= 50) { $fname = $_SESSION['profile']['fname']; $mname = $_SESSION['profile']['mname']; $lname = $_SESSION['profile']['lname']; $suffix = $_SESSION['profile']['suffix']; ?> = 100 && $_SESSION['profile']['codesign'] > 0) { ?>

\n", wordwrap(_("Please note: The class 3 root certificate needs to be imported into your email program as well as the class 1 root certificate so your email program can build a full trust path chain. Until we are included in browsers this might not be a desirable option for most people"), 125))?>


\n", wordwrap(_("By adding Single Sign On (SSO) ID information to your certificates this could be used to track you, you can also issue certificates with no email addresses that are useful only for Authentication. Please see a more detailed description on our WIKI about it."), 125))?>