This file is part of CAcert. CAcert has been released under the CAcert Source License which can be found included with these source files or can be downloaded from the internet from the following address: CAcert is distributed WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the License for more details. */ ?> 1) { $_SESSION['_config']['errmsg'] = _("You failed to paste a valid GPG/PGP key."); $id = $oldid; unset($oldid); } } if($oldid == "0") { $gpgkey = $_POST['CSR']; $gpg = `echo "$gpgkey"|gpg --with-colons --homedir /tmp 2>&1`; $lines = ""; foreach(explode("\n", $gpg) as $line) { if(substr($line, 0, 3) == "pub" || substr($line, 0, 3) == "uid") { if($lines != "") $lines .= "\n"; $lines .= $line; } } $gpg = $lines; $expires = 0; foreach(explode("\n", $gpg) as $line) { $name = $comment = ""; $bits = explode(":", $line); if($bits[0] == "pub" && (!$keyid || !$when)) { $keyid = $bits[4]; $when = $bits[5]; if($bits[6] != "") $expires = 1; } if(!strstr($line, "@")) continue; $pos = strpos($bits[9], "(") - 1; $nocomment = 0; if($pos < 0) { $nocomment = 1; $pos = strpos($bits[9], "<") - 1; } $name = trim(hex2bin(trim(substr($bits[9], 0, $pos)))); if($name != "") $names[] = $name; if($nocomment == 0) { $pos += 2; $pos2 = strpos($bits[9], ")"); $comm = trim(hex2bin(trim(substr($bits[9], $pos, $pos2 - $pos)))); if($comm != "") $comment[] = $comm; $pos = $pos2 + 3; } else { $pos = strpos($bits[9], "<") + 1; } $pos2 = strpos($bits[9], ">", $pos); $mail = trim(hex2bin(trim(substr($bits[9], $pos, $pos2 - $pos)))); if($mail != "") $emailaddies[] = $mail; } $multiple = 0; if(count($emailaddies) > 1) $multiple = 1; if($_SESSION['profile']['points'] < 50 && $_POST['level'] == 1) { $_SESSION['_config']['errmsg'] = _("You don't have enough assurance points to be issued a high level trust gpg signature."); unset($_POST['process']); $id = $oldid; unset($oldid); } if(is_array($names)) { foreach($names as $name) { if($name == $_SESSION['profile']['fname']." ".$_SESSION['profile']['lname']) continue; if($name == $_SESSION['profile']['fname']." ".$_SESSION['profile']['mname']." ".$_SESSION['profile']['lname']) continue; if($name == $_SESSION['profile']['fname']." ".$_SESSION['profile']['lname']." ".$_SESSION['profile']['suffix']) continue; if($name == $_SESSION['profile']['fname']." ".$_SESSION['profile']['mname']." ".$_SESSION['profile']['lname']." ".$_SESSION['profile']['suffix']) continue; $_SESSION['_config']['errmsg'] = _("No suitable name combination could be matched from your PGP/GPG keys to what we have in the database ('$name')"); unset($_POST['process']); $id = $oldid; unset($oldid); } } if(is_array($emailaddies) && count($emailaddies) >= 1) { foreach($emailaddies as $email) { if(mysql_num_rows(mysql_query("select * from `email` where `memid`='".$_SESSION['profile']['id']."' and `email`='$email' and `deleted`=0 and `hash`=''")) > 0) continue; $_SESSION['_config']['errmsg'] = _("No suitable emails could be matched from your PGP/GPG keys to what we have in the database. ('$email')"); unset($_POST['process']); $id = $oldid; unset($oldid); } } else { $_SESSION['_config']['errmsg'] = _("No emails found on your key"); unset($_POST['process']); $id = $oldid; unset($oldid); } } if($oldid == "0") { $_POST['level'] = intval($_POST['level']); if($_POST['level'] < 0 || $_POST['level'] > 1) $_POST['level'] = 0; $query = "insert into `gpg` set `memid`='".$_SESSION['profile']['id']."', `email`='".$emailaddies['0']."', `level`='".$_POST['level']."', `expires`='$expires', `multiple`='$multiple'"; mysql_query($query); $id = mysql_insert_id(); $fp = fopen("../csr/gpg-$id.csr", "w"); fputs($fp, $_POST['CSR']); fclose($fp); mysql_query("update `gpg` set `csr`='../csr/gpg-$id.csr' where `id`='$id'"); $do = `../scripts/rungpg 2>&1`; showheader(_("Welcome to")); $query = "select * from `gpg` where `id`='$id' and `crt`!=''"; $res = mysql_query($query); if(mysql_num_rows($res) <= 0) { echo _("Your certificate request has failed to be processed correctly, please try submitting it again."); } else { echo "
			echo "
"; } showfooter(); exit; } $id = intval($id); $_SESSION['_config']['cert'] = intval($cert); showheader(_("Welcome to")); includeit($id, "gpg"); showfooter(); ?>