#include #include #include #include typedef unsigned char uchar; typedef struct{char * nm; int v;} vp; vp vpl[] = { {"nbsp", 160}, {"lt",0x3c}, {"amp", 38}, {"eacute", 233}, {"egrave", 232}, {"ouml", 246}, {"alpha", 0x3b1}, {"beta", 0x3b2}, {"gamma", 0x3b3}, {"delta", 0x3b4}, {"Delta", 0x394}, {"sigma", 0x3c3}, {"Sigma", 0x3a3}, {"epsilon", 0x3b5}, {"zeta", 0x3b6}, {"theta", 0x3b8}, {"mu", 0x3bc}, {"phi", 0x3c6}, {"omega", 0x3c9}, {"lambda", 0x3bb}, {"rho", 0x3c1}, {"pi", 0x3c0}, {"Pi", 0x3a0}, {"ndash", 0x2013}, {"mdash", 0x2014}, {"and", 8743}, {"rarr", 8594}, {"forall", 0x2200}, {"sum", 8721}}; int cc = 0; // count of conversions. static void Utf(int m, uint a){ if (a & m) {Utf(m>>1, a>>6); putchar(128 | a & 63);} else putchar((m<<1)&255 | a);} static void utf8(uint a){ if(a == '<') printf("%s", "<"); else if(a == '&') printf("%s", "&"); else if(a & -128) {++cc; Utf(-32, a>>6); putchar(128 | a & 63);} else putchar(a);} char * em[] = {"", "tag", "quoted string", "utf", "character ref"}; int lc = 1, cil = 0, tcc=0; char gc(int x){char c = getchar(); if(c == EOF && feof(stdin)) { if(x) fprintf(stderr, "file ended in %s\n", em[x]); fprintf(stderr, "Converted %d characters\n", cc); exit(0);} if(c == 10 || c == 13) {tcc += cil; cil = 0; ++lc;} ++cil; return c;} void loc(){fprintf(stderr, "Ending at byte %d of line %d," "(or 0x%x in file):\n", cil, lc, tcc+cil);} char gx(){char c = gc(3); if ((c&0xc0) != 0x80) {loc(); fprintf(stderr, "Bad utf8 extension byte: %02X\n", c);} return c;} int main(int argc, char * * args){ int bk = argc == 2; while(1){ int vx(int x){if((x & 0xffffffe0) == 0x80){ if(x == 150) return 8211; if(x == 151) return 8212; loc(); fprintf(stderr, "Invalid character: 0x%x=%d\n", x, x);} return x;} uchar c = gc(0); if(c == '<'){putchar(c); while(1){char c = gc(1); if(c == '"'){putchar(c); while(1){char c = gc(2); if(c == '"'){putchar(c); break;} else putchar(c);}} else if(c == '>'){putchar(c); break;} else putchar(c);}} else if(bk && c > 127){int v=0, sc=0, C=c; while(C&0x40){C <<=1; v = (v<<6) | gx() & 0x3f; ++sc;} {int uc = vx(v | (0x3f>>sc & (int)c) << 6*sc); {int k = sizeof(vpl)/sizeof(vp); while(k--) if(uc == vpl[k].v) {printf("&%s;", vpl[k].nm); goto end;}} printf("&#x%x;", uc);} end: ++cc;} else if(!bk && c == '&') {char c = gc(4); int gs(char c, int r){ int vd(char c){if('0' <= c && c <= '9') return c - '0'; {char lc = tolower(c); if(r == 16 && 'a' <= lc && lc <= 'f') return lc - 'a' + 10; loc(); fprintf(stderr, "Invalid digit folowing \"&#\" construct."); exit(0); return 0;}} int k = vd(c); while(1){char c = gc(4); if(c == ';') return k; k = r*k + vd(c);}} if(c == '#') {char c = gc(4); utf8(vx(c == 'x' || c == 'X' ? gs('0', 16) : gs(c, 10)));} else {int k = sizeof(vpl)/sizeof(vp); char st[10]; st[0] = c; {int n; for(n=1; n<10; ++n) {char c = gc(4); if(c == ';') goto e1; if(!isalpha(c)) break; st[n] = c;} loc(); fprintf(stderr, "%s reference\n", n>10?"Verbose":"Invalid"); continue; e1: st[n] = 0; // loc(); fprintf(stderr, "string is <%s>.\n", st); while(k--) if(!strcmp(st, vpl[k].nm)) { utf8(vpl[k].v); break;} if(k<0) {loc(); fprintf(stderr, "Unrecognized reference: &%s;\n", st);}}}} else if(c > 127) {loc(); fprintf(stderr, "Non ASCII char.\n");} else putchar(c); } return 0; }