This file is part of CAcert. CAcert has been released under the CAcert Source License which can be found included with these source files or can be downloaded from the internet from the following address: CAcert is distributed WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the License for more details. */ require_once("../includes/mysql.php"); //general.php"); echo("Content-Type: text/csv; charset=utf-8"); function mb_replace($str, $match, $replacement) { if ($match == "") { return $str; } $mlen = mb_strlen($match, "UTF-8"); while (($pos = mb_strpos($str, $match, 0, "UTF-8")) != "") { //print "$str, $match, $replacement, $pos\n"; $str = mb_substr($str, 0, $pos, "UTF-8") . ":" . $replacement . ":" . mb_substr($str, $pos + $mlen, mb_strlen($str, "UTF-8") - $pos - $mlen, "UTF-8"); //$pos = mb_strpos($str, $match, 0, "UTF-8"); //print "$str, $match, $replacement, $pos\n"; } $replacement .= "__C_A_S_E__M_I_S_M_A_T_C_H"; while ($_GET['case'] && ($pos = mb_stripos($str, $match, 0, "UTF-8")) != "") { $str = mb_substr($str, 0, $pos, "UTF-8") . ":" . $replacement . ":" . mb_substr($str, $pos + $mlen, mb_strlen($str, "UTF-8") - $pos - $mlen, "UTF-8"); } return $str; } function deUmlaut($str) { return iconv("UTF-8", "US-ASCII//TRANSLIT", mb_convert_encoding($str, "UTF-8")); } function deUmlaut2($str) { return mb_ereg_replace(iconv("ISO-8859-1", "UTF-8", "Ä"), "Ae", mb_ereg_replace(iconv("ISO-8859-1", "UTF-8", "Ö"), "Oe", mb_ereg_replace(iconv("ISO-8859-1", "UTF-8", "Ü"), "Ue", mb_ereg_replace(iconv("ISO-8859-1", "UTF-8", "ä"), "ae", mb_ereg_replace(iconv("ISO-8859-1", "UTF-8", "ö"), "oe", mb_ereg_replace(iconv("ISO-8859-1", "UTF-8", "ü"), "ue", mb_ereg_replace(iconv("ISO-8859-1", "UTF-8", "ß"), "ss", mb_convert_encoding($str, "UTF-8")))))))); } function csvize($str) { if (strpos($str, "\"") != "" || strpos($str, ",") != "") { return "\"" . str_replace("\"", "\"\"", $str) . "\""; } return $str; } mb_regex_encoding("UTF-8"); $res = mysql_query("SELECT id, memid FROM gpg WHERE crt != ''"); if (!$res) { echo "Query FROM gpg failed!\n"; exit; } $keys = array(); while ($row = mysql_fetch_row($res)) { array_push($keys, $row); } mysql_free_result($res); foreach ($keys as $key) { $crt = "../crt/gpg-" . $key[0] . ".crt"; if (!is_file($crt)) { echo "Missing cert $crt!\n"; continue; } $res = mysql_query("SELECT fname, mname, lname, suffix FROM users WHERE id = " . $key[1]); if (!$res) { echo "Query FROM users failed!\n"; exit; } $user = mysql_fetch_assoc($res); if (!$user) { echo "User #" . $key[1] . " not found?!\n"; continue; } mysql_free_result($res); $res = mysql_query("SELECT email FROM email WHERE hash = '' AND memid = " . $key[1]); if (!$res) { echo "Query FROM email failed!\n"; exit; } $addrs = array(); while ($addr = mysql_fetch_row($res)) { array_push($addrs, $addr[0]); } mysql_free_result($res); $gpg = `gpg --with-colons --homedir /tmp $crt 2>/dev/null`; //echo "gpg says\n".htmlspecialchars($gpg); foreach (explode("\n", $gpg) as $line) { $bits = explode(":", $line); if ($bits[0] != "pub" && $bits[0] != "uid") { continue; } $match = false; $problem = ""; $uid = " ".preg_replace('~\\\\x([0-9a-f])([0-9a-f])~ei', 'chr(hexdec("\\1\\2"))', $bits[9]); //print "$uid\n"; if (iconv("UTF-8", "UTF-8", $uid)) { $uid = mb_ereg_replace("\\\\", "\\x5c", $uid); $uid = mb_ereg_replace("\\:", "\\x3a", $uid); } else { if ($tmp = iconv("ISO-8859-1", "UTF-8", $uid)) { $problem = ":BAD_ENCODING:"; $uid = $tmp; $uid = mb_ereg_replace("\\\\", "\\x5c", $uid); $uid = mb_ereg_replace("\\:", "\\x3a", $uid); } else { $problem = ":UNKNOWN_ENCODING:"; $uid = $bits[9]; } } //print "$uid\n"; foreach ($addrs as $addr) { //print "$uid, $addr\n"; //print mb_convert_encoding($addr, "UTF-8")."\n"; $uid = mb_replace($uid, mb_convert_encoding($addr, "UTF-8"), "V_A_L_I_D__E_M_A_I_L"); } //print "$uid\n"; $uid = mb_replace($uid, mb_convert_encoding($user['lname'], "UTF-8"), "L_N_A_M_E"); $uid = mb_replace($uid, mb_convert_encoding($user['fname'], "UTF-8"), "F_N_A_M_E"); $uid = mb_replace($uid, mb_convert_encoding($user['mname'], "UTF-8"), "M_N_A_M_E"); $uid = mb_replace($uid, mb_convert_encoding($user['suffix'], "UTF-8"), "S_U_F_F_I_X"); $uid = mb_replace($uid, deUmlaut($user['lname']), "L_N_A_M_E__U_M_L_A_U_T"); $uid = mb_replace($uid, deUmlaut($user['fname']), "F_N_A_M_E__U_M_L_A_U_T"); $uid = mb_replace($uid, deUmlaut($user['mname']), "M_N_A_M_E__U_M_L_A_U_T"); $uid = mb_replace($uid, deUmlaut($user['suffix']), "S_U_F_F_I_X__U_M_L_A_U_T"); //print deUmlaut2($user['lname'])."\n"; $uid = mb_replace($uid, deUmlaut2($user['lname']), "L_N_A_M_E__U_M_L_A_U_T"); $uid = mb_replace($uid, deUmlaut2($user['fname']), "F_N_A_M_E__U_M_L_A_U_T"); $uid = mb_replace($uid, deUmlaut2($user['mname']), "M_N_A_M_E__U_M_L_A_U_T"); $uid = mb_replace($uid, deUmlaut2($user['suffix']), "S_U_F_F_I_X__U_M_L_A_U_T"); if (strlen($user['mname']) > 0) { $uid = mb_replace($uid, mb_convert_encoding(substr($user['mname'], 0, 1) . ".", "UTF-8"), "M_N_A_M_E__I_N_I_T_I_A_L"); } if (strlen($user['fname']) > 0) { $uid = mb_replace($uid, mb_convert_encoding(substr($user['fname'], 0, 1) . ".", "UTF-8"), "F_N_A_M_E__I_N_I_T_I_A_L"); } $nameRegEx = "^ (:F_N_A_M_E([^:]*):\s+" . "(:M_N_A_M_E([^:]*):\s+)?" . ":L_N_A_M_E([^:]*):" . "(\s+:S_U_F_F_I_X([^:]*):)?)?" . "(\s*\(.*\))?" // optional comment . "(\s*?)?" . "\$"; if (!mb_ereg_search_init($uid, $nameRegEx)) { $problem .= ":REGEX_FAILED:"; } $res = mb_ereg_search_regs(); if ($res) { $match = true; if ($res[8] != "") { $problem .= ":UNPARSED_COMMENT:"; } if ($res[2] != "") { $problem .= ":".$res[2].":"; } if ($res[4] != "") { $problem .= ":".$res[4].":"; } if ($res[5] != "") { $problem .= ":".$res[5].":"; } if ($res[7] != "") { $problem .= ":".$res[7].":"; } //print $res[0].",".$res[1].",".$res[2].",".$res[3].",".$res[4]."," // .$res[5].",".$res[6].",".$res[7].",".$res[8].",".$res[9]."," // .$res[10]."\n"; } else { $problem = ":MISMATCH:$problem"; } if (!$match || $problem != "") { print $key[0] . "," . csvize($problem) . "," . csvize($uid) . "," . csvize(preg_replace('/([^ -~])/ei', '"\\\\x".sprintf("%02x", ord("\\1"))', $bits[9])) . "," . mb_convert_encoding(csvize($user['fname']), "UTF-8") . "," . mb_convert_encoding(csvize($user['mname']), "UTF-8") . "," . mb_convert_encoding(csvize($user['lname']), "UTF-8") . "," . mb_convert_encoding(csvize($user['suffix']), "UTF-8"); foreach ($addrs as $addr) { print "," . mb_convert_encoding(csvize($addr), "UTF-8"); } print "\n"; } } } ?>