
',"")?> ','')?>

"._("Most CAcert functions are currently unavailable. Please come back later.")."";?>

\n\n",_('Latest News')); $xml = "/www/pages/index/feed.rss"; // FIXME: use relative path to allow operation with different document root $dom = new DOMDocument(); $dom->preserveWhiteSpace = false; $dom->Load($xml); $xpath = new DOMXPath($dom); //Create an XPath query $query = "//channel/item"; $items = $xpath->query($query); $count = 0; foreach($items as $id => $item) { $query = "./title"; $nodeList = $xpath->query($query, $item); $title = recode_string("UTF8..html" , $nodeList->item(0)->nodeValue); $query = "./link"; $nodeList = $xpath->query($query, $item); $link = htmlspecialchars($nodeList->item(0)->nodeValue); $query = "./description"; $nodeList = $xpath->query($query, $item); $description = $nodeList->item(0)->nodeValue; // The description may contain HTML entities => convert them $description = html_entity_decode($description, ENT_COMPAT | ENT_HTML401, 'UTF-8'); // Description may contain HTML markup and unicode characters => encode them // If we didn't decode and then encode again, (i.e. take the content // as it is in the RSS feed) we might inject harmful markup $description = recode_string("UTF8..html", $description); printf("


\n", $link, $title); printf("


\n", nl2br($description)); $title = ''; $description = ''; $link = ''; $count++; if ($count >= 3) { break; } } ?> [ ]



','')?> ',"")?>
