"._("The date when the assurance took place. Please adjust the date if you assured the person on a different day (YYYY-MM-DD).")); AssureTextLine("",_("Only tick the next box if the Assurance was face to face.")); AssureBoxLine("assertion",_("I believe that the assertion of identity I am making is correct, complete and verifiable. I have seen original documentation attesting to this identity. I accept that the CAcert Arbitrator may call upon me to provide evidence in any dispute, and I may be held responsible."),array_key_exists('assertion',$_POST) && $_POST['assertion'] == 1); AssureBoxLine("rules",_("I have read and understood the CAcert Community Agreement (CCA), Assurance Policy and the Assurance Handbook. I am making this Assurance subject to and in compliance with the CCA, Assurance policy and handbook."),array_key_exists('rules',$_POST) && $_POST['rules'] == 1); AssureTextLine(_("Policy"),""._("CAcert Community Agreement")." -"._("Assurance Policy")." - "._("Assurance Handbook").""); AssureInboxLine("points",_("Points"),"","
(Max. ".maxpoints().")"); AssureFoot($id,_("I confirm this Assurance")); ?>