if($_REQUEST['location'] == "") { ?>
Please enter your town or suburb name, followed by region or state or province and then the country (please separate by commas)
eg Sydney, New South Wales, Australia
This is an AJAX form which depends heavily on javascript for auto-complete functionality and while it will work without javascript the usability will be heavily degraded.
} else { if(intval($_REQUEST['location']) == 0) { $bits = explode(",", $_REQUEST['location']); $loc = trim(mysql_escape_string($bits['0'])); $reg = trim(mysql_escape_string($bits['1'])); $ccname = trim(mysql_escape_string($bits['2'])); $query = "select `locations`.`id` as `locid` from `locations`, `regions`, `countries` where `locations`.`name` like '$loc%' and `regions`.`name` like '$reg%' and `countries`.`name` like '$ccname%' and `locations`.`regid`=`regions`.`id` and `locations`.`ccid`=`countries`.`id` order by `locations`.`name` limit 1"; $res = mysql_query($query); if($reg != "" && $ccname == "" && mysql_num_rows($res) <= 0) { $query = "select `locations`.`id` as `locid` from `locations`, `regions`, `countries` where `locations`.`name` like '$loc%' and `countries`.`name` like '$reg%' and `locations`.`regid`=`regions`.`id` and `locations`.`ccid`=`countries`.`id` order by `locations`.`name` limit 1"; $res = mysql_query($query); } if(mysql_num_rows($res) <= 0) die("Unable to find suitable location"); $row = mysql_fetch_assoc($res); $_REQUEST['location'] = $row['locid']; } $maxdist = intval($_REQUEST['maxdist']); $locid = intval($_REQUEST['location']); $query = "select * from `locations` where `id`='$locid'"; $loc = mysql_fetch_assoc(mysql_query($query)); if($maxdist <= 10) { $query = "SELECT ROUND(6378.137 * ACOS((SIN(PI() * $loc[lat] / 180) * SIN(PI() * `locations`.`lat` / 180)) + (COS(PI() * $loc[lat] / 180 ) * COS(PI() * `locations`.`lat` / 180) * COS(PI() * `locations`.`long` / 180 - PI() * $loc[long] / 180))), -1) AS `distance`, `locations`.`name` AS `location`, concat(`users`.`fname`, ' ', LEFT(`users`.`lname`, 1)) AS `name`, `long`, `lat`, `users`.`id` as `uid`, `contactinfo` FROM `locations`, `users`, `notary` WHERE `users`.`locid` = `locations`.`id` AND `users`.`id` = `notary`.`to` AND `users`.`listme` = 1 GROUP BY `notary`.`to` HAVING SUM(`notary`.`points`) >= 100 AND `distance` <= '$maxdist' ORDER BY `distance`"; } else { $query = "SELECT ROUND(6378.137 * ACOS((SIN(PI() * $loc[lat] / 180) * SIN(PI() * `locations`.`lat` / 180)) + (COS(PI() * $loc[lat] / 180 ) * COS(PI() * `locations`.`lat` / 180) * COS(PI() * `locations`.`long` / 180 - PI() * $loc[long] / 180))), -1) AS `distance`, `locations`.`name` AS `location`, concat(`users`.`fname`, ' ', LEFT(`users`.`lname`, 1)) AS `name`, `long`, `lat`, `users`.`id` as `uid`, `contactinfo` FROM `locations`, `users`, `notary` WHERE `users`.`locid` = `locations`.`id` AND `users`.`id` = `notary`.`to` AND `users`.`listme` = 1 GROUP BY `notary`.`to` HAVING SUM(`notary`.`points`) >= 100 AND `distance` <= '$maxdist' ORDER BY `distance` LIMIT 50"; } $res = mysql_query($query); ?>=_("Name")?> | =_("Distance")?> | =_("Max Points")?> | =_("Contact Details")?> | =_("Email Assurer")?> |
=$row['distance']?>km | =$points?> | =$row['contactinfo']?> | =_("Email Me")?> |