#!/usr/bin/php -q This file is part of CAcert. CAcert has been released under a CAcert Source License which can be found included with these source files or can be downloaded from the internet from the following address: http://www.cacert.org/src-lic.php CAcert is distributed WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the License for more details. */ include_once("/home/cacert/www/includes/mysql.php"); $days = array("1" => "3", "15" => "2", "30" => "1", "45" => "0"); foreach($days as $day => $warning) { $query = "SELECT `emailcerts`.`id`,`users`.`fname`,`users`.`lname`,`users`.`email`,`emailcerts`.`memid`, `emailcerts`.`subject`, `emailcerts`.`crt_name`, (UNIX_TIMESTAMP(`emailcerts`.`expire`) - UNIX_TIMESTAMP(NOW())) / 86400 as `daysleft` FROM `users`,`emailcerts` WHERE UNIX_TIMESTAMP(`emailcerts`.`expire`) - UNIX_TIMESTAMP(NOW()) > -7 * 86400 and UNIX_TIMESTAMP(`emailcerts`.`expire`) - UNIX_TIMESTAMP(NOW()) < $day * 86400 and `emailcerts`.`renewed`=0 and `emailcerts`.`warning` <= '$warning' and `emailcerts`.`revoked`=0 and `users`.`id`=`emailcerts`.`memid`"; $res = mysql_query($query); while($row = mysql_fetch_assoc($res)) { if($row['subject'] == "") { $row['crt_name'] = str_replace("../", "/home/cacert/www/", $row['crt_name']); $subject = `openssl x509 -in '$row[crt_name]' -text -noout|grep Subject:`; $bits = explode("/", $subject); foreach($bits as $val) { $sub = explode("=", trim($val)); if($sub['0'] == "emailAddress") { $row['subject'] = $sub['1']; break; } } } $row['daysleft'] = ceil($row['daysleft']); $body = sprintf(_("Hi %s"), $row['fname']).",\n\n"; $body .= _("You are receieving this email as you are the listed contact for:")."\n\n"; $body .= $row['subject']."\n\n"; $body .= sprintf(_("Your certificate is set to expire in approximately %s days time, you can renew this by going to the following URL:"), $row['daysleft'])."\n\n"; $body .= "https://www.cacert.org/account.php?id=5\n\n"; $body .= _("Best Regards")."\n"._("CAcert Support"); sendmail($row['email'], "[CAcert.org] "._("Your Certificate is about to expire"), $body, "support@cacert.org", "", "", "CAcert Support"); echo $row['fname']." ".$row['lname']." <".$row['email']."> (memid: ".$row['memid']." Subj: ".$row['subject']." timeleft: ".$row['daysleft'].")\n"; $query = "update `emailcerts` set `warning`='".($warning+1)."' where `id`='".$row['id']."'"; mysql_query($query); } } foreach($days as $day => $warning) { $query = "SELECT `domaincerts`.`id`, `users`.`fname`, `users`.`lname`, `users`.`email`, `domains`.`memid`, `domaincerts`.`subject`, `domaincerts`.`crt_name`, `domaincerts`.`CN`, (UNIX_TIMESTAMP(`domaincerts`.`expire`) - UNIX_TIMESTAMP(NOW())) / 86400 AS `daysleft` FROM `users`, `domaincerts`, `domlink`, `domains` WHERE UNIX_TIMESTAMP(`domaincerts`.`expire`) - UNIX_TIMESTAMP(NOW()) > -7 * 86400 AND UNIX_TIMESTAMP(`domaincerts`.`expire`) - UNIX_TIMESTAMP(NOW()) < $day * 86400 AND `domaincerts`.`renewed`=0 AND `domaincerts`.`warning` <= '$warning' AND `domaincerts`.`revoked`=0 AND `users`.`id` = `domains`.`memid` AND `domlink`.`certid` = `domaincerts`.`id` AND `domains`.`id` = `domlink`.`domid`"; $res = mysql_query($query); while($row = mysql_fetch_assoc($res)) { $row['daysleft'] = ceil($row['daysleft']); $body = sprintf(_("Hi %s"), $row['fname']).",\n\n"; $body .= _("You are receieving this email as you are the listed contact for:")."\n\n"; $body .= $row['CN']."\n\n"; $body .= sprintf(_("Your certificate is set to expire in approximately %s days time, you can renew this by going to the following URL:"), $row['daysleft'])."\n\n"; $body .= "https://www.cacert.org/account.php?id=12\n\n"; $body .= _("Best Regards")."\n"._("CAcert Support"); sendmail($row['email'], "[CAcert.org] "._("Your Certificate is about to expire"), $body, "support@cacert.org", "", "", "CAcert Support"); echo $row['fname']." ".$row['lname']." <".$row['email']."> (memid: ".$row['memid']." Subj: ".$row['CN']." timeleft: ".$row['daysleft'].")\n"; $query = "update `domaincerts` set `warning`='".($warning+1)."' where `id`='".$row['id']."'"; mysql_query($query); } } ?>