CAcert Assurer Training Event Goteborg :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: Much has happened during the past year. A list of up till now mostly "orally transmitted" rules have been cast in policies. New procedures (e.g. the Assurer Challenge) and obligations (e.g. in the CAcert Community Agreement) have been decided. The Assurer Training Events try to bring all this informations to "the people": - To what, does the CCA protect every CAcert-Community-Member and as such also you? - Can you recount the 5 statements of the "Purpose of Assurance"? - Can you at least recount 10 security marks of the Swedish passport /Identity card? Answers to these and following questions are given at the Assurer Training Events (ATE’s). Participation in the events is free, Contributions are however appreciated. The ATE-Goteborg takes place on: - Wednesday, Dec 16th from 20:00 till 22:00 - at - [] - Massans gata 24 - 402 26 Goteborg, Sweden The Event-Team is already excited about your participation. Registration ATE-Goteborg [] Remark from Leif-Joran: I have a backup room at my department just a couple of hundred meters from Gothia Towers. L307, Lennart Torstenssons-gatan 8 Remarks from Ted: As I understand it, it will probably be harder to find a room inside the hotel than to find the hotel itself, it boasts to be the biggest hotel in Skandinavia... My mobile phone number is +49 151 52634367. I'm there on a probably quite busy business trip, so it may be that I have to cancel the whole thing on short notice. I propose that you try to contact me by phone before leaving home, so I can confirm that I will be there. Also I don't have much time to prepare, so please don't expect something like a professional presentation from me. I hope it will be a nice little meeting, we will assure each others, you'll ask questions you always wanted to ask about CACert and I'll tell you about all the things that have recently changed at CAcert, at least the important ones. And maybe I'll try to trick you into making a false assurance, just to show you where problems are expected. :-) contact: