#!/usr/bin/perl -w # (c) 2006-2008 by CAcert.org # Production Client / CommModule use strict; use Device::USB; use POSIX; use Time::HiRes q(usleep); use File::CounterFile; use File::Copy; use DBI; use Locale::gettext; use IO::Socket; use MIME::Base64; use Digest::SHA1 qw(sha1_hex sha1); #Protocol version: my $ver=1; #Debugging does not delete work-files for later inspection my $debug=0; #Paranoid exists the program on a malicious request my $paranoid=1; #Location of the openssl and gpg binaries my $gpgbin="/usr/bin/gpg"; my $opensslbin="/usr/bin/openssl"; my $mysqlphp="/home/cacert/www/includes/mysql.php"; my %revokefile=(2=>"../www/class3-revoke.crl",1=>"../www/revoke.crl",0=>"../www/revoke.crl"); #USB-Link settings my $PACKETSIZE=0x100; my $SALT="Salz"; my $HASHSIZE=20; #End of configurations ######################################################## #Reads a while file and returns the content #Returns undef on failure sub readfile($) { my $olds=$/; my $content=undef; if(open READIN,"<$_[0]") { binmode READIN; undef $/; $content=; close READIN; $/=$olds; } return $content; } #Writes/Overwrites a file with content. #Returns 1 on success, 0 on failure. sub writefile($$) { if(open WRITEOUT,">$_[0]") { binmode WRITEOUT; print WRITEOUT $_[1]; close WRITEOUT; return 1; } return 0; } #mkdir "revokehashes"; foreach (keys %revokefile) { my $revokehash=sha1_hex(readfile($revokefile{$_})); print "Root $_: Hash $revokefile{$_} = $revokehash\n"; } my %monarr = ("Jan" => 1, "Feb" => 2, "Mar" => 3, "Apr" => 4, "May" => 5, "Jun" => 6, "Jul" => 7, "Aug" => 8, "Sep" => 9, "Oct" => 10, "Nov" => 11, "Dec" => 12); my $content=readfile($mysqlphp); my $password="";$password=$1 if($content=~m/mysql_connect\("[^"]+",\s*"\w+",\s*"(\w+)"/); $content=""; my $dbh = DBI->connect("DBI:mysql:cacert:localhost",$password?"cacert":"",$password, { RaiseError => 1, AutoCommit => 1 }) || die ("Error with the database connection.\n"); #Logging functions: sub SysLog($) { my @ltime=localtime; my $date=strftime("%Y-%m-%d",@ltime); open LOG,">>logfile$date.txt"; return if(not defined($_[0])); my $timestamp=strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S",@ltime); #$syslog->write($_[0]."\x00"); print LOG "$timestamp $_[0]"; print "$timestamp $_[0]"; flush LOG; close LOG; } sub Error($) { SysLog($_[0]); if($paranoid) { die $_[0]; } } my $timestamp=strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S",localtime); sub mysql_query($) { $dbh->do($_[0]); } sub trim($) { my $new=$_[0]; $new=~s/^\s*//; $new=~s/\s*$//; return($new); } sub addslashes($) { my $new=$_[0]; $new=~s/['"\\]/\\$1/g; return($new); } sub recode { return $_[1]; } #Hexdump function: Returns the hexdump representation of a string sub hexdump($) { return "" if(not defined($_[0])); my $content=""; $content.=sprintf("%02X ",unpack("C",substr($_[0],$_,1))) foreach (0 .. length($_[0])-1); return $content; } #pack3 packs together the length of the data in 3 bytes and the data itself, size limited to 16MB. In case the data is more than 16 MB, it is ignored, and a 0 Byte block is transferred sub pack3 { return "\x00\x00\x00" if(!defined($_[0])); my $data=(length($_[0]) >= 2**24)? "":$_[0]; my $len=pack("N",length($data)); #print "len: ".length($data)."\n"; return substr($len,1,3).$data; } #unpack3 unpacks packed data. sub unpack3($) { return undef if((not defined($_[0])) or length($_[0])<3); #print "hexdump: ".hexdump("\x00".substr($_[0],0,3))."\n"; my $len=unpack("N","\x00".substr($_[0],0,3)); #print "len3: $len length(): ".length($_[0])." length()-3: ".(length($_[0])-3)."\n"; return undef if(length($_[0])-3 != $len); return substr($_[0],3); } #unpack3array extracts a whole array of concatented packed data. sub unpack3array($) { my @retarr=(); if((not defined($_[0])) or length($_[0])<3) { SysLog "Datenanfang kaputt\n"; return (); } my $dataleft=$_[0]; while(length($dataleft)>=3) { #print "hexdump: ".hexdump("\x00".substr($dataleft,0,3))."\n"; my $len=unpack("N","\x00".substr($dataleft,0,3)); #print "len3: $len length(): ".length($dataleft)." length()-3: ".(length($dataleft)-3)."\n"; if(length($dataleft)-3 < $len) { SysLog "Datensatz abgeschnitten\n"; return (); } push @retarr, substr($dataleft,3,$len); $dataleft=substr($dataleft,3+$len); } if(length($dataleft)!=0) { SysLog "Ende abgeschnitten\n"; return (); } return @retarr; } #Pack4 packs and secret-key signs some data. sub pack4($) { return pack("N",length($_[0])).$_[0].sha1($SALT.$_[0]); } $timestamp=strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S",localtime); SysLog("Starting Server at $timestamp\n"); $SALT=readfile(".salt.key"); SysLog("Opening USB-Link interface:\n"); #Opening USB device: my $usb = Device::USB->new(); my @list=$usb->list_devices(0x067b,0x2501); my $dev = $list[0]; if(defined($dev)) { #print "USB-Link Device found: ", $dev->filename(), "\n"; if($dev->open()) { #print "\t", $dev->manufacturer(), ": ", $dev->product(), "\n"; $dev->claim_interface(0); my $buffer=" "; $dev->control_msg(0xc0 , 0xfb, 0, 0, $buffer, 2, 1000); if($buffer ne "\x04\x08" and $buffer ne "\x0c\x04" and $buffer ne "\x00\x0c" and $buffer ne "\x04\x0c") { print "Please plug the USB-Link cable into the other computer.\n"; } else { print "USB-Link ok.\n"; } } else { print "Unable to work with USB-Link device: $!\n"; } } else { print "USB-Link Device not found. Please plug the cable into this computer.\n"; } #sends a single packet (pack4 encoded). Returns the returncode sub send_packet($) { if((14+length($_[0])+$HASHSIZE) > $PACKETSIZE) { return -1; } # 4 Bytes Length, N Bytes Data, 20 Bytes SHA1 Hash, 0 Padding my $data="CommModule".pack4($_[0]); $data.=("\x00"x($PACKETSIZE-length($data))); my $ret=$dev->bulk_write(0x2,$data,length($data),1000); print "Send-result: $ret\n"; return $ret; } #Receives several consecutive packets. Returns the concatenated payload sub receive_packets() { print "Receiving packets ...\n"; my $collectedpayload=""; my $done=0; while(!$done) { my $data=" "x$PACKETSIZE; my $re=$dev->bulk_read(0x83,$data,length($data),10000); writefile("usbpacket.dat",$data); print "Read: $re Bytes: ".length($data)."\n"; if($re > 0) { $data=~s/^.*?CommModule//s; my $len=unpack("N",substr($data,0,4)); print "len: $len\n"; if($len>=0 and $len<=$PACKETSIZE-$HASHSIZE-4) { my $payload=substr($data,4,$len); if(sha1($SALT.$payload) eq substr($data,4+$len,$HASHSIZE)) { print "Hash OK!\n"; $collectedpayload.=substr($payload,1); $done=1 if(substr($payload,0,1)eq "0"); } else { print "Hash NOT OK: ".sha1_hex($SALT.$payload)." vs. ".hexdump(substr($data,4+$len,$HASHSIZE))." !\n"; return ""; } } } elsif($re == 0) { Error "USB-Link cable disconnected!\n"; } } print "Receiving done.\n"; return $collectedpayload; } my $MAXCHUNK=$PACKETSIZE-100; #Sends data over the USB-Link, without handshaking sub SendPackets($) { print "Sending Packets ...\n"; my $data=pack4($_[0]); my $done=0; return if(!defined($data) or !length($data)); while(!$done) { while(length($data)>0) { my $d=substr($data,0,$MAXCHUNK); if(length($data)>$MAXCHUNK) { send_packet("1".$d); $data=substr($data,$MAXCHUNK); } else { send_packet("0".$d); $data=""; } } $done=1; } print "Sending Packets done.\n"; } #Receives several packets, verifies the secret key signature and extracts the payload #Returns the payload sub Receive { my $data=receive_packets(); if (!defined($data) or length($data)<4) { print "Received data too short!\n"; return ""; } my $len=unpack("N",substr($data,0,4)); if($len != (length($data)-$HASHSIZE-4)) { print "Length field does not match data on Receive!\n"; return ""; } my $payload=substr($data,4,$len); if(sha1($SALT.$payload) ne substr($data,4+$len,$HASHSIZE)) { print "Hash on Receive is BROKEN!\n"; return ""; } return $payload; } # @result(Version,Action,Errorcode,Response)=Request(Version=1,Action=1,System=1,Root=1,Configuration="...",Parameter="...",Request="..."); sub Request($$$$$$$$$$$) { print "Version: $_[0] Action: $_[1] System: $_[2] Root: $_[3] Config: $_[4]\n"; $_[3]=0 if($_[3]<0); SendPackets(pack3(pack3(pack("C*",$_[0],$_[1],$_[2],$_[3],$_[4],$_[5],$_[6]>>8,$_[6]&255,$_[7])).pack3($_[8]).pack3($_[9]).pack3($_[10]))); my $data=Receive(); if(defined($data) and length($data)>6) { my @fields=unpack3array(substr($data,3)); SysLog "Answer from Server: ".hexdump($data)."\n" if($debug); #writefile("result.dat",$data); return $fields[1]; } return ""; } sub calculateDays($) { if($_[0]) { my @sum = $dbh->selectrow_array("select sum(`points`) as `total` from `notary` where `to`='".$_[0]."' group by `to`"); SysLog("Summe: $sum[0]\n") if($debug); return ($sum[0]>=50)?730:180; } return 180; } sub X509extractSAN($) { my @bits = split("/", $_[0]); my $SAN=""; my $newsubject=""; foreach my $val(@bits) { my @bit=split("=",$val); if($bit[0] eq "subjectAltName") { $SAN.="," if($SAN ne ""); $SAN.= trim($bit[1]); } else { $newsubject .= "/".$val; } } $newsubject=~s{^//}{/}; $newsubject=~s/[\n\r\t\x00"\\']//g; $SAN=~s/[ \n\r\t\x00"\\']//g; return($SAN,$newsubject); } sub X509extractExpiryDate($) { # TIMEZONE ?!? my $data=`$opensslbin x509 -in "$_[0]" -noout -enddate`; #notAfter=Aug 8 10:26:34 2007 GMT if($data=~m/notAfter=(\w{2,4}) *(\d{1,2}) *(\d{1,2}:\d{1,2}:\d{1,2}) (\d{4}) GMT/) { my $date="$4-".$monarr{$1}."-$2 $3"; SysLog "Expiry Date found: $date\n" if($debug); return $date; } else { SysLog "Expiry Date not found: $data\n"; } return ""; } sub X509extractSerialNumber($) { # TIMEZONE ?!? my $data=`$opensslbin x509 -in "$_[0]" -noout -serial`; if($data=~m/serial=([0-9A-F]+)/) { return $1; } return ""; } sub OpenPGPextractExpiryDate ($) { my $r=""; my $cts; my @date; open(RGPG, $gpgbin.' -vv '.$_[0].' 2>&1 |') or Error('Can\'t start GnuPG($gpgbin): '.$!."\n"); open(OUT, '> infogpg.txt' ) or Error('Can\'t open output file: infogpg.txt: '.$!); $/="\n"; while () { print OUT $_; unless ($r) { if ( /^\s*version \d+, created (\d+), md5len 0, sigclass \d+\s*$/ ) { SysLog "Detected CTS: $1\n"; $cts = int($1); } elsif ( /^\s*critical hashed subpkt \d+ len \d+ \(sig expires after ((\d+)y)?((\d+)d)?((\d+)h)?(\d+)m\)\s*$/ ) { SysLog "Detected FRAME $2 $4 $6 $8\n"; $cts += $2 * 31536000; # secs per year (60 * 60 * 24 * 365) $cts += $4 * 86400; # secs per day (60 * 60 * 24) $cts += $6 * 3600; # secs per hour (60 * 60) $cts += $8 * 60; # secs per min (60) $r = $cts; } elsif(/version/) { SysLog "Detected VERSION\n"; } } } close(OUT ); close(RGPG); SysLog "CTS: $cts R: $r\n"; if ( $r ) { @date = gmtime($r); $r = sprintf('%.4i-%.2i-%.2i %.2i:%.2i:%.2i', # date format $date[5] + 1900, $date[4] + 1, $date[3], # day $date[2], $date[1], $date[0], # time ); } SysLog "$r\n"; return $r; } # Sets the locale according to the users preferred language sub setUsersLanguage($) { my $lang="de_DE"; print "Searching for the language of the user $_[0]\n"; my @a=$dbh->selectrow_array("select language from users where id='".int($_[0])."'"); $lang = $1 if($a[0]=~m/(\w+_[\w.@]+)/); SysLog "The users preferred language: $lang\n"; if($lang ne "") { $ENV{"LANG"}=$lang; setlocale(LC_ALL, $lang); } else { $ENV{"LANG"}="en_AU"; setlocale(LC_ALL, "en_AU"); } } sub getUserData($) { my $sth = $dbh->prepare("select * from users where id='$_[0]'"); $sth->execute(); #SysLog "USER DUMP:\n"; while ( my $rowdata = $sth->fetchrow_hashref() ) { my %tmp=%{$rowdata}; #foreach (sort keys %tmp) #{ #SysLog " $_ -> $tmp{$_}\n"; #} return %tmp; } return (); } sub _($) { return gettext($_[0]); } sub sendmail($$$$$$$) { my ($to, $subject, $message, $from, $replyto, $toname, $fromname)=@_; my $errorsto="returns\@cacert.org"; my $extra=""; # sendmail($user{email}, "[CAcert.org] Your GPG/PGP Key", $body, "support\@cacert.org", "", "", "CAcert Support"); my @lines=split("\n",$message); $message = ""; foreach my $line (@lines) { $line = trim($line); if($line eq ".") { $message .= " .\n"; } else { $message .= $line."\n"; } } $fromname = $from if($fromname eq ""); my @bits = split(",", $from); $from = addslashes($bits['0']); $fromname = addslashes($fromname); my $smtp = IO::Socket::INET->new(PeerAddr => 'localhost:25'); $/="\n"; SysLog "SMTP: ".<$smtp>."\n"; print $smtp "HELO hlin.cacert.org\r\n"; SysLog "SMTP: ".<$smtp>."\n"; print $smtp "MAIL FROM: \r\n"; SysLog "MAIL FROM: ".<$smtp>."\n"; @bits = split(",", $to); foreach my $user (@bits) { print $smtp "RCPT TO: <".trim($user).">\r\n"; SysLog "RCPT TO: ".<$smtp>."\n"; } print $smtp "DATA\r\n"; SysLog "DATA: ".<$smtp>."\n"; print $smtp "X-Mailer: CAcert.org Website\r\n"; print $smtp "X-OriginatingIP: ".$ENV{"REMOTE_ADDR"}."\r\n"; print $smtp "Sender: $errorsto\r\n"; print $smtp "Errors-To: $errorsto\r\n"; if($replyto ne "") { print $smtp "Reply-To: $replyto\r\n"; } else { print $smtp "Reply-To: $from\r\n"; } print $smtp "From: $from ($fromname)\r\n"; print $smtp "To: $to\r\n"; my $newsubj=encode_base64(recode("html..utf-8", trim($subject))); #SysLog("NewSubj: --".$newsubj."--\n") if($debug); $newsubj=~s/\n*$//; #SysLog("NewSubj: --".$newsubj."--\n") if($debug); print $smtp "Subject: =?utf-8?B?$newsubj?=\r\n"; print $smtp "Mime-Version: 1.0\r\n"; if($extra eq "") { print $smtp "Content-Type: text/plain; charset=\"utf-8\"\r\n"; print $smtp "Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\r\n"; } else { print $smtp "Content-Type: text/plain; charset=\"iso-8859-1\"\r\n"; print $smtp "Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable\r\n"; print $smtp "Content-Disposition: inline\r\n"; }; # print $smtp "Content-Transfer-Encoding: BASE64\r\n"; print $smtp "\r\n"; # print $smtp chunk_split(encode_base64(recode("html..utf-8", $message)))."\r\n.\r\n"; print $smtp recode("html..utf-8", $message)."\r\n.\r\n"; SysLog "ENDOFTEXT: ".<$smtp>."\n"; print $smtp "QUIT\n"; SysLog "QUIT: ".<$smtp>."\n"; close($smtp); } sub HandleCerts($$) { my $org=$_[0]?"org":""; my $server=$_[1]; my $table=$org.($server?"domaincerts":"emailcerts"); my $sth = $dbh->prepare("select * from $table where crt_name='' and csr_name!='' "); $sth->execute(); #$rowdata; while ( my $rowdata = $sth->fetchrow_hashref() ) { my %row=%{$rowdata}; my $csrname = "../csr/".$org.($server?"server-":"client-").$row{'id'}.".csr"; my $crtname = "../crt/".$org.($server?"server-":"client-").$row{'id'}.".crt"; if($server) { #Weird SQL structure ... my @sqlres=$dbh->selectrow_array("select memid from domains where id='".int($row{'domid'})."'"); $row{'memid'}=$sqlres[0]; SysLog("Fetched memid: $row{'memid'}\n") if($debug); } SysLog "Opening $csrname\n"; my $crt=""; my $profile=0; # "0"=>"client.cnf", # "1"=>"client-org.cnf", # "2"=>"client-codesign.cnf", # "3"=>"client-machine.cnf", # "4"=>"client-ads.cnf", # "5"=>"server.cnf", # "6"=>"server-org.cnf", # "7"=>"server-jabber.cnf", # "8"=>"server-ocsp.cnf", # "9"=>"server-timestamp.cnf", # "10"=>"proxy.cnf", # "11"=>"subca.cnf" if($row{"type"} =~ m/^(8|9)$/) { $profile=$row{"type"}; } elsif($org) { if($row{'codesign'}) { $profile=2; ## TODO! } elsif($server) { $profile=6; } else { $profile=1; } } else { if($row{'codesign'}) { $profile=2; } elsif($server) { $profile=5; } else { $profile=0; } } if(open(IN,"<$csrname")) { undef $/; my $content=; close IN; SysLog "Read.\n" if($debug); SysLog "Subject: --$row{'subject'}--\n" if($debug); my ($SAN,$subject)=X509extractSAN($row{'subject'}); SysLog "Subject: --$subject--\n" if($debug); SysLog "SAN: --$SAN--\n" if($debug); SysLog "memid: $row{'memid'}\n" if($debug); my $days=$org?($server?(365*2):365):calculateDays($row{"memid"}); $crt=Request($ver,1,1,$row{'rootcert'}-1,$profile,$row{'md'}eq"sha1"?2:0,$days,$row{'keytype'}eq"NS"?1:0,$content,$SAN,$subject); if(length($crt)) { if($crt=~m/^-----BEGIN CERTIFICATE-----/) { open OUT,">$crtname"; print OUT $crt; close OUT; } else { open OUT,">$crtname.der"; print OUT $crt; close OUT; system "$opensslbin x509 -in $crtname.der -inform der -out $crtname"; } } } else { print "Error: $! Konnte $csrname nicht laden\n"; } if(-s $crtname) { SysLog "Opening $crtname\n"; my $date=X509extractExpiryDate($crtname); my $serial=X509extractSerialNumber($crtname); setUsersLanguage($row{memid}); my %user=getUserData($row{memid}); foreach (sort keys %user) { SysLog " $_ -> $user{$_}\n" if($debug); } SysLog("update `$table` set `crt_name`='$crtname', modified=now(), serial='$serial', `expire`='$date' where `id`='".$row{'id'}."'\n"); $dbh->do("update `$table` set `crt_name`='$crtname', modified=now(), serial='$serial', `expire`='$date' where `id`='".$row{'id'}."'"); my $body = _("Hi")." $user{fname},\n\n"; $body .= sprintf(_("You can collect your certificate for %s by going to the following location:")."\n\n", $row{'email'}); $body .= "https://www.cacert.org/account.php?id=".($server?"15":"6")."&cert=$row{id}\n\n"; $body .= _("If you havent imported CAcert´s root certificate, please go to:")."\n"; $body .= "https://www.cacert.org/index.php?id=3\n"; $body .= "Root cert fingerprint = A6:1B:37:5E:39:0D:9C:36:54:EE:BD:20:31:46:1F:6B\n"; $body .= "Root cert fingerprint = 135C EC36 F49C B8E9 3B1A B270 CD80 8846 76CE 8F33\n\n"; $body .= _("Best regards")."\n"._("CAcert.org Support!")."\n\n"; sendmail($user{email}, "[CAcert.org] "._("Your certificate"), $body, "support\@cacert.org", "", "", "CAcert Support"); } else { $dbh->do("delete from `$table` where `id`='".$row{'id'}."'"); } } } sub HandleNewCRL($$) { my ($crl,$crlname)=@_; if(length($crl)) { if($crl=~m/^\%XD/) { writefile("$crlname.patch",$crl); system "xdelta patch $crlname.patch $crlname $crlname.tmp"; } elsif($crl=~m/^-----BEGIN X509 CRL-----/) { writefile("$crlname.pem",$crl); system "$opensslbin crl -in $crlname.pem -outform der -out $crlname.tmp"; } elsif($crl=~m/^\x30/) { writefile("$crlname.tmp",$crl); } else { Error "Unknown CRL format!".(substr($crl,0,5))."\n"; } rename "$crlname.tmp","$crlname"; # Atomic move } } sub RevokeCerts($$) { my $org=$_[0]?"org":""; my $server=$_[1]; my $table=$org.($server?"domaincerts":"emailcerts"); my $sth = $dbh->prepare("select * from $table where revoked='1970-01-01 10:00:01'"); # WHICH TIMEZONE? $sth->execute(); #$rowdata; while ( my $rowdata = $sth->fetchrow_hashref() ) { my %row=%{$rowdata}; my $csrname = "../csr/".$org.($server?"server-":"client-").$row{'id'}.".csr"; my $crtname = "../crt/".$org.($server?"server-":"client-").$row{'id'}.".crt"; my $crlname = $revokefile{$row{'rootcert'}}; my $crt=""; if(open(IN,"<$crtname")) { undef $/; my $content=; close IN; my $revokehash=sha1_hex(readfile($crlname)); my $crl=Request($ver,2,1,$row{'rootcert'}-1,0,0,365,0,$content,"",$revokehash); HandleNewCRL($crl,$crlname); if(-s $crlname) { setUsersLanguage($row{memid}); my %user=getUserData($row{memid}); $dbh->do("update `$table` set `revoked`=now() where `id`='".$row{'id'}."'"); my $body = _("Hi")." $user{fname},\n\n"; $body .= sprintf(_("Your certificate for %s has been revoked, as per request.")."\n\n", $row{'CN'}); $body .= _("Best regards")."\n"._("CAcert.org Support!")."\n\n"; sendmail($user{email}, "[CAcert.org] "._("Your certificate"), $body, "support\@cacert.org", "", "", "CAcert Support"); } } else { SysLog("Error: $crtname $!\n") if($debug); } } } sub HandleGPG() { my $sth = $dbh->prepare("select * from gpg where crt='' and csr!='' "); $sth->execute(); my $rowdata; while ( $rowdata = $sth->fetchrow_hashref() ) { my %row=%{$rowdata}; my $csrname = "../csr/gpg-".$row{'id'}.".csr"; my $crtname = "../crt/gpg-".$row{'id'}.".crt"; SysLog "Opening $csrname\n"; my $crt=""; if(-s $csrname && open(IN,"<$csrname")) { undef $/; my $content=; close IN; SysLog "Read.\n"; $crt=Request($ver,1,2,0,0,2,366,0,$content,"",""); if(length($crt)) { open OUT,">$crtname"; print OUT $crt; close OUT; } } else { #Error("Error: $!\n"); next; } if(-s $crtname) { SysLog "Opening $crtname\n"; setUsersLanguage($row{memid}); my $date=OpenPGPextractExpiryDate($crtname); my %user=getUserData($row{memid}); $dbh->do("update `gpg` set `crt`='$crtname', issued=now(), `expire`='$date' where `id`='".$row{'id'}."'"); my $body = _("Hi")." $user{fname},\n\n"; $body .= sprintf(_("Your CAcert signed key for %s is available online at:")."\n\n", $row{'email'}); $body .= "https://www.cacert.org/gpg.php?id=3&cert=$row{id}\n\n"; $body .= _("To help improve the trust of CAcert in general, it's appreciated if you could also sign our key and upload it to a key server. Below is a copy of our primary key details:")."\n\n"; $body .= "pub 1024D/65D0FD58 2003-07-11 CA Cert Signing Authority (Root CA) \n"; $body .= "Key fingerprint = A31D 4F81 EF4E BD07 B456 FA04 D2BB 0D01 65D0 FD58\n\n"; $body .= _("Best regards")."\n"._("CAcert.org Support!")."\n\n"; sendmail($user{email}, "[CAcert.org] Your GPG/PGP Key", $body, "support\@cacert.org", "", "", "CAcert Support"); } else { $dbh->do("delete from `gpg` where `id`='".$row{'id'}."'"); } } } # Main program loop while(1) { SysLog("Handling GPG database ...\n"); # HandleGPG(); SysLog("Issueing certs ...\n"); # HandleCerts(0,0); #personal client certs # HandleCerts(0,1); #personal server certs # HandleCerts(1,0); #org client certs # HandleCerts(1,1); #org server certs # SysLog("Revoking certs ...\n"); # RevokeCerts(0,0); #personal client certs # RevokeCerts(0,1); #personal server certs # RevokeCerts(1,0); #org client certs # RevokeCerts(1,1); #org server certs #print "Sign Request X.509, Root0\n"; #my $reqcontent=""; #Request($ver,1,1,0,5,2,365,0,$reqcontent,"","/CN=supertest.cacert.at"); SysLog("NUL Request:\n"); my $timestamp=strftime("%m%d%H%M%Y.%S",gmtime); my $ret=Request($ver,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,$timestamp,"",""); print "RET: $ret\n"; SysLog("Generate regular CRLs:\n"); foreach my $root ((1,2)) { my $crlname = $revokefile{$root}; my $revokehash=sha1_hex(readfile($crlname)); print "Aktueller Hash am Webserver: $revokehash\n"; my $crl=Request($ver,2,1,$root-1,0,0,365,0,"","",$revokehash); HandleNewCRL($crl,$crlname); } usleep(700000); }