#!/usr/bin/php -q COD1) * Configuration-Control Specification ("CCS" => COD2) * Certification Practice Statement ("CPS" => COD6) * Dispute Resolution Policy ("DRP" => COD7) * Security Policy ("SP" => COD8) * Organisation Assurance Policy ("OAP" => COD11) * Root Distribution License ("RDL" => COD14) * Organisation Assurance Subsidary Policy - Germany (COD11.DE) * Organisation Assurance Subsidary Policy - Europe (COD11.EU) * Organisation Assurance Subsidary Policy - Australia (COD11.AU) * TTP-Assisted Assurance Policy ("TTP-Assist" => COD13.2) We are working hard to update all the documents so that they show their policy status. As the content has not been changed and will remain the same, we decided to inform you about this even though we have not finished, yet. You can find the above polices at: https://svn.cacert.org/CAcert/Policies/ControlledDocumentList.html As most of those polices have not been reviewed for a while, you probably will see some more updates to CAcert policies coming soon. Those changes will be an important step to be able to pass an audit, which is one of our current goals. Every CAcert member interested in participating in the design of our policies, is invited to join our policy group mailing list at: https://lists.cacert.org/wws/info/cacert-policy Major changes for the CCA: * The CCA was changed to clearly be a general terms and conditions what makes it easier to join and exit as CAcert member. For CAcert it was obvious to do the change, because all CAcert members sign the same conditions without the possibility to strike or add personal clauses. * More ways to accept the CCA were added. * Termination of membership was clarified some more. Some other options beside the ruling of an Arbitrator were cautiously added. * You have a new obligation to answer in arbitration cases. This seems to be obvious, but you never signed it before. In the past this was derived from some points within our Dispute Resolution Policy (DRP). * Sharing of accounts and credentials was banned more clearly. Also the obligation to only use a certificate in the appropriate contexts was added. It was already part of the Certification Practice Statement (CPS). * Some kinds of contributions as personal data are now excepted from the non-exclusive non-restrictive non-revocable transfer of licence to CAcert. * Official communication with CAcert was simplified. * Some deprecated references were removed. A version with all changes can be found at: https://svn.cacert.org/CAcert/Policies/CAcertCommunityAgreement_20140708.html Sincerely, Eva Stöwe CAcert Policy Officer EOF; $lines_EN = wordwrap($lines_EN, 75, "\n"); $lines_EN = mb_convert_encoding($lines_EN, "HTML-ENTITIES", "UTF-8"); // read last used id $lastid = 0; if (file_exists("send_policy_cca20140915_lastid.txt")) { $fp = fopen("send_policy_cca20140915_lastid.txt", "r"); $lastid = trim(fgets($fp, 4096)); fclose($fp); } echo "ID now: $lastid\n"; $count = 0; $query = " SELECT `fname`, `lname`, `email` FROM `users` WHERE `deleted` = '0000-00-00 00:00:00' AND `modified` != '0000-00-00 00:00:00' AND `verified` = '1' ORDER BY `id`"; $res = mysql_query($query); while($row = mysql_fetch_assoc($res)) { $mailtxt = "Dear ${row["fname"]} ${row["lname"]},\n".$lines_EN."\n\n"; sendmail($row['email'], "[CAcert.org] CAcert Community Agreement (CCA)", $mailtxt, "support@cacert.org", "", "", "CAcert", "returns@cacert.org", ""); $fp = fopen("send_policy_cca20140915_lastid.txt", "w"); fputs($fp, $row["id"]."\n"); fclose($fp); $count++; echo "Sent ${count}th mail. User ID: ${row["id"]}\n"; if(0 == $count % 5) { sleep (1); } }