0) $id = intval($_REQUEST['id']); if($id == 1) { $nofile = 1; $filename = ""; $photoid = $_FILES['photoid']; if($photoid['error'] == 0 && $_REQUEST["notaryURL"] != "") { $filename = $photoid['tmp_name']; $do = trim(`file -b -i $filename`); $type = strtolower($do); switch($type) { case 'image/gif': $ext = "gif"; $nofile = 0; break; case 'image/jpeg': $ext = "jpg"; $nofile = 0; break; case 'image/jpg': $ext = "jpg"; $nofile = 0; break; case 'image/png': $ext = "png"; $nofile = 0; break; default: $id = 0; $_SESSION['_config']['errmsg'] = _("Only jpg, gif and png file types are acceptable, your browser sent a file of type: ").$type; } } } if($id == 1) { $email = mysql_escape_string(trim($_REQUEST["email"])); $password = mysql_escape_string(stripslashes(trim($_REQUEST["pword"]))); $URL = mysql_escape_string(trim($_REQUEST["notaryURL"])); $CN = mysql_escape_string($_SESSION['_config']['CN']); $memid = intval($_SESSION['_config']['uid']); $user = mysql_fetch_assoc(mysql_query("select * from `users` where `id`='$memid'")); $tmp = mysql_fetch_assoc(mysql_query("select sum(`points`) as `points` from `notary` where `to`='$memid'")); if($URL != "" && $nofile == 0) $max = 150; else if($URL != "") $max = 90; else $max = 50; if($URL != "") if(!preg_match("/^https:\/\/www\.thawte\.com\/cgi\/personal\/wot\/directory\.exe\?(.*?&)?node=\d+(&.*)?$/",$URL)) { showheader(_("Thawte Points Transfer")); echo _("You failed to enter a valid Thawte Notary URL."); showfooter(); exit; } if($tmp['points'] >= $max) { showheader(_("Thawte Points Transfer")); echo _("Your request would not gain you any more points and will not be taken any further."). sprintf(_("You have %s points already and you would have been issued up to %s points."), $tmp['points'], $max); showfooter(); exit; } } if($id == 1) { $query = "select * from `users`,`email` where `email`.`memid`='$memid' and `email`.`email`='$email' and `users`.`id`=`email`.`memid` and (`password`=old_password('$password') or `password`=sha1('$password') or `password`=password('$password'))"; if(mysql_num_rows(mysql_query($query)) <= 0) { $_SESSION['_config']['errmsg'] = _("I'm sorry, I couldn't match your login details (password) to your certificate to an account on this system."); $id = 0; } else { $query = "insert into `tverify` set `memid`='$memid', `URL`='$URL', `CN`='$CN', `created`=NOW()"; mysql_query($query); $tverify = mysql_insert_id(); if($nofile == 0) { $filename = $photoid['tmp_name']; $newfile = mysql_escape_string('/www/photoid/'.$tverify.".".$ext); move_uploaded_file($filename, $newfile); $query = "update `tverify` set `photoid`='$newfile' where `id`='$tverify'"; mysql_query($query); } } } if($id == 1) { $points = 0; if($URL != "" && $newfile != "") $points = 150 - intval($tmp['points']); else if($URL != "") $points = 90 - intval($tmp['points']); else $points = 50 - intval($tmp['points']); if($points < 0) $points = 0; } if($id == 1 && $max == 50) { if($points > 0) { mysql_query("insert into `notary` set `from`='0', `to`='$memid', `points`='$points', `method`='Thawte Points Transfer', `when`=NOW()"); } $totalpoints = intval($tmp['points']) + $points; mysql_query("update `tverify` set `modified`=NOW() where `id`='$tverify'"); $body = _("Your request to have points transfered was sucessful. You were issued $points points as a result, and you now have $totalpoints in total")."\n\n"; $body .= _("Best regards")."\n"; $body .= _("CAcert Support Team"); sendmail($user['email'], "[CAcert.org] Thawte Notary Points Transfer", $body, "website-form@cacert.org", "returns@cacert.org", "", "CAcert Tverify"); } else if($id == 1) { $body = "There is a new valid request for thawte points tranfer, details as follows:\n\n"; $body .= "To vote on this application, go to: https://www.cacert.org/account.php?id=52&uid=$tverify\n\n"; $body .= "Or use the certificate login: https://secure.cacert.org/account.php?id=52&uid=$tverify\n\n"; $body .= "We know that by signing into https://tverify.cacert.org that\n"; $body .= "1. they have possession of a cert issued from Thawte\n"; $body .= "2. the person named in the cert has been verified by Thawte's Web of Trust\n"; $body .= "3. at least 1 of the emails listed as valid in that cert belongs to a\n"; $body .= "CAcert.org user\n\n"; $body .= "It's up to us as voting members to verify the details that can't be\n"; $body .= "programatically handled, that means checking the ID, and signing into\n"; $body .= "the Thawte site and validating their name is listed as a notary.\n\n"; $body .= "Best regards"."\n"; $body .= "CAcert Support Team"; sendmail("cacert-tverify@lists.cacert.org", "[CAcert.org] Thawte Notary Points Transfer", $body, "website-form@cacert.org", "returns@cacert.org", "", "CAcert Tverify"); } showheader(_("Thawte Points Transfer")); includeit($id, "tverify"); showfooter(); ?>