing it, and advising users. +

+ +

+Proceedings are ordinarily private. +The Ruling is ordinarily published, +within the bounds of the Privacy Policy. +The Ruling is written in English. +

+ +

+Only under exceptional circumstances can the +Arbitrator declare the Ruling private under seal. +Such a declaration must be reviewed in its entirety +by the Board, +and the Board must confirm or deny that declaration. +If it confirms, the existance of any Rulings under seal +must be published to the Users in a timely manner +(within days). +

+ +

3.3 Binding and Final

+ +

+The Ruling is binding and final on CAcert and all Users. +Ordinarily, all Users agree to be bound by this dispute +resolution policy. Users must declare in the Preliminaries +any default in agreement or binding. +

+ +

+If a person who is not a User is a party to the dispute, +then the Ruling is not binding and final on that person, +but the Ruling must be presented in filing any dispute +in another forum such as the person's local courts. +

+ +

3.4 Re-opening the Case or Appeal

+ +

+In the case of clear injustices, egregious behaviour or +unconscionable Rulings, parties may seek to re-open the +case by filing a dispute. The new Arbitrator +reviews the new dispute, +re-examines and reviews the entire case, then rules on +whether the case may be re-opened or not. +

+ +

+If the new Arbitrator rules the case be re-opened, +then it is referred to the Board of CAcert Inc. +The Board hears the case and delivers a final +and binding Ruling. +

+ +

3.5 Liability

+ +

+All liability of the Arbitrator for any act in +connection with deciding a dispute is excluded +by all parties, provided such act does not constitute +an intentional breach of duty. +All liability of the Arbitrators, CAcert, its officers and its +employees (including Case Manager) +for any other act or omission in connection with +arbitration proceedings is excluded, provided such acts do not +constitute an intentional or grossly negligent breach of duty. +

+ +

+The above provisions may only be overridden by +appeal process (by means of a new dispute causing +referral to the Board). +

+ +

3.6 Remedies

+ +

+The Arbitrator generally instructs using internal remedies, +that is ones that are within the general domain of CAcert, +but there are some external remedies at his disposal. +He may rule and instruct any of the parties on these issues. +

+ + + +

+The Arbitrator is not limited within the general domain +of CAcert, and may instruct novel remedies as seen fit. +Novel remedies outside the domain may be routinely +confirmed by the Board by way of appeals process, +in order to establish precedent. +

+ +

4. Appendix

+ + +

4.1 The Advantages of this Forum


+The advantage of this process for Users is: +

+ + + +

4.2 The Disadvantages of this Forum

+ +

+Some disadvantages exist. +

+ + + +

4.3 Process and Flow

+ +

+To the extent reasonable, the Arbitrator conducts +the arbitration as with any legal proceedings. +This means that the process and style should follow +legal tradition. +

+ +

+However, the Arbitrator is unlikely to be trained in +law. Hence, common sense must be applied, and the +Arbitrator has wide latitude to rule on any particular +motion, pleading, submission. The Arbitrator's ruling +is final within the arbitration. +

+ +

+Note also that many elements of legal proceedings are +deliberately left out of the rules. +

+ + + diff --git a/www/policy/NRPDisclaimerAndLicence.php b/www/policy/NRPDisclaimerAndLicence.php index a630227..6dbc647 100644 --- a/www/policy/NRPDisclaimerAndLicence.php +++ b/www/policy/NRPDisclaimerAndLicence.php @@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
diff --git a/www/policy/OrganisationAssurancePolicy.php b/www/policy/OrganisationAssurancePolicy.php new file mode 100644 index 0000000..ea10a1b --- /dev/null +++ b/www/policy/OrganisationAssurancePolicy.php @@ -0,0 +1,379 @@ + + + +Organisation Assurance Policy + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +
OAP Jens
POLICY m20070918.x + $Date: 2008/01/18 22:56:31 $ + +
Organisation Assurance Policy
+ + + +

0. Preliminaries

+ +

+This policy describes how Organisation Assurers ("OAs") +conduct Assurances on Organisations. +It fits within the overall web-of-trust +or Assurance process of Cacert. +

+ +

+This policy is not a Controlled document, for purposes of +Configuration Control Specification ("CCS"). +

+ +

1. Purpose

+ +

+Organisations with assured status can issue certificates +directly with their own domains within. +

+ +

+The purpose and statement of the certificate remains +the same as with ordinary users (natural persons) +and as described in the CPS. +

+ +
  • + The organisation named within is identified. +
  • + The organisation has been verified according + to this policy. +
  • + The organisation is within the jurisdiction + and can be taken to Arbitration. +
+ + +

2. Roles and Structure

+ +

2.1 Assurance Officer

+ +

+The Assurance Officer ("AO") +manages this policy and reports to the board. +

+ +

+The AO manages all OAs and is responsible for process, +the CAcert Organisation Assurance Programme form ("COAP"), +OA training and testing, manuals, quality control. +In these responsibilities, other Officers will assist. +

+ +

2.2 Organisation Assurers

+ +


+ +
  1. + An OA must be an experienced Assurer +
    1. Have 150 assurance points.
    2. +
    3. Be fully trained and tested on all general Assurance processes.
    4. +
    + +
  2. + Must be trained as Organisation Assurer. +
    1. Global knowledge: This policy.
    2. +
    3. Global knowledge: A OA manual covers how to do the process.
    4. +
    5. Local knowledge: legal forms of organisations within jurisdiction.
    6. +
    7. Basic governance.
    8. +
    9. Training may be done a variety of ways, + such as on-the-job, etc.
    10. +
    + +
  3. + Must be tested. +
    1. Global test: Covers this policy and the process.
    2. +
    3. Local knowledge: Subsidiary Policy to specify.
    4. +
    5. Tests to be created, approved, run, verified + by CAcert only (not outsourced).
    6. +
    7. Tests are conducted manually, not online/automatic.
    8. +
    9. Documentation to be retained.
    10. +
    11. Tests may include on-the-job components.
    12. +
    + +
  4. + Must be approved. +
    1. Two supervising OAs must sign-off on new OA, + as trained, tested and passed. +
    2. +
    3. AO must sign-off on a new OA, + as supervised, trained and tested. +
    4. +
+ + + +

2.3 Organisation Administrator

+ +

+The Administrator within each Organisation ("O-Admin") +is the one who handles the assurance requests +and the issuing of certificates. +

+ +
  1. + O-Admin must be Assurer +
    1. Have 100 assurance points.
    2. +
    3. Fully trained and tested as Assurer.
    4. +
    + +
  2. + Organisation is required to appoint O-Admin, + and appoint ones as required. +
    1. On COAP Request Form.
    2. +
    + +
  3. + O-Admin must work with an assigned OA. +
    1. Have contact details.
    2. +
+ + +

3. Policies

+ +

3.1 Policy

+ +

+There is one policy being this present document, +and several subsidiary policies. +

+ +
  1. This policy authorises the creation of subsidiary policies.
  2. +
  3. This policy is international.
  4. +
  5. Subsidiary policies are implementations of the policy.
  6. +
  7. Organisations are assured under an appropriate subsidiary policy.
  8. +
+ +

3.2 Subsidiary Policies

+ +

+The nature of the Subsidiary Policies ("SubPols"): +

+ +
  1. + SubPols are purposed to check the organisation + under the rules of the jurisdiction that creates the + organisation. This does not evidence an intention + by CAcert to + enter into the local jurisdiction, nor an intention + to impose the rules of that jurisdiction over any other + organisation. + CAcert assurances are conducted under the jurisdiction + of CAcert. +
  2. + For OAs, + SubPol specifies the tests of local knowledge + including the local organisational forms. +
  3. + For assurances, + SubPol specifies the local documentation forms + which are acceptable under this SubPol to meet the + standard. +
  4. + SubPols are subjected to the normal + policy approval process. +
+ +

3.3 Freedom to Assemble

+ +

+Subsidiary Policies are open, accessible and free to enter. +

+ +
  1. + SubPols compete but are compatible. +
  2. + No SubPol is a franchise. +
  3. + Many will be on State or National lines, + reflecting the legal + tradition of organisations created + ("incorporated") by states. +
  4. + However, there is no need for strict national lines; + it is possible to have 2 SubPols in one country, or one + covering several countries with the same language + (e.g., Austria with Germany, England with Wales but not Scotland). +
  5. + There could also be SubPols for special + organisations, one person organisations, + UN agencies, churches, etc. +
  6. + Where it is appropriate to use the SubPol + in another situation (another country?), it + can be so approved. + (e.g., Austrian SubPol might be approved for Germany.) + The SubPol must record this approval. +
+ + +

4. Process

+ +

4.1 Standard of Organisation Assurance


+The essential standard of Organisation Assurance is: +

+ +
  1. + the organisation exists +
  2. + the organisation name is correct and consistent: +
    1. in official documents specified in SubPol.
    2. +
    3. on COAP form.
    4. +
    5. in CAcert database.
    6. +
    7. form or type of legal entity is consistent
    8. +
  3. + signing rights: + requestor can sign on behalf of the organisation. +
  4. + the organisation has agreed to the terms of the + Registered User Agreement, + and is therefore subject to Arbitration. +
+ +

+ Acceptable documents to meet above standard + are stated in the SubPol. +

+ +

4.2 COAP


+The COAP form documents the checks and the resultant +assurance results to meet the standard. +Additional information to be provided on form: +

+ +
  1. + CAcert account of O-Admin (email address?) +
  2. + location: +
    1. country (MUST).
    2. +
    3. city (MUST).
    4. +
    5. additional contact information (as required by SubPol).
    6. +
  3. + administrator account names (1 or more) +
  4. + domain name(s) +
  5. + Agreement with registered user agreement. + Statement and initials box for organsation + and also for OA. +
  6. + Date of completion of Assurance. + Records should be maintained for 7 years from + this date. +
+ +

+The COAP should be in English. Where translations +are provided, they should be matched to the English, +and indication provided that the English is the +ruling language (due to Arbitration requirements). +

+ +

4.3 Jurisdiction

+ +

+Organisation Assurances are carried out by +CAcert Inc under its Arbitration jurisdiction. +Actions carried out by OAs are under this regime. +

+ +
  1. + The organisation has agreed to the terms of the + Registered User Agreement, +
  2. + The organisation, the Organisation Assurers, CAcert and + other related parties are bound into CAcert's jurisdiction + and dispute resolution. +
  3. + The OA is responsible for ensuring that the + organisation reads, understands, intends and + agrees to the registered user agreement. + This OA responsibility should be recorded on COAP + (statement and initials box). +
+ +

5. Exceptions

+ + +
  1. + Conflicts of Interest. + An OA must not assure an organisation in which + there is a close or direct relationship by, e.g., + employment, family, financial interests. + Other conflicts of interest must be disclosed. +
  2. + Trusted Third Parties. + TTPs are not generally approved to be part of + organisation assurance, + but may be approved by subsidiary policies according + to local needs. +
  3. + Exceptional Organisations. + (e.g., Vatican, International Space Station, United Nations) + can be dealt with as a single-organisation + SubPol. + The OA creates the checks, documents them, + and subjects them to to normal policy approval. +
  4. + DBA. + Alternative names for organisations + (DBA, "doing business as") + can be added as long as they are proven independently. + E.g., registration as DBA or holding of registered trade mark. + This means that the anglo law tradition of unregistered DBAs + is not accepted without further proof. +