This file is part of CAcert. CAcert has been released under the CAcert Source License which can be found included with these source files or can be downloaded from the internet from the following address: CAcert is distributed WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the License for more details. */ ?> 0) return 1; return 0; } $ToBeDeleted=array(); if($oldid == "0" && $_REQUEST['CSR'] != "") { $debugkey = $gpgkey = clean_csr(stripslashes($_REQUEST['CSR'])); $debugpg = $gpg = trim(`echo "$gpgkey"|gpg --with-colons --homedir /tmp 2>&1`); $lines = ""; $gpgarr = explode("\n", $gpg); foreach($gpgarr as $line) { #echo "Line[]: $line
\n"; if(substr($line, 0, 3) == "pub" || substr($line, 0, 3) == "uid") { if($lines != "") $lines .= "\n"; $lines .= $line; } } $gpg = $lines; $expires = 0; $nerr=0; $nok=0; $multiple = 0; $resulttable=_("The following UIDs were found your key:")."
"; $i=0; foreach(explode("\n", $gpg) as $line) { $resulttable.=""; $name = $comment = ""; $bits = explode(":", $line); if($bits[0] == "pub" && (!$keyid || !$when)) { $keyid = $bits[4]; $when = $bits[5]; if($bits[6] != "") $expires = 1; } if(!strstr($line, "@")) continue; $pos = strpos($bits[9], "(") - 1; $nocomment = 0; if($pos < 0) { $nocomment = 1; $pos = strpos($bits[9], "<") - 1; } $name = trim(hex2bin(trim(substr($bits[9], 0, $pos)))); $nameok=verifyName($name); $resulttable.=""; if($nocomment == 0) { $pos += 2; $pos2 = strpos($bits[9], ")"); $comm = trim(hex2bin(trim(substr($bits[9], $pos, $pos2 - $pos)))); if($comm != "") $comment[] = $comm; $pos = $pos2 + 3; } else { $pos = strpos($bits[9], "<") + 1; } $pos2 = strpos($bits[9], ">", $pos); $mail = trim(hex2bin(trim(substr($bits[9], $pos, $pos2 - $pos)))); $emailok=verifyEmail($mail); $resulttable.=""; $uidok=0; if($mail=="" and $name=="") { $rmessage=_("Error: Both Name and Email address are empty"); } elseif($emailok and $nameok) { $uidok=1; $rmessage=_("Name and Email OK."); } elseif(!$emailok and !$nameok) { $rmessage=_("Name and Email both cannot be matched with your account."); } elseif($emailok and $name=="") { $uidok=1; $rmessage=_("Email OK. Name empty."); } elseif($nameok and $mail="") { $uidok=1; $rmessage=_("Email OK. Name empty."); } elseif(!$emailok) { $rmessage=_("The email address has not been registered and verified in your account. Please add the email address to your account first."); } elseif(!$nameok) { $rmessage=_("The name in the UID does not match the name in your account. Please verify the name."); } else { $rmessage=_("Error"); } if($uidok) { $nok++; $resulttable.=""; } else { $nerr++; //$ToBeDeleted[]=$i; //echo "Adding UID $i\n"; $resulttable.=""; } $resulttable.="\n"; if($emailok) $multiple++; } $resulttable.="
"; if($nok==0) { $_SESSION['_config']['errmsg'] = _("No valid UIDs found on your key"); unset($_REQUEST['process']); $id = $oldid; unset($oldid); $do = `echo "$debugkey\n--\n$debugpg\n--" >> /www/tmp/gpg.debug`; } elseif($nerr) { $resulttable.=_("The unverified UIDs have been removed, the verified UIDs have been signed."); } } if($oldid == "0" && $_REQUEST['CSR'] != "") { $query = "insert into `gpg` set `memid`='".$_SESSION['profile']['id']."', `email`='".mysql_real_escape_string($emailaddies['0'])."', `level`='1', `expires`='".mysql_real_escape_string($expires)."', `multiple`='".mysql_real_escape_string($multiple)."'"; mysql_query($query); $id = mysql_insert_id(); $cwd = '/tmp/gpgspace'.$id; mkdir($cwd,0755); $fp = fopen("$cwd/gpg.csr", "w"); fputs($fp, clean_csr(stripslashes($_REQUEST['CSR']))); fclose($fp); system("gpg --homedir $cwd --import $cwd/gpg.csr"); $debugpg = $gpg = trim(`gpg --homedir $cwd --with-colons --fixed-list-mode --list-keys $keyid 2>&1`); $lines = ""; $gpgarr = explode("\n", $gpg); foreach($gpgarr as $line) { //echo "Line[]: $line
\n"; if(substr($line, 0, 4) == "uid:") { $name = $comment = ""; $bits = explode(":", $line); $pos = strpos($bits[9], "(") - 1; $nocomment = 0; if($pos < 0) { $nocomment = 1; $pos = strpos($bits[9], "<") - 1; } $name = trim(hex2bin(trim(substr($bits[9], 0, $pos)))); $nameok=verifyName($name); if($nocomment == 0) { $pos += 2; $pos2 = strpos($bits[9], ")"); $comm = trim(hex2bin(trim(substr($bits[9], $pos, $pos2 - $pos)))); if($comm != "") $comment[] = $comm; $pos = $pos2 + 3; } else { $pos = strpos($bits[9], "<") + 1; } $pos2 = strpos($bits[9], ">", $pos); $mail = trim(hex2bin(trim(substr($bits[9], $pos, $pos2 - $pos)))); $emailok=verifyEmail($mail); $uidid=$bits[7]; if($mail=="" and $name=="") { //echo "$uidid will be deleted\n"; $ToBeDeleted[]=$uidid; } elseif($emailok and $nameok) { } elseif(!$emailok and !$nameok) { //echo "$uidid will be deleted\n"; $ToBeDeleted[]=$uidid; } elseif($emailok and $name=="") { } elseif($nameok and $mail="") { } elseif(!$emailok) { //echo "$uidid will be deleted\n"; $ToBeDeleted[]=$uidid; } elseif(!$nameok) { //echo "$uidid will be deleted\n"; $ToBeDeleted[]=$uidid; } } } if(count($ToBeDeleted)>0) { $descriptorspec = array( 0 => array("pipe", "r"), // stdin is a pipe that the child will read from 1 => array("pipe", "w"), // stdout is a pipe that the child will write to 2 => array("pipe", "w") // stderr is a file to write to ); $stderr = fopen('php://stderr', 'w'); //echo "Keyid: $keyid\n"; $process = proc_open("/usr/bin/gpg --homedir $cwd --no-tty --command-fd 0 --status-fd 1 --logger-fd 2 --edit-key $keyid", $descriptorspec, $pipes); //echo "Process: $process\n"; //fputs($stderr,"Process: $process\n"); if (is_resource($process)) { //echo("it is a resource\n"); // $pipes now looks like this: // 0 => writeable handle connected to child stdin // 1 => readable handle connected to child stdout // Any error output will be appended to /tmp/error-output.txt while (!feof($pipes[1])) { $buffer = fgets($pipes[1], 4096); //echo $buffer; if($buffer == "[GNUPG:] GET_BOOL keyedit.sign_all.okay\n") { fputs($pipes[0],"yes\n"); } elseif($buffer == "[GNUPG:] GOT_IT\n") { } elseif(ereg("^\[GNUPG:\] GET_BOOL keyedit\.remove\.uid\.okay\s*",$buffer)) { fputs($pipes[0],"yes\n"); } elseif(ereg("^\[GNUPG:\] GET_LINE keyedit\.prompt\s*",$buffer)) { if(count($ToBeDeleted)>0) { $delthisuid=array_pop($ToBeDeleted); //echo "Deleting an UID $delthisuid\n"; fputs($pipes[0],"uid ".$delthisuid."\n"); } else { //echo "Saving\n"; fputs($pipes[0],$state?"save\n":"deluid\n"); $state++; } } elseif($buffer == "[GNUPG:] GOOD_PASSPHRASE\n") { } elseif(ereg("^\[GNUPG:\] KEYEXPIRED ",$buffer)) { echo "Key expired!\n"; exit; } elseif($buffer == "") { //echo "Empty!\n"; } else { echo "ERROR: UNKNOWN $buffer\n"; } } //echo "Fertig\n"; fclose($pipes[0]); //echo stream_get_contents($pipes[1]); fclose($pipes[1]); // It is important that you close any pipes before calling // proc_close in order to avoid a deadlock $return_value = proc_close($process); //echo "command returned $return_value\n"; } else { echo "Keine ressource!\n"; } } $do=`gpg --homedir $cwd --batch --export-options export-minimal --export $keyid >../csr/gpg-$id.csr`; //echo "Export: $do\n"; //$fp = fopen("../csr/gpg-$id.csr", "w"); //fputs($fp, clean_csr(stripslashes($_REQUEST['CSR']))); //fclose($fp); if(1) { mysql_query("update `gpg` set `csr`='../csr/gpg-$id.csr' where `id`='$id'"); waitForResult('gpg', $id); } showheader(_("Welcome to")); echo $resulttable; $query = "select * from `gpg` where `id`='$id' and `crt`!=''"; $res = mysql_query($query); if(mysql_num_rows($res) <= 0) { echo _("Your certificate request has failed to be processed correctly, please try submitting it again.")."
\n"; echo _("If this is a re-occuring problem, please send a copy of the key you are trying to signed to Thank you."); } else { echo "
			echo "
"; } showfooter(); exit; } $id = intval($id); $_SESSION['_config']['cert'] = intval($cert); showheader(_("Welcome to")); includeit($id, "gpg"); showfooter(); ?>