_('January'), '02' => _('February'), '03' => _('March'), '04' => _('April'), '05' => _('May'), '06' => _('June'), '07' => _('July'), '08' => _('August'), '09' => _('September'), '10' => _('October'), '11' => _('November'), '12' => _('December') ); $fname = sanitizeHTML($row['fname']); $mname = sanitizeHTML($row['mname']); $lname = sanitizeHTML($row['lname']); $suffix = sanitizeHTML($row['suffix']); $dob = $row['dob']; $dob_date = explode('-', $dob, 3); $dob_print = sprintf( '%s-%s-%s (%d %s %d)', $dob_date[0], $dob_date[1], $dob_date[2], intval($dob_date[2], 10), $mnames[$dob_date[1]], intval($dob_date[0], 10) ); $name = $fname." ".$mname." ".$lname." ".$suffix; $_SESSION['_config']['wothash'] = md5($name."-".$dob); require_once($_SESSION['_config']['filepath']."/includes/notary.inc.php"); AssureHead(_("Assurance Confirmation"),sprintf(_("Please check the following details match against what you witnessed when you met %s %s %s %s in person. You MUST NOT proceed unless you are sure the details are correct. You may be held responsible by the CAcert Arbitrator for any issues with this Assurance."), $fname, $mname, $lname, $suffix)); AssureTextLine(_("Name"), sprintf( "%s %s %s %s", $fname, $mname, $lname, $suffix )); AssureTextLine(_("Date of Birth"),$dob_print); AssureMethodLine(_("Method"),$methods,''); AssureBoxLine("certify",sprintf(_("I certify that %s %s %s %s has appeared in person."), $fname, $mname, $lname, $suffix),array_key_exists('certify',$_POST) && $_POST['certify'] == 1); AssureBoxLine("CCAAgreed",sprintf(_("I verify that %s %s %s %s has accepted the CAcert Community Agreement."), $fname, $mname, $lname, $suffix),array_key_exists('CCAAgreed',$_POST) && $_POST['CCAAgreed'] == 1); AssureInboxLine("location",_("Location"),array_key_exists('location',$_SESSION['_config'])?sanitizeHTML($_SESSION['_config']['location']):"",""); AssureInboxLine("date",_("Date"),array_key_exists('date',$_SESSION['_config'])?sanitizeHTML($_SESSION['_config']['date']):date("Y-m-d"),"
"._("The date when the assurance took place. Please adjust the date if you assured the person on a different day (YYYY-MM-DD).")); AssureTextLine("",_("Only tick the next box if the Assurance was face to face.")); AssureBoxLine("assertion",_("I believe that the assertion of identity I am making is correct, complete and verifiable. I have seen original documentation attesting to this identity. I accept that the CAcert Arbitrator may call upon me to provide evidence in any dispute, and I may be held responsible."),array_key_exists('assertion',$_POST) && $_POST['assertion'] == 1); AssureBoxLine("rules",_("I have read and understood the CAcert Community Agreement (CCA), Assurance Policy and the Assurance Handbook. I am making this Assurance subject to and in compliance with the CCA, Assurance policy and handbook."),array_key_exists('rules',$_POST) && $_POST['rules'] == 1); AssureTextLine(_("Policy"),""._("CAcert Community Agreement")." -"._("Assurance Policy")." - "._("Assurance Handbook").""); AssureInboxLine("points",_("Points"),"","
(Max. ".maxpoints().")"); AssureFoot($id,_("I confirm this Assurance")); ?>