/** * calls OneStat image/link * * @package org.cacert.framework * @author OneStat.com * @copyright Copyright (C) 2002, {@link http://www.onestat.com/ OneStat.com } * @version $Id: onestat.js,v 1.3 2004/10/16 14:45:32 root Exp $ */ // Modification of this code is not allowed and will permanently disable your account! // Account ID: 164863 // Site URL : http://www.cacert.org // Copyright (C) 2002 OneStat.com All Rights Reserved function OneStat_Tag() { var CONTENTSECTION= ""; var CUSTOMDATA= ""; var osp_URL= document.URL; var osp_Title= document.title; function A(B, C) { W+="&"+B+"="+escape(C); } var t = new Date(); var W="http"+(document.URL.indexOf('https:')==0?'s':'')+"://stat.onestat.com/asp/stat.asp?tagver=1&sid=164863"; A( "tz", t.getTimezoneOffset()); A( "ch", t.getHours()); A( "ti", typeof(osp_Title)== "string" ? osp_Title : document.title); A( "url", typeof(osp_URL)== "string" ? osp_URL : document.URL); A( "rf", parent==self ? window.document.referrer : top.document.referrer); A( "js", "Yes"); A( "ul", navigator.appName=="Netscape" ? navigator.language : navigator.userLanguage); if(typeof(screen)=="object") { A( "sr", screen.width+"x"+screen.height); A( "cd", screen.colorDepth); A( "jo", navigator.javaEnabled()?"Yes":"No"); } A( "section", typeof(CONTENTSECTION)== "string" ? CONTENTSECTION : ""); A( "custom", typeof(CUSTOMDATA)== "string" ? CUSTOMDATA : ""); if( W.length>2048 && navigator.userAgent.indexOf('MSIE')>=0) W= W.substring( 0, 2043)+"&tu=1"; document.write('This Site Tracked by OneStat.com'); } OneStat_Tag();