You cannot select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

3233 lines
154 KiB

# translation of messages.po to it_IT.po
# This file is distributed under the same license as the PACKAGE package.
msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: de\n"
"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2005-01-09 08:25:26+0000\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: 2005-05-15 16:21:46+0000\n"
"Last-Translator: Someone <>\n"
"Language-Team: <>\n"
"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
#: www/account/43.php:43 www/account/49.php:43
#, php-format
msgid "%s rows displayed."
msgstr "%s entry visualizzate."
#: www/account/43.php:71
#, php-format
msgid "%s's Account Details"
msgstr "Dettagli di %s"
#: www/account/32.php:21
#, php-format
msgid "%s's Administrators"
msgstr "Amministratori di %s"
#: www/account/26.php:21
#, php-format
msgid "%s's Domains"
msgstr "Domin&icirc; di %s"
#: includes/account.php:1388
#, php-format
msgid "'%s' has just been successfully added as an organisation to the database."
msgstr "'%s' &egrave; stato aggiunto con successo come organizzazione nel database."
#: includes/account.php:1444
#, php-format
msgid "'%s' has just been successfully added to the database."
msgstr "'%s' &egrave; stato aggiunto con successo nel database."
#: includes/account.php:1503
#, php-format
msgid "'%s' has just been successfully deleted from the database."
msgstr "'%s' &egrave; stato cancellato con successo dal database."
#: includes/account.php:1416 includes/account.php:1491
#, php-format
msgid "'%s' has just been successfully updated in the database."
msgstr "'%s' &egrave; stato aggiornato con successo nel database."
#: www/help/3.php:64
msgid "...then click 'Next'."
msgstr "... quindi procedi."
#: www/wot/3.php:42
msgid "A CAcert Assurer who knowingly, or reasonably ought to have known, assures an applicant contrary to this policy may be held liable."
msgstr "Un Notaio di CAcert che coscientemente legalizza un richiedente contrariamente a quanto specificato in queste regole &egrave; ritenuto responsabile."
#: www/wot/4.php:17
msgid "A trusted 3rd party is simply someone in your country that is responsible for witnessing signatures and ID documents. This role is covered by many different titles such as public notary, justice of the peace and so on. Other people are allowed to be authoritative in this area as well, such as bank managers, accountants and lawyers."
msgstr "Una terza parte riconosciuta &egrave; semplicemente qualcuno che, nella tua Nazione sia abilitato a testimoniare circa la validit&agrave; di firme e documenti identificativi. Questo ruolo &egrave; normalmente ricoperto da alcune autorit&agrave; quali, ad esempio, i pubblici notai oppure i giudici di pace. Anche ad altre persone &egrave; riconosciuta questa autorit&agrave;, ad esempio i banchieri, i contabili abilitati dallo Stato e gli avvocati."
#: www/account/38.php:21 www/index/13.php:21
msgid "ANY amount will be appreciated - the more funding CAcert receives, the sooner it can achieve the goals of the community."
msgstr "QUALSIASI importo sar&agrave; apprezzato. Maggiori saranno i finanziamenti che CAcert ricever&agrave; e pi&ugrave; velocemente potr&agrave; raggiungere gli obiettivi che"
#: includes/account_stuff.php:182
msgid "About"
msgstr "Informazioni"
#: www/account/37.php:15 www/index/12.php:15
msgid "About"
msgstr "Informazioni su"
#: includes/account_stuff.php:209 includes/general_stuff.php:108
msgid "About Us"
msgstr "Informazioni su di noi"
#: includes/account_stuff.php:150 includes/account_stuff.php:158
#: www/account/1.php:26 www/account/16.php:21 www/account/26.php:21
#: www/account/28.php:29 www/account/3.php:30 www/account/32.php:21
#: www/account/33.php:47 www/account/7.php:27
msgid "Add"
msgstr "Aggiungi"
#: www/account/7.php:19
msgid "Add Domain"
msgstr "Aggiungi dominio"
#: www/account/1.php:18
msgid "Add Email"
msgstr "Aggiungi un indirizzo di posta elettronica"
#: www/account/16.php:22 www/account/2.php:24 www/account/3.php:31
#: www/account/9.php:23
msgid "Address"
msgstr "Indirizzo"
#: www/account/32.php:24
msgid "Administrator"
msgstr "Amministratore"
#: www/account/25.php:22 www/account/25.php:39 www/account/35.php:21
#: www/account/35.php:35
msgid "Admins"
msgstr "Amministratori"
#: www/wot/3.php:28
msgid "After the meeting, visit the CAcert Web site's make an Assurance page and:"
msgstr "Dopo l'incontro vai alla pagina 'Effettua una legalizzazione' sul sito web di CAcert e:"
#: www/help/3.php:44
msgid "After your certificate has been emailed to you, follow this process to install the certificate."
msgstr "Una volta che hai ricevuto la mail con il certificato, segui queste istruzioni per installarlo."
#: www/account/39.php:32 www/index/10.php:32
msgid "Aggregated tracking information"
msgstr "Informazioni raccolte per tenere traccia delle attivit&agrave; sul sito"
#: www/account/36.php:21 www/index/1.php:110
msgid "Alert me if"
msgstr "Allertami se"
#: www/index.php:332
msgid "All fields are mandatory."
msgstr "Tutti i campi devono essere compilati."
#: www/account/43.php:157
msgid "Alternate Verified Email Addresses"
msgstr "Verificato"
#: www/help/7.php:9
msgid "Alternatively as things progress we can add more layers of security with say 4 webservers talking to 2 intermediate servers, talking to the root store, and acting in a token ring fashion, anything happening out of sequence, and the server directly upstream shuts itself down, which if that were in place and there were multiple paths, any down time in this fashion would fall over to the servers not compromised, anyways just some food for thought."
msgstr ""
#: www/account/40.php:52 www/index/11.php:52
msgid "Alternatively you can get in contact with us via the following methods:"
msgstr "In alternativa puoi contattarci nei seguenti modi:"
#: www/help/2.php:49
msgid "And they are making mistakes"
msgstr "E si sbagliano"
#: www/help/3.php:70
msgid "And you're done!"
msgstr "E hai finito!"
#: www/account/16.php:39
msgid "Another Email"
msgstr "Altro indirizzo di posta elettronica"
#: includes/account.php:404
msgid "Any valid certificates will be revoked as well"
msgstr "Anche ogni certificato valido verr&agrave; revocato"
#: www/help/7.php:5
msgid "Apart from the boot stuff, all data resides on an encrypted partition on the root store server and only manual intervention in the boot up process by entering the password will start it again."
msgstr "Fatta eccezione per i dati necessari per l'avvio, tutti gli altri dati sono memorizzati su una partizione cifrata ed p necessario l'intervento manuale per inserire la password all'avvio del sistema."
#: www/account/30.php:31
#, php-format
msgid "Are you really sure you want to remove %s and all certificates issued under this domain?"
msgstr "Sei veramente sicuro di voler rimuovere %s e tutti i certificati pubblicati sotto questo dominio?"
#: www/account/31.php:27
#, php-format
msgid "Are you really sure you want to remove %s and all certificates issued under this organisation?"
msgstr "Sei veramente sicuro di voler rimuovere %s e tutti i certificati pubblicati sotto questa organizzazione?"
#: www/account/34.php:31
#, php-format
msgid "Are you really sure you want to remove %s from administering this organisation?"
msgstr "Sei sicuro di volere rimuovere %s dall'amministrazione di questa organizzazione?"
#: www/help/2.php:22
msgid "As anyone who has received an email containing a virus from a strange address knows, emails can be easily spoofed. The identity of the sender is very easy to forge via email. Thus a great advantage is that digital signing provides a means of ensuring that an email is really from the person you think it is. If everyone digitally signed their emails, it would be much easier to know whether an email is legitimate and unchanged and to the great relief of many, spamming would be much easier to control, and viruses that forge the sender's address would be obvious and therefore easier to control."
msgstr ""
#: www/wot/6.php:24
msgid "Assurance Confirmation"
msgstr "Conferma della legalizzazione"
#: www/account/43.php:146 www/wot/3.php:44
msgid "Assurance Points"
msgstr "Numero massimo di punti"
#: www/account/43.php:225 www/wot/10.php:52
msgid "Assurance Points You Issued"
msgstr "Punti di Legalizzazione che hai assegnato"
#: www/stats.php:51
msgid "Assurances Made"
msgstr "Numero massimo di punti"
#: includes/account_stuff.php:182 www/wot/5.php:19
msgid "Assure Someone"
msgstr "Legalizzare qualcuno"
#: www/index/0.php:60
msgid "Assured client certificates"
msgstr "Certificati per i client (Client Certificates)"
#: www/index/0.php:90
msgid "Assured server certificates"
msgstr "Certificati per i Server (Server Certificates)"
#: www/stats.php:47
msgid "Assurers"
msgstr "Indirizzo di posta elettronica"
#: www/index/51.php:28
msgid "Based on OpenSSL, PHP, a little bit of C and MySQL, we were able to build not only a free certificate authority that could verify your email address or domain, but actually build in a highly effective trust model. Our model goes further than that used by some commercial CAs to prove your identity."
msgstr ""
#: www/index/0.php:110
msgid "Become a member of the CAcert Association"
msgstr "Diventa un membro dell'Associazione CAcert"
#: www/index/0.php:100
msgid "Become an assurer in CAcert Web of Trust"
msgstr "La Rete di Credenziali di CAcert (CAcert Web of Trust)"
#: includes/account_stuff.php:182
msgid "Becoming an Assurer"
msgstr "Diventare un Notaio"
#: www/account/40.php:19 www/index/11.php:19
msgid "Before contacting us, be sure to read over the inforation on our official and unofficial HowTo and FAQ pages."
msgstr "Prima di contattarci, assicurati di aver letto tutte le informazioni disponibili sia sul sito ufficiale sia la guida non ufficiale e le domande ricorrenti."
#: www/account/0.php:24
msgid "Before you can start issuing certificates for your website, irc server, smtp server, pop3, imap etc you will need to add domains to your account under the domain menu. You can also remove domains from here as well. Once you've added a domain you are free then to go into the Server Certificate section and start pasting CSR into the website and have the website return you a valid certificate for up to 2 years if you have 50 trust points, or 6 months for no trust points."
msgstr "Prima di poter iniziare ad emettere certificati per il tuo sito web, i tuoi server IRC, POP3, IMAP, ecc., devi necessariamente aggiungere dei domin&icirc; alla tua account sotto il men&ugrave; Domin&icirc;. Da qui puoi anche rimuovere dei domin&icirc;. Una volta che avrai aggiunto il dominio, potrai liberamente andare nella sezione Certificati per il Server (Server Ceritificates) e iniziare a copiare la tua Richiesta di Sottoscrizione del Certificato (Certificate Signing Request, CSR) nel sito web. Il sito ti restituir&agrave; un certificato valido fino a 2 anni se possiedi 50 punti di credenziale o 6 mesi se non possiedi alcun punto."
#: includes/account.php:47 includes/account.php:387
msgid "Below is the link you need to open to verify your email address. Once your address is verified you will be able to start issuing certificates till your hearts' content!"
msgstr "Devi aprire il link qui sotto per verificare il tuo indirizzo di posta elettronica. Una volta verificato potrai pubblicare certificati a piacere."
#: www/account/15.php:32 www/account/23.php:32
msgid "Below is your Server Certificate"
msgstr "Qui sotto c'&egrave; il tuo Certificato per il Server (Server Certificate)"
#: www/index/0.php:53 www/index/0.php:63 www/index/0.php:73 www/index/0.php:83
#: www/index/0.php:93 www/index/0.php:103 www/index/0.php:113
msgid "Benefits"
msgstr "Vantaggi"
#: includes/account.php:49 includes/account.php:389 www/index.php:316
#: www/wot.php:222 www/wot.php:234 scripts/removedead.php:59
msgid "Best regards"
msgstr "Distinti saluti"
#: www/index/8.php:6 www/index/8.php:7 www/index/8.php:8
msgid "Board Member"
msgstr ""
#: www/help/3.php:60
msgid "Browse to the location you saved the .cer file to in step 1"
msgstr "Seleziona il file .cer che hai salvato durante il passo 1"
#: www/help/2.php:25
msgid "But perhaps, fundamentally, the most important reason for digital signing is awareness and privacy. It creates awareness of the (lack of) security of the Internet, and the tools that we can arm ourselves with to ensure our personal security. And in sensitising people to digital signatures, we become aware of the possibility of privacy and encryption."
msgstr ""
#: www/help/2.php:7 www/help/2.php:35
msgid "But, er, is this really proof of your email identity?"
msgstr ""
#: www/help/2.php:48
msgid "But, with all this money, and all this responsibility, they must be taking a lot of care to ensure the Certificate Authorities do their jobs well, and keep doing their jobs well, right? Well right?!"
msgstr ""
#: www/account/10.php:15 www/account/20.php:15 www/account/3.php:15
msgid "CAcert Certficate Acceptable Use Policy"
msgstr "Regolamento sulle Condizioni d'Utilizzo (Acceptable User Policy, AUP) di CAcert"
#: www/account/38.php:19 www/index/13.php:19
msgid "CAcert Inc. is a non-profit association which is legally able to accept donations. CAcert adheres to strict guidelines about how this money can to be used. If you'd like to make a donation, you can do so via"
msgstr "CAcert Inc. &egrave; una associazione senza profitto che pu&ograve; legalmente ricevere donazioni. CAcert aderisce a delle linee guida molto severe su come verr&agrave; impegato questo denaro. Se vuoi effettuare una donazione, puoi farlo attraverso"
#: www/account/10.php:20 www/account/20.php:20 www/account/3.php:20
msgid "CAcert Inc.'s public certification services are governed by a CPS as amended from time to time which is incorporated into this Agreement by reference. The Subscriber will use the SSL Server Certificate in accordance with CAcert Inc.'s CPS and supporting documentation published at"
msgstr "I servizi di certificazione pubblica di CAcert Inc. sono regolati da un CPS e successive modificazioni che &egrave; incluso per conoscenza in questo Accordo. L'iscritto utilizzer&agrave; il Certificato SSL per i server (SSL Server Certificate) in accordo con con il CPS di CAcert Inc. e seguendo la documentazione pubblicata su"
#: www/index/51.php:25
msgid "CAcert Inc., as a community-based project, is not driven by profits - it is driven by the community's desire for privacy and security."
msgstr ""
#: www/wot.php:223 www/wot.php:235 scripts/removedead.php:60
msgid "CAcert Support Team"
msgstr "Il Gruppo di Supporto di CAcert"
#: includes/account_stuff.php:181 www/account/0.php:27 www/wot/0.php:15
msgid "CAcert Web of Trust"
msgstr "La Rete di Credenziali di CAcert (CAcert Web of Trust)"
#: www/wot/3.php:15
msgid "CAcert Web of Trust Rules"
msgstr "Regole della Rete di Credenziali di CAcert (CAcert Web of Trust)"
#: www/wot/3.php:45
msgid "CAcert may, from time to time, alter the amount of Assurance Points that a class of assurer may assign as is necessary to effect a policy or rule change. We may also alter the amount of Assurance Points available to an individual, or new class of assurer, should another policy of CAcert require this."
msgstr "CAcert pu&ograve;, di tanto in tanto, modificare la quantit&agrave; di Punti di Legalizzazione che una classe di Notai pu&ograve; assegnare, per dare effetto a delle modifiche apportate alle regole o alle politiche. Pu&ograve; anche motificare la quantit&agrave; di Punti di Legalizzazione disponibili ad una persona o ad una nuova classe di Notai nel caso entri in vigore un'altra politica di CAcert che lo richieda."
#: www/help/6.php:11
msgid "CAcert then sends you an email with a signed copy of your certificate. Hopefully the rest should be pretty straight forward."
msgstr ""
#: www/account/37.php:19 www/index/12.php:19
#, php-format
msgid "CAcert's goal is to promote awareness and education on computer security through the use of encryption, specifically with the X.509 family of standards. We have compiled a %sdocument base%s that has helpful hints and tips on setting up encryption with common software, and general information about Public Key Infrastructures (PKI)."
msgstr ""
#: www/account/0.php:17
msgid ""
msgstr ""
#: www/index/51.php:15
msgid " Mission Statement"
msgstr ""
#: includes/account.php:49 includes/account.php:389 www/index.php:316
msgid " Support!"
msgstr "Il supporto di!"
#: www/account/37.php:17 www/index/12.php:17
msgid " is a community driven, Certificate Authority that issues certificates to the public at large for free."
msgstr " &egrave; un'autorit&agrave; certificatrice gestita dalla comunit&agrave; che emette gratuitamente certificati al pubblico."
#: www/wot/0.php:17
msgid " was designed to be by the community for the community, and instead of placing all the labour on a central authority and in turn increasing the cost of certificates, the idea was to get community in conjunction with this website to have trust maintained in a dispersed and automated manner!"
msgstr " &egrave; stato realizzato dalla comunit&agrave; per la comunit&agrave;. Invece di caricare tutto il lavoro su una autorit&agrave; centrale, incrementando in questo modo il costo dei certificati, l'idea &egrave; quella di mantenere in contatto la comunit&agrave; utilizzando questo sito web al fine di conservare le credenziali in modo diffuso ed automatizzato!"
#: includes/general_stuff.php:68
msgid "CRL"
msgstr "CRL"
#: includes/account.php:1464 includes/account.php:1515 www/account/30.php:34
#: www/account/31.php:30 www/account/34.php:34
msgid "Cancel"
msgstr "Annulla"
#: includes/general_stuff.php:58
msgid "Cert Login"
msgstr "Login di Cert"
#: www/account/19.php:101 www/account/6.php:99
msgid "Certificate Installation Complete!"
msgstr "Installazione del certificato completata!"
#: www/account/19.php:97 www/account/6.php:95
msgid "Certificate Installation Error"
msgstr "Errore nell'installazione del certificato"
#: www/help/3.php:43
msgid "Certificate Installation process for IIS 5.0"
msgstr "Errore nell'installazione del certificato"
#: www/help/0.php:5
msgid "Certificate Retrieval Proposal"
msgstr "Errore nell'installazione del certificato"
#: includes/account.php:669 includes/account.php:1066
#, php-format
msgid "Certificate for '%s' has been renewed."
msgstr "Il certificato per '%s' &egrave; stato rinnovato."
#: includes/account.php:594 includes/account.php:705 includes/account.php:1103
#: includes/account.php:1319
#, php-format
msgid "Certificate for '%s' has been revoked."
msgstr "Il certificato per '%s' &egrave; stato revocato."
#: www/account/19.php:95 www/account/6.php:93
msgid "Certificate installation failed!"
msgstr "L'installazione del certificato non &egrave; andata a buon fine!"
#: www/stats.php:31
msgid "Certificates Issued"
msgstr "Certificati per i client (Client Certificates)"
#: www/index/0.php:64
msgid "Certificates expires in 12 months."
msgstr "Certificati con validit&agrave; 12 mesi."
#: www/index/0.php:74
msgid "Certificates expires in 12 months; certificates &lt;u&gt;must&lt;/u&gt; include your full name."
msgstr "Certificati con validit&agrave; 12 mesi; i certificati &lt;u&gt;devono&lt;/u&gt; riportare i tuoi nome e cognome."
#: www/index/0.php:54
msgid "Certificates expires in 12 months; only the email address itself can be entered into the certificate (not your full name)"
msgstr "Certificati con validit&agrave; 12 mesi; possibilit&agrave; di inserire solamente l'indirizzo email (non nome e cognome)"
#: www/index/0.php:84
msgid "Certificates expires in 6 months; only the domain name itself can be entered into the certificates (not your full name, company name, location, etc.)."
msgstr "Certificati con validit&agrave; 6 mesi; possibilit&agrave; di inserire solamente il nome del dominio (non nome e cognome, societ&agrave;, nome, localit&agrave;, etc.)."
#: www/account/14.php:18
msgid "Change Pass Phrase"
msgstr "Cambia la Frase di Accesso (Pass Phrase)"
#: includes/account_stuff.php:146 www/account/43.php:98 www/account/43.php:99
#: www/account/44.php:19 www/account/50.php:19
msgid "Change Password"
msgstr "Cambia Password"
#: www/help/3.php:36
msgid "Choose a filename to save the request to"
msgstr "Scegli il nome del file in cui salvare la richiesta"
#: includes/account.php:671 includes/account.php:1068
#: includes/account.php:1445 includes/account.php:1492
#: includes/account.php:1504 www/account/19.php:45 www/account/6.php:43
msgid "Click here"
msgstr "Clicca qui"
#: www/account/40.php:21 www/index/11.php:21
msgid "Click here to go to the Support List"
msgstr "Clicca qui per la mailing list Support"
#: www/account/40.php:38 www/index/11.php:38
msgid "Click here to view all lists available"
msgstr "Clicca qui per le mailing list disponibili"
#: includes/account_stuff.php:153 www/account/18.php:18 www/account/5.php:18
msgid "Client Certificates"
msgstr "Certificati per i client (Client Certificates)"
#: www/index/0.php:50
msgid "Client certificates (un-assured)"
msgstr "Certificati per i client (Client Certificates)"
#: www/account/3.php:63
msgid "Code Signing"
msgstr "Certificati di Dominio"
#: www/index/0.php:70
msgid "Code signing certificates"
msgstr "Certificati di Dominio"
#: www/account/24.php:41 www/account/27.php:44 www/account/32.php:27
#: www/account/33.php:43
msgid "Comments"
msgstr "Commenti"
#: www/help/4.php:14
msgid "Common Name (eg, YOUR name) []:"
msgstr "Nome Principale (es. il TUO nome) []:"
#: www/account/11.php:22 www/account/12.php:23 www/account/18.php:23
#: www/account/21.php:25 www/account/22.php:23
msgid "CommonName"
msgstr "Nome Principale"
#: www/wot/3.php:23
msgid "Compare and verify that the copy of the identification sighted is a true and correct copy;"
msgstr "Confronta e verifica che la copia dell'identificativo visto sia vera e corretta;"
#: www/wot/3.php:31
msgid "Compare the online information to the information recorded on the paper form;"
msgstr "Controlla le informazioni presenti sulla pagina con quelle indicate sulla documentazione;"
#: www/wot/3.php:24
msgid "Complete the assurance form if the applicant has not already done so. Ensure that all information matches."
msgstr "Completa la documentazione di legalizzazione se il richiedente non l'ha gi&agrave; fatto. Assicurati che tutte le informazioni corrispondano."
#: www/help/3.php:39
msgid "Confirm your request details"
msgstr "Controlla i dettagli della tua richiesta"
#: www/wot/3.php:19
msgid "Contact"
msgstr "Contatto"
#: www/wot/9.php:39
msgid "Contact Assurer"
msgstr "Contattaci"
#: www/wot/1.php:121
msgid "Contact Details"
msgstr "Dettagli per contattare"
#: www/account/24.php:25 www/account/27.php:28
msgid "Contact Email"
msgstr "Indirizzo di posta elettronica per il contatto"
#: includes/account_stuff.php:210 includes/general_stuff.php:110
#: www/account/40.php:15 www/index/11.php:15
msgid "Contact Us"
msgstr "Contattaci"
#: www/wot/8.php:31
msgid "Contact information"
msgstr "Informazioni per contattare"
#: www/account/39.php:37 www/index/10.php:37
msgid "Cookies"
msgstr "Cookies"
#: www/help/2.php:38
msgid "Cool man! How do I create my own digital signature?!"
msgstr "Gagliardo! Come faccio a creare la mia firma digitale?"
#: www/help/3.php:47
msgid "Copy the contents of the email including the"
msgstr "Copia il contenuto della mail incluso "
#: www/index/51.php:20
msgid "Core members of CAcert generally have a strong information technology and security background, and a stronger desire to give back to the community."
msgstr ""
#: includes/account.php:617 includes/account.php:726 includes/account.php:1125
#: includes/account.php:1343
#, php-format
msgid "Couldn't remove the request for `%s`, request had already been processed."
msgstr "Non si pu&ograve; rimuovere la richiesta per `%s` perch&eacute; &egrave; gi&agrave; stata elaborata."
#: www/account/11.php:32 www/account/21.php:35 www/account/24.php:37
#: www/account/27.php:40
msgid "Country"
msgstr "Nazione"
#: www/account/36.php:23 www/index/1.php:112
msgid "Country Announcements"
msgstr "Annunci Nazionali"
#: www/help/4.php:9
msgid "Country Name (2 letter code) [AU]:"
msgstr "Nazione (sigla di 2 caratteri) [AU]:"
#: www/account/17.php:133 www/account/4.php:133
msgid "Create Certificate Request"
msgstr "Richiesta di creazione del Certificato"
#: includes/general_stuff.php:72 www/index/7.php:15
msgid "Credits"
msgstr "Crediti"
#: www/help/7.php:2
msgid "Currently there is 2 main servers, one for webserver, one for root store, with the root store only connected to the webserver via serial cable, with a daemon running as non-root processes on each end of the serial listening/sending requests/info."
msgstr ""
#: www/stats.php:69 www/stats.php:105 www/account/43.php:193
#: www/account/43.php:228 www/wot/10.php:22 www/wot/10.php:55 www/wot/6.php:73
msgid "Date"
msgstr "Data"
#: www/account/13.php:46 www/account/13.php:94 www/account/43.php:94
#: www/index/1.php:41 www/index/5.php:25 www/wot/6.php:47
msgid "Date of Birth"
msgstr "Data di nascita"
#: www/account/2.php:21
msgid "Default"
msgstr "Predefinito"
#: includes/account_stuff.php:146
msgid "Default Language"
msgstr "Lingua predefinita"
#: www/account/2.php:23 www/account/2.php:50 www/account/25.php:24
#: www/account/25.php:41 www/account/26.php:26 www/account/26.php:36
#: www/account/30.php:35 www/account/31.php:31 www/account/32.php:28
#: www/account/32.php:43 www/account/34.php:35 www/account/9.php:21
#: www/account/9.php:49
msgid "Delete"
msgstr "Elimina"
#: www/account/43.php:102 www/account/43.php:103
msgid "Delete Account"
msgstr "Account Principale"
#: www/account/34.php:28
#, php-format
msgid "Delete Admin for %s"
msgstr "Cancella l'Amministratore per %s"
#: www/account/30.php:28
#, php-format
msgid "Delete Domain for %s"
msgstr "Cancella il dominio per %s"
#: www/account/31.php:24
#, php-format
msgid "Delete Organisation"
msgstr "Elimina l'Organizzazione"
#: www/account/32.php:26 www/account/33.php:30
msgid "Department"
msgstr "Dipartimento"
#: www/help/0.php:6
msgid "Digital Signing (a guide for normal people)"
msgstr "Firma digitale (una guida per persone normali)"
#: www/help/2.php:17
msgid "Digital signing thus provides security on the Internet."
msgstr "La firma digitale per la sicurezza su Internet."
#: www/index/0.php:73
msgid "Digitally sign code, web applets, installers, etc. including your name and location in the certificates."
msgstr "Usare la firma digitale per codice, web applets,installazioni, etc. con un certificato contenente il tuo nome e cognome e la localit&agrave;. "
#: www/wot/8.php:22
msgid "Directory Listing"
msgstr "Elenco dell'archivio"
#: www/help/2.php:61
msgid "Disclaimer : These are the author's opinions, but they should not be considered 'truth' without personal verification. The author may have made mistakes and any mistakes will be willingly rectified by contacting the administrator of, contact details available from the normal domain registration information services (e.g.;nbsp; No recommendation to install a Certificate Authority's root certificate is either intended nor implied."
msgstr ""
#: www/account/26.php:24 www/account/28.php:25 www/account/29.php:31
#: www/account/43.php:181 www/account/48.php:22 www/account/49.php:34
#: www/account/7.php:22
msgid "Domain"
msgstr "Dominio"
#: www/account/12.php:18 www/account/22.php:18
msgid "Domain Certificates"
msgstr "Certificati di Dominio"
#: includes/account_stuff.php:157 www/account/25.php:21 www/account/25.php:38
#: www/account/9.php:18
msgid "Domains"
msgstr "Domin&icirc;"
#: www/account/0.php:23
msgid "Domains and Server Certificates."
msgstr "Certificati per i Domin&icirc; e per i Server"
#: includes/account_stuff.php:209 includes/general_stuff.php:108
#: www/account/38.php:15 www/index/13.php:15
msgid "Donations"
msgstr "Donazioni"
#: www/error404.php:21
msgid "Due to recent site changes bookmarks may no longer be valid, please update your bookmarks."
msgstr "A causa di recenti cambiamenti al sito web, i segnalibri (bookmark) potrebbero non essere pi&ugrave; validi, ti preghiamo di aggiornarli."
#: www/help/2.php:39
msgid "Easy. Ish. Go to, install their root certificate and then follow their joining instructions. Once you have joined, request a certificate from the menu. You will receive an email with a link to the certificate. Click on the link from your email software, and hopefully it will be seamlessly installed. Next find the security section of the settings in your email software and configure digital signatures using the certificate you just downloaded. Hmm. Call me if you want, I'll guide you through it."
msgstr ""
#: includes/account_stuff.php:146 www/account/25.php:23 www/account/25.php:40
#: www/account/26.php:25 www/account/26.php:35
msgid "Edit"
msgstr "Modifica"
#: www/account/27.php:21
msgid "Edit Organisation"
msgstr "Modifica i dati dell'Organizzazione"
#: www/account/16.php:26 www/account/16.php:31 www/account/33.php:26
#: www/account/42.php:22 www/account/43.php:34 www/account/43.php:74
#: www/account/44.php:22 www/account/50.php:22 www/wot/5.php:22
msgid "Email"
msgstr "Indirizzo di posta elettronica"
#: includes/account_stuff.php:149 www/account/2.php:18
msgid "Email Accounts"
msgstr "Account di posta elettronica"
#: www/account/0.php:21
msgid "Email Accounts and Client Certificates"
msgstr "Account di Posta Elettronica e Certificati per i Client (Client Certificates)"
#: www/account/1.php:22 www/account/11.php:33 www/account/5.php:23
#: www/index/1.php:69 www/index/4.php:26 www/index/5.php:21 www/help/4.php:15
msgid "Email Address"
msgstr "Indirizzo di posta elettronica"
#: www/index.php:244
msgid "Email Address was blank"
msgstr "L'indirizzo di posta elettronica &egrave; stato lasciato in bianco"
#: www/wot/1.php:122
msgid "Email Assurer"
msgstr "Indirizzo di posta elettronica"
#: includes/account.php:51 includes/account.php:391
msgid "Email Probe"
msgstr "Prova l'indirizzo di posta elettronica"
#: www/help/2.php:20
msgid "Emails are not secure. In fact emails are VERY not secure!"
msgstr "Le email non sono sicure. Anzi le email sono MOLTO insicure!"
#: www/index/0.php:83
msgid "Enable encrypted data transfer for users accessing your web, email, or other SSL enabled service on your server; wildcard certificates are allowed."
msgstr ""
#: www/help/3.php:58
msgid "Ensure 'Process the pending request and install the certificate' is selected and click on 'Next'."
msgstr ""
#: www/help/3.php:63
msgid "Ensure that you are processing the correct certificate"
msgstr "Assicurati di fare riferimento al certificato corretto"
#: www/help/3.php:17
msgid "Enter a certificate name and select Certificate strength"
msgstr "Inserisci il nome del certificato e selezionane la robustezza"
#: www/help/3.php:26
msgid "Enter the Organisation name: this must be the full legal name of the Organisation that is applying for the certificate."
msgstr ""
#: www/wot/3.php:30
msgid "Enter the applicant's email address;"
msgstr "Inserisci l'indirizzo di posta elettronica del richiedente;"
#: www/help/3.php:33
msgid "Enter the geographical details"
msgstr "Inserisci l'indirizzo di posta elettronica del richiedente;"
#: www/help/3.php:30
msgid "Enter your Common Name"
msgstr "Nome Principale"
#: www/help/3.php:25
msgid "Enter your Organisation Information"
msgstr "Conferma della legalizzazione"
#: www/help/2.php:57
msgid "Erroneous Verisign Issued Digital Certificates Pose Spoofing Hazard"
msgstr ""
#: includes/account.php:67 www/verify.php:33 www/verify.php:45
#: www/verify.php:76 www/verify.php:89
msgid "Error!"
msgstr "Errore!"
#: www/help/2.php:21
msgid "Ever requested a password that you lost to be emailed to you? That password was wide open to inspection by potential crackers."
msgstr ""
#: www/account/12.php:50 www/account/18.php:50 www/account/22.php:50
#: www/account/5.php:54
msgid "Expired"
msgstr "Scaduto"
#: www/account/12.php:25 www/account/18.php:25 www/account/22.php:25
#: www/account/5.php:25
msgid "Expires"
msgstr "Scade il"
#: www/wot/3.php:38
msgid "Fees"
msgstr "Onorar&icirc;"
#: www/error404.php:19
msgid "File not found!"
msgstr "File non trovato!"
#: www/help/4.php:16
msgid "Finally you will be asked information about 'extra' attribute, you simply hit enter to both these questions."
msgstr ""
#: includes/account_stuff.php:191
msgid "Find Domain"
msgstr "Aggiungi dominio"
#: includes/account_stuff.php:191 www/account/42.php:19
msgid "Find User"
msgstr "Verificato"
#: www/account/48.php:19
msgid "Find User by Domain"
msgstr "Aggiungi dominio"
#: includes/account_stuff.php:182
msgid "Find an Assurer"
msgstr "Diventare un Notaio"
#: www/help/3.php:41
msgid "Finish up and exit IIS Certificate Wizard"
msgstr "Finisci ed esci da IIS Certificate Wizard"
#: www/account/13.php:27 www/account/13.php:75 www/account/43.php:78
#: www/index/1.php:22
msgid "First Name"
msgstr "Nome"
#: includes/account.php:769
msgid "First and Last name fields can not be blank."
msgstr "Il primo e l'ultimo campo del nome non possono essere lasciati in bianco."
#: www/index.php:233
msgid "First and/or last names were blank."
msgstr "Il nome e/o il cognome sono stati lasciati in bianco."
#: www/help/6.php:1
msgid "Firstly you need to join CAcert to do that go:"
msgstr "Prima di procedere devi entrare a far parte di CAcert:"
#: www/help/4.php:1
msgid "Firstly you will need to run the following command, preferably in secured directory no one else can access, however protecting your private keys is beyond the scope of this document."
msgstr ""
#: www/help/0.php:2
msgid "Following are several tips you may find useful."
msgstr "Seguono alcuni consigli che possono essere utili."
#: www/account/37.php:23 www/index/12.php:23
msgid "For administrators looking to protect the services they offer, we provide host and wild card certificates which you can issue almost immediately. Not only can you use these to protect websites, but also POP3, SMTP and IMAP connections, to list but a few. Unlike other certificate authorities, we don't limit the strength of the certificates, or the use of wild card certificates. Everyone should have the right to security and to protect their privacy, not just those looking to run ecommerce sites."
msgstr ""
#: www/help/3.php:71
msgid "For more information, refer to your server documentation or visit"
msgstr "Per maggiori informazioni, fai riferimento alla documentazione del tuo server ovvero visita "
#: www/account/37.php:21 www/index/12.php:21
msgid "For the enthusiast looking to dip their toe in the water, we have an easy way of obtaining certificates you can use with your email program. You can use these not only to encrypt, but to prove to your friends and family that your email really does come from you."
msgstr ""
#: www/index/0.php:19
msgid "For years we've all been charged high amounts of money to pay for security that doesn't and shouldn't cost the earth."
msgstr "Per anni a tutti noi &egrave; stato chiesto di pagare cifre molto alte per la sicurezza che non costa e non dovrebbe costare un occhio della testa."
#: www/account/12.php:78 www/account/18.php:84 www/account/22.php:80
#: www/account/5.php:84
msgid "From here you can delete pending requests, or revoke valid certificates."
msgstr "Da qui puoi eliminare le richieste in attesa o revocare certificati validi."
#: includes/account_stuff.php:185
msgid "GPG/PGP Keys"
msgstr "Chiavi GPG/PGP"
#: www/account/36.php:22 www/index/1.php:111
msgid "General Announcements"
msgstr "Annunci generici"
#: www/account/40.php:17 www/index/11.php:17
msgid "General Questions"
msgstr "Domande generiche"
#: www/help/4.php:4
msgid "Generating a 1024 bit RSA private key"
msgstr ""
#: www/help/3.php:1
msgid "Generating a Key Pair and Certificate Signing Request (CSR) for a Microsoft Internet Information Server (IIS) 5.0."
msgstr ""
#: www/help/0.php:7
msgid "Generating a New Key Pair and CSR for IIS 5.0"
msgstr ""
#: includes/account_stuff.php:142
msgid "Go Home"
msgstr "Vai alla pagina principale"
#: www/account/40.php:19 www/index/11.php:19
msgid "Go here for more details."
msgstr "Visualizza i dettagli"
#: www/help/2.php:16
msgid "Good question"
msgstr "Buona domanda"
#: www/stats.php:102
msgid "Growth by year"
msgstr "Crescita per anno"
#: www/stats.php:66
msgid "Growth in the last 12 months"
msgstr "Crescita negli ultimi 12 mesi"
#: www/help/0.php:1
msgid "Help!"
msgstr "Aiuto!"
#: www/account/19.php:54 www/account/6.php:52
msgid "Hit the 'Install your Certificate' button below to install the certificate into MS IE 5.x and above."
msgstr "Premi il bottone 'Installa il tuo certificato' per installarlo in MS IE 5.x e successivi."
#: www/account/30.php:24
msgid "Hitting delete will also revoke all existing certificates issued under this domain"
msgstr "Premendo 'Cancella' si revocano anche tutti i certificati esistenti pubblicati sotto questo dominio"
#: www/account/29.php:24
msgid "Hitting update will also revoke all existing certificates issued under this domain"
msgstr "Premendo 'Aggiorna' si revocano anche tutti i certificati esistenti pubblicati sotto questo dominio"
#: www/wot/1.php:23 www/wot/7.php:26
msgid "Home"
msgstr "Pagina principale"
#: www/help/2.php:8
msgid "How do I create my own digital signature?!"
msgstr "Come creo una mia personale firma digitale?!"
#: www/help/0.php:8
msgid "How do I generate a private key and CSR using OpenSSL?"
msgstr "Come creo una chiave privata ed una CSR utilizzando OpenSSL?"
#: www/help/0.php:10
msgid "How do I get a Server certificate from CAcert?"
msgstr "Come faccio ad avere un certificato per il mio server da CAcert?"
#: www/help/0.php:9
msgid "How do I get a secured by CAcert emblem on my site?"
msgstr "Come faccio ad avere il logo &quot;Secured by CAcert&quot; sul mio sito?"
#: www/help/0.php:11
msgid "How does CAcert Protect it's root private key?"
msgstr "Come &egrave; protetta la chiave privata della Certification Authority?"
#: www/help/2.php:4 www/help/2.php:21 www/help/2.php:24
msgid "How it prepares us to protect our freedom"
msgstr "Come ci prepara a proteggere la nostra libert&agrave;"
#: www/account/39.php:50 www/index/10.php:50
msgid "How to update, correct, or delete your information"
msgstr "Come aggiornare, correggere o cancellare le tue informazioni"
#: www/index/51.php:27
msgid "How?"
msgstr "Come?"
#: includes/general_stuff.php:64
msgid "Howto Information"
msgstr "Informazioni per contattare"
#: www/wot/6.php:112
msgid "I am sure of myself"
msgstr "Sono sicuro di ci&ograve; che sto facendo"
#: www/wot/6.php:101
msgid "I believe that the assertion of identity I am making is correct, complete and verifiable. I have seen original documentation attesting to this identity. I accept that CAcert may challenge this assurance and call upon me to prove the basis for it, and that I may be held responsible if I cannot provide such proof."
msgstr "Credo che la dichiarazione di identit&agrave; che sto facendo sia corretta, completa e verificabile. Ho visto la documentazione originale che la attesta. Accetto che CAcert possa dubitare di questa legalizzazione, convocarmi per provarne la validit&agrave; e ritenermi responsabile nel caso in cui non fossi in grado di produrre tale prova."
#: www/help/2.php:9 www/help/2.php:41
msgid "I can't wait to start sending encrypted emails!"
msgstr "Non posso aspettare per inviare email cifrate!"
#: includes/account.php:884
msgid "I couldn't match any emails against your organisational account."
msgstr "Non ho potuto associare nessun indirizzo di posta elettronica all'account dell'organizzazione."
#: includes/account.php:120 includes/account.php:152 includes/account.php:254
#: includes/account.php:904 includes/account.php:991
msgid "I didn't receive a valid Certificate Request, hit the back button and try again."
msgstr "Non ho ricevuto una richiesta valida per il certificato, premi il pulsante per tornare indietro e riprova."
#: www/wot/8.php:25
msgid "I don't want to be listed"
msgstr "Non voglio essere elencato"
#: www/wot/6.php:105
msgid "I have read and understood the Rules For Assurers and am making this assurance subject to and in compliance with these rules."
msgstr "Ho letto e compreso le Regole Per I Notai (Rules For Notaries) e sto effettuando questa legalizzazione soggetto a queste regole e in conformit&agrave; ad esse."
#: www/account/10.php:18 www/account/20.php:18 www/account/3.php:18
msgid "I hereby represent that I am fully authorized by the owner of the information contained in the CSR sent to CAcert Inc. to apply for an Digital Certificate for secure and authenticated electronic transactions. I understand that a digital certificate serves to identify the Subscriber for the purposes of electronic communication and that the management of the private keys associated with such certificates is the responsibility of the subscriber's technical staff and/or contractors."
msgstr "Dichiaro di essere autorizzato dal proprietario delle informazioni contenute nella Richiesta di Sottoscrizione del Certificato (Certificate Signing Request, CSR) inviato a CAcert, Inc. di richiedere un Certificato Digitale da utilizzare per scambi elettronici sicuri ed autenticati. Ho compreso che un certificato digitale serve per propositi di comunicazione elettronica e che la gestione delle chiavi private associate a tale certificato &egrave; di responsabilit&agrave; dello staff tecnico e/o dei contraenti dell'iscritto."
#: www/wot/8.php:26
msgid "I want to be listed"
msgstr "Voglio essere elencato"
#: www/help/8.php:2
msgid "I'll anwser the why part first, as that's reasonably easy. The short answer is it takes most of the key handling responsibilty away from you and/or your group. If you need to revoke your key for any reason (such as a developer leaving the project) it won't effect your ability to revoke the existing key or keys, and issue new ones."
msgstr ""
#: www/account/43.php:62
msgid "I'm sorry, the user you were looking for seems to have disappeared! Bad things are a foot!"
msgstr ""
#: www/wot.php:42
msgid "I'm sorry, there was no email matching what you entered in the system. Please double check your information."
msgstr "Spiacente ma non c'&egrave; nessun indirizzo di posta elettronica corrispondente a quello che hai inserito nel sistema. Per cortesia, verifica nuovamente l'informazione."
#: www/account/38.php:17 www/index/13.php:17
msgid "If I'd like to donate to CAcert Inc., how can I do it?"
msgstr "Se volessi effettuare una donazione a CAcert Inc., come potrei farlo?"
#: www/account/10.php:22 www/account/20.php:22
msgid "If the Subscriber's name and/or domain name registration change the subscriber will immediately inform CAcert Inc. who shall revoke the digital certificate. When the Digital Certificate expires or is revoked the company will permanently remove the certificate from the server on which it is installed and will not use it for any purpose thereafter. The person responsible for key management and security is fully authorized to install and utilize the certificate to represent this organization's electronic presence."
msgstr "Se il nome dell'Iscritto e/o il nome del dominio registrato cambiano, l'iscritto ne notificher&agrave; immediatamente CAcert, Inc. che dovr&agrave; revocare il Certificato Digitale. Quando il Certificato Digitale scadr&agrave; o verr&agrave; revocato, la compagnia rimuover&agrave; permanentemente il certificato dal server sul quale &egrave; installato e non lo utilizzer&agrave; pi&ugrave; per nessun altro proposito. La persona responsabile per la gestione della chiave e per la sicurezza &egrave; pienamente autorizzata ad installare ed utilizzare il certificato per notificare la presenza elettronica dell'organizzazione."
#: www/account/3.php:22
msgid "If the Subscriber's name and/or domain name registration change the subscriber will immediately inform CAcert Inc. who shall revoke the digital certificate. When the Digital Certificate expires or is revoked the company will permanently remove the certificate from the server on which it is installed andwill not use it for any purpose thereafter. The person responsible for key management and security is fully authorized to install and utilize the certificate to represent this organization's electronic presence."
msgstr "Se il nome dell'iscritto e/o il nome del dominio registrato cambiano, l'iscritto ne notificher&agrave; immediatamente CAcert, Inc. che dovr&agrave; revocare il Certificato Digitale. Quando il Certificato Digitale scadr&agrave; o verr&agrave; revocato, la compagnia rimuover&agrave; permanentemente il certificato dal server sul quale &egrave; installato e non lo utilizzer&agrave; pi&ugrave; per nessun altro proposito. La persona responsabile per la gestione della chiave e per la sicurezza &egrave; pienamente autorizzata ad installare ed utilizzare il certificato per rappresentare l'esistenza elettronica dell'Organizzazione."
#: www/help/7.php:3
msgid "If the root store detects a bad request it assumes the webserver is compromised and shuts itself down."
msgstr ""
#: www/help/7.php:4
msgid "If the root store doesn't receive a 'ping' reply over the serial link within a determined amount of time it assumes the webserver is compromised or the root store itself has been stolen and shuts itself down."
msgstr ""
#: www/account/39.php:47 www/index/10.php:47
msgid "If we change our Privacy Policy, we will post those changes on If we decide to use personally identifiable information in a manner different from that stated at the time it was collected, we will notify users via email. Users will be able to opt out of any new use of their personal information."
msgstr "Nel caso in cui venissero apportate delle modifiche alla nostra Politica di Riservatezza (Privacy Policy), esse verranno pubblicate su Se si decidesse di utilizzare informazioni personali, che permettano di identificare il soggetto, in un modo differente da quello definito al momento in cui erano state raccolte, ne informeremo gli utenti via posta elettronica. Gli utenti potranno poi decidere di non consentire un qualsiasi nuovo utilizzo delle loro informazioni personali."
#: www/wot/7.php:140
msgid "If you are happy with this location, click 'Make my location here' to update your location details."
msgstr "Se sei soddisfatto di questa localizzazione, fai un click su &quot;Imposta questa come mia localizzazione&quot; per aggiornare i tuoi dettagli."
#: www/account/40.php:41 www/index/11.php:41
msgid "If you have questions, comments or otherwise and information you're sending to us contains sensitive details, you should use the contact form below. Due to the large amounts of support emails we receive, sending general questions via this contact form will generally take longer then using the support mailing list. Also sending queries in anything but english could cause delays in supporting you as we'd need to find a translator to help."
msgstr ""
#: www/account/39.php:55 www/index/10.php:55
msgid "If you need to contact us in writing, address your mail to:"
msgstr "Se hai bisogno di contattarci per iscritto, invia la tua posta a:"
#: scripts/removedead.php:57
msgid "If you needed more time or any other extenuating circumstances you should contact us immediately so this situation can be dealt with immediately."
msgstr ""
#: www/account/0.php:18
msgid "If you would like to view news items or change languages you can click the logout or go home links. Go home doesn't log you out of the system, just returns you to the front of the website. Logout logs you out of the system."
msgstr "Se vuoi leggere le notizie o modficare il linguaggio, puoi fare click sui collegamenti Esci dall'account o Vai alla pagina principale. Vai alla pagina principale non ti fa uscire dal sistema ma ti riporta semplicemente all'inizio del sito. Esci dall'account ti fa invece iscire dal sistema."
#: www/account/37.php:25 www/index/12.php:25
msgid "If you're extremely serious about encryption, you can join CAcert's Assurance Programme and Web of Trust. This allows you to have your identity verified to obtain added benefits, including longer length certificates and the ability to include your name on email certificates."
msgstr ""
#: www/wot/3.php:32
msgid "If, and only if, the two match completely - you may award trust points up to the maximum points you are able to allocate;"
msgstr "Se e solo se le due informazioni corrispondono interamente puoi assegnare dei punti di credenziale fino al massimo che ti &egrave; possibile dare;"
#: www/help/7.php:1
msgid "In light of a request on the bugzilla list for more information about how our root certificate is protected I've decided to do a write up here and see if there is anything more people suggest could be done, or a better way of handling things altogether."
msgstr ""
#: www/help/3.php:9
msgid "In the 'Directory Security' folder click on the 'Server Certificate' button in the 'Secure communications' section. If you have not used this option before the 'Edit' button will not be active."
msgstr ""
#: www/help/3.php:57
msgid "In the 'IIS Certificate Wizard' you should find a 'Pending Certificate Request'."
msgstr ""
#: www/account/0.php:20
msgid "In this section you will be able to edit your personal information (if you haven't been assured), update your pass phrase, and lost pass phrase questions. You will also be able to set your location for the Web of Trust, it also effects the email announcement settings which among other things can be set to notify you if you're within 200km of a planned assurance event. You'll also be able to set additional contact information when you become fully trusted, so others can contact you to meet up outside official events."
msgstr "In questa sezione potrai modificare le tue informazioni personali (se non sei stato legalizzato), aggiornare la tua Frase di Accesso (Pass Phrase) e le domande da utilizzare nel caso in cui te la fossi scordata. Potrai anche impostare la localizzazione della Rete di Credenziali (Web of Trust) che avr&agrave; effetto sulle impostazioni relative ai messaggi informativi di posta elettronica che, fra l'altro, possono essere configurati in modo da avvisarti quando sar&agrave; organizzato un incontro per la legalizzazione entro un raggio di 200 km dal luogo in cui vivi. Potrai anche impostare ulteriori informazioni per contattarti quando sarai pienamente certificato, cos&igrave; che altre persone possano contattarti per un incontro anche al di fuori degli eventi organizzati."
#: www/account/3.php:53 www/account/3.php:54 www/account/3.php:55
#: www/account/3.php:56
msgid "Include"
msgstr "Includi"
#: www/index/0.php:23
msgid "Inclusion into mainstream browsers!"
msgstr "Inserimento nei browser pi&ugrave; utilizzati!"
#: www/index.php:195
msgid "Incorrect email address and/or Pass Phrase."
msgstr "Indirizzo di posta elettronica e/o Frase di Accesso (Pass Phrase) errati."
#: www/account/19.php:60 www/account/6.php:58
msgid "Install Your Certificate"
msgstr "Installa il tuo certificato"
#: www/help/3.php:51
msgid "Installation steps"
msgstr "Traduzioni"
#: www/account/19.php:43 www/account/19.php:52 www/account/6.php:41
#: www/account/6.php:50
msgid "Installing your certificate"
msgstr "Installazione del tuo certificato"
#: www/index/0.php:15
msgid "Introduction"
msgstr "Introduzione"
#: includes/account.php:517 includes/account.php:583 includes/account.php:611
#: includes/account.php:644 includes/account.php:694 includes/account.php:720
#: includes/account.php:1042 includes/account.php:1092
#: includes/account.php:1119 includes/account.php:1253
#: includes/account.php:1308 includes/account.php:1337
#, php-format
msgid "Invalid ID '%s' presented, can't do anything with it."
msgstr "&Egrave; stato presentato l'identificativo '%s' che non &egrave; valido e col quale non posso far nulla."
#: includes/account.php:776 www/index.php:239
msgid "Invalid date of birth"
msgstr "Data di nascita non valida."
#: www/wot/6.php:78
msgid "Issuing a temporary increase will automatically boost their points to 200 points for a nomindated amount of days, after which the person will be reduced to 150 points regardless of the amount of points they had previously. Regardless of method chosen above it will be recorded in the system as an Administrative Increase and there is a maximum amount of 45 days that points can be issued for."
msgstr ""
#: www/wot/3.php:17
msgid "It is essential that CAcert Assurers understand and follow the rules below to ensure that applicants for assurance are suitably identified, which, in turn, maintains trust in the system."
msgstr "&Egrave; essenziale che i Notai di CAcert (CAcert Notaries) comprendano e seguano le regole indicate pi&ugrave; sotto al fine di assicurarsi che coloro che richiedono la legalizzazione siano efficacemente identificati. Questo consente al sistema, come conseguenza, di mantenere una certa credenziale."
#: www/wot/3.php:36
msgid "It is imperative that you maintain the confidentiality and privacy of the applicant, and never disclose the information obtained without the applicant's consent."
msgstr "&Egrave; obbligatorio che tu rispetti la riservatezza e la privacy del richiedente e che non renda pubbliche le informazioni ottenute senza che vi sia il consenso del richiedente."
#: includes/account.php:589 includes/account.php:700 includes/account.php:1048
#: includes/account.php:1098 includes/account.php:1259
#: includes/account.php:1314
#, php-format
msgid "It would seem '%s' has already been revoked. I'll skip this for now."
msgstr "Sembrerebbe che '%s' sia gi&agrave; stato revocato. Per ora questo lo salto."
#: www/index/0.php:17
msgid "It's been a long time coming, but the wait was worthwhile, finally you are able to get security at the right price... Free!"
msgstr "&Egrave; stato necessario attendere molto tempo, ma ne &egrave; valsa la pena. Finalmente puoi ottenere la sicurezza al giusto prezzo... Gratuitamente!"
#: www/index/1.php:107
msgid "It's possible to get notifications of up and coming events and even just general announcements, untick any notifications you don't wish to receive. For country, regional and radius notifications to work you must choose your location once you've verified your account and logged in."
msgstr ""
#: includes/general_stuff.php:53
msgid "Join"
msgstr "Entra a farne parte"
#: includes/general_stuff.php:52
msgid "Join"
msgstr "Entra a far parte di"
#: www/account/17.php:21 www/account/4.php:21
msgid "Key Strength:"
msgstr "Solidit&agrave; della chiave (Key Strenght):"
#: www/help/3.php:4
msgid "Key generation process"
msgstr ""
#: www/account/17.php:131 www/account/4.php:131
msgid "Keysize:"
msgstr "Dimensione della chiave:"
#: www/wot/9.php:47
msgid "Language"
msgstr "Lingua"
#: www/account/13.php:37 www/account/13.php:85 www/account/43.php:86
#: www/index/1.php:32
msgid "Last Name"
msgstr "Cognome"
#: www/index/0.php:28
msgid "Latest News"
msgstr "Ultime notizie"
#: www/wot/3.php:41
msgid "Liability"
msgstr "Responsabilit&agrave;"
#: www/index/0.php:54 www/index/0.php:64 www/index/0.php:74 www/index/0.php:84
#: www/index/0.php:94 www/index/0.php:104 www/index/0.php:114
msgid "Limitations"
msgstr "Luogo"
#: www/wot/1.php:23 www/wot/1.php:30 www/wot/1.php:43 www/wot/1.php:56
#: www/wot/1.php:74 www/wot/1.php:87 www/wot/1.php:102 www/wot/7.php:26
#: www/wot/7.php:35 www/wot/7.php:46 www/wot/7.php:58
msgid "Listed"
msgstr "In elenco"
#: www/help/4.php:11
msgid "Locality Name (eg, city) [Sydney]:"
msgstr "Localit&agrave; (es. citt&agrave;) [Sydney]:"
#: www/account/11.php:30 www/account/21.php:33 www/account/43.php:196
#: www/account/43.php:231 www/wot/10.php:25 www/wot/10.php:58 www/wot/6.php:69
msgid "Location"
msgstr "Luogo"
#: www/wot/7.php:123
msgid "Location Name"
msgstr "Nome del luogo"
#: www/index/4.php:23 www/index/4.php:34
msgid "Login"
msgstr "Accesso (Login)"
#: includes/general_stuff.php:65
msgid "Logos"
msgstr "Esci dall'account"
#: includes/account_stuff.php:142
msgid "Logout"
msgstr "Esci dall'account"
#: www/index/5.php:18
msgid "Lost Pass Phrase"
msgstr "Frase di Accesso (Pass Phrase) smarrita"
#: www/index/6.php:18
msgid "Lost Pass Phrase - Step 2"
msgstr "Frase di Accesso (Pass Phrase) smarrita - 2"
#: www/account/13.php:100
msgid "Lost Pass Phrase Questions"
msgstr "Domande per il recupero di una Frase di Accesso (Pass Phrase) smarrita"
#: www/index/1.php:84
msgid "Lost Pass Phrase Questions - Please enter five questions and your reponses to be used for security verifcation."
msgstr "Domande da utilizzare nel caso di dimenticanza della Frase di Accesso (Pass Phrase) - Per favore, inserisci cinque domande e le relative risposte che verranno utilizzate per la verifica della tua identit&agrave;."
#: includes/general_stuff.php:59 www/account/43.php:106 www/account/43.php:110
#: www/account/43.php:114 www/account/43.php:118 www/account/43.php:122
#: www/account/43.php:126 www/account/43.php:130 www/account/43.php:134
#: www/account/43.php:138 www/account/43.php:142
msgid "Lost Password"
msgstr "Ho dimenticato la Password"
#: www/index.php:318
msgid "Mail Probe"
msgstr "Controllo dell'indirizzo di posta elettronica"
#: www/account/2.php:49
msgid "Make Default"
msgstr "Imposta come predefinito"
#: www/wot/7.php:138
msgid "Make my location here"
msgstr "Imposta questa come mia localizzazione"
#: www/index/51.php:21
msgid "Many are just the users of the system who by just making use of the project contribute to the wider community by word-of-mouth."
msgstr ""
#: www/index/51.php:24
msgid "Many people are currently dissatisfied with the commercial offerings. Many people wish only to connect or share with people they know, or simply secure their webmail from people potentially sniffing their traffic. Why subscribe to a service that is not structured to handle this, and furthermore charges a king's ransom for the privilege?"
msgstr ""
#: www/index/7.php:17
msgid "Many people to thank, if you've had a large input with the CAcert project with code, documentation, translations, or assurances and would like recognition let me know."
msgstr ""
#: www/account/32.php:25 www/account/33.php:35
msgid "Master Account"
msgstr "Account Principale"
#: www/wot/1.php:120
msgid "Max Points"
msgstr "Numero massimo di punti"
#: www/wot/9.php:56
msgid "Message"
msgstr "Messaggio"
#: www/account/43.php:197 www/account/43.php:232 www/wot/10.php:26
#: www/wot/10.php:59 www/wot/6.php:52
msgid "Method"
msgstr "Metodo"
#: www/help/2.php:58
msgid "Microsoft Root Certificate Program"
msgstr "Certificato Base in formato PEM. (Root Certificate)"
#: www/help/3.php:71
msgid "Microsoft Support Online"
msgstr "Il Gruppo di Supporto di CAcert"
#: www/account/43.php:82
msgid "Middle Name"
msgstr "Altri nomi"
#: www/account/13.php:31 www/account/13.php:79 www/index/1.php:26
msgid "Middle Name(s)"
msgstr "Altri nomi"
#: includes/general_stuff.php:62
msgid "Miscellaneous"
msgstr "Varie"
#: www/help/2.php:26
msgid "Most people would object if they found that all their postal letters are being opened, read and possibly recorded by the Government before being passed on to the intended recipient, resealed as if nothing had happened. And yet this is what happens every day with your emails (in the UK). There are some who have objected to this intrusion of privacy, but their voices are small and fall on deaf ears. However the most effective way to combat this intrusion is to seal the envelope shut in a miniature bank vault, i.e. encrypt your email. If all emails were encrypted, it would be very hard for Government, or other organisations/individual crackers, to monitor the general public. They would only realistically have enough resources to monitor those they had reason to suspect. Why? Because encryption can be broken, but it takes a lot of computing power and there wouldn't be enough to monitor the whole population of any given country."
msgstr ""
#: includes/general_stuff.php:56 www/account/0.php:15
msgid "My Account"
msgstr "La mia account"
#: includes/account_stuff.php:146 www/account/36.php:18
msgid "My Alert Settings"
msgstr "Le mie impostazioni di allerta"
#: includes/account.php:24 includes/account.php:35 includes/account.php:53
#: includes/account.php:76 includes/account.php:85 includes/account.php:119
#: includes/account.php:151 includes/account.php:176 includes/account.php:253
#: includes/account.php:280 includes/account.php:303 includes/account.php:362
#: includes/account.php:372 includes/account.php:393 includes/account.php:402
#: includes/account.php:447 includes/account.php:460 includes/account.php:490
#: includes/account.php:503 includes/account.php:536 includes/account.php:569
#: includes/account.php:632 includes/account.php:682 includes/account.php:813
#: includes/account.php:826 includes/account.php:883 includes/account.php:903
#: includes/account.php:990 includes/account.php:1016
#: includes/account.php:1028 includes/account.php:1079
#: includes/account.php:1163 includes/account.php:1176
#: includes/account.php:1226 includes/account.php:1238
#: includes/account.php:1293 includes/account.php:1361
#: includes/account.php:1387 includes/account.php:1415
#: includes/account.php:1443 includes/account.php:1490
#: includes/account.php:1502 includes/account.php:1565
#: includes/account.php:1668 includes/account.php:1675
#: includes/account.php:1685 includes/account.php:1728
#: includes/account.php:1754 includes/account.php:1773
#: includes/account.php:1801 includes/general.php:296 includes/general.php:374
#: www/account.php:41 www/error404.php:17 www/wot.php:22 www/wot.php:124
#: www/wot.php:132 www/wot.php:145 www/wot.php:246 www/wot.php:265
#: www/wot.php:277 www/wot.php:288 www/account/15.php:23 www/account/19.php:23
#: www/account/19.php:42 www/account/19.php:50 www/account/23.php:23
#: www/account/6.php:21 www/account/6.php:40 www/account/6.php:48
msgid "My Account!"
msgstr "La mia account su!"
#: includes/account_stuff.php:145 www/account/0.php:19 www/account/13.php:23
#: www/index/1.php:19
msgid "My Details"
msgstr "I miei dettagli"
#: www/account/41.php:18
msgid "My Language Settings"
msgstr "Le mie impostazioni linguistiche"
#: includes/account_stuff.php:146 www/wot/8.php:19
msgid "My Listing"
msgstr "Il mio elenco"
#: includes/account_stuff.php:146
msgid "My Location"
msgstr "La mia localizzazione"
#: www/account/41.php:21
msgid "My prefered language"
msgstr "La mia lingua preferita"
#: www/account/2.php:41
msgid "N/A"
msgstr "Non disponibile"
#: www/account/16.php:35 www/wot/1.php:119 www/wot/6.php:43
msgid "Name"
msgstr "Nome"
#: includes/account_stuff.php:154 includes/account_stuff.php:162
#: includes/account_stuff.php:167 includes/account_stuff.php:171
#: includes/account_stuff.php:186
msgid "New"
msgstr "Nuovo"
#: www/account/33.php:23
#, php-format
msgid "New Admin for %s"
msgstr "Nuovo Amministratore per %s"
#: www/stats.php:71 www/stats.php:107
msgid "New Assurers"
msgstr "Indirizzo di posta elettronica"
#: www/stats.php:72 www/stats.php:108
msgid "New Certificates"
msgstr "Certificati per i client (Client Certificates)"
#: www/account/16.php:18 www/account/3.php:27
msgid "New Client Certificate"
msgstr "Nuovo Certificato per il Client (Client Certificate)"
#: www/account/28.php:22
#, php-format
msgid "New Domain for %s"
msgstr "Nuovo dominio per %s"
#: includes/account_stuff.php:177 www/account/24.php:18
msgid "New Organisation"
msgstr "Nuova Organizzazione"
#: www/account/14.php:25 www/index/6.php:43
msgid "New Pass Phrase"
msgstr "Nuova Frase di Accesso (Pass Phrase)"
#: includes/account.php:829 www/index.php:92
msgid "New Pass Phrases specified don't match or were blank."
msgstr "Le nuove Frasi di Accesso (Pass Phrases) specificate non sono uguali oppure sono state lasciate in bianco."
#: www/account/44.php:26
msgid "New Password"
msgstr "Cambia Password"
#: www/stats.php:70 www/stats.php:106
msgid "New Users"
msgstr "Indirizzo di posta elettronica"
#: includes/general_stuff.php:63
msgid "News"
msgstr "Nuovo"
#: www/account/16.php:40 www/account/24.php:45 www/account/3.php:70
#: www/account/42.php:26 www/account/44.php:30 www/account/48.php:26
#: www/index/1.php:117 www/index/5.php:53 www/index/6.php:54 www/wot/5.php:26
msgid "Next"
msgstr "Successivo"
#: www/help/4.php:17
msgid "Next step is that you submit the contents of server.csr to the CAcert website, it should look *EXACTLY* like the following example otherwise the server may reject your request because it appears to be invalid."
msgstr ""
#: www/account/50.php:29
msgid "No"
msgstr "No"
#: www/account/3.php:52
msgid "No Name"
msgstr "Nessun nome"
#: www/account/12.php:42 www/account/22.php:42 www/account/9.php:32
msgid "No domains are currently listed."
msgstr "Nessun dominio &egrave; al momento elencato."
#: www/account/49.php:51
#, php-format
msgid "No domains found matching %s"
msgstr "Nessun dominio corrispondente a %s"
#: www/gpg.php:131
msgid "No emails found on your key"
msgstr "Non sono stati trovati indirizzi mail nella tua chiave"
#: www/account/15.php:24 www/account/19.php:24 www/account/23.php:24
#: www/account/6.php:22
msgid "No such certificate attached to your account."
msgstr "Nessun certificato di quel tipo &egrave; collegato alla tua account."
#: includes/account.php:1731
msgid "No such user found."
msgstr "Utente non trovato."
#: www/account/43.php:51
#, php-format
msgid "No users found matching %s"
msgstr "Nessun utente corrispondente a %s"
#: www/index/0.php:114
msgid "None, the sky is the limit for CAcert."
msgstr ""
#: www/index/0.php:115
msgid "None; $10 USD per year membership fee."
msgstr ""
#: includes/general_stuff.php:57
msgid "Normal Login"
msgstr "Login Normale"
#: www/account/12.php:56 www/account/18.php:56 www/account/22.php:56
#: www/account/5.php:60
msgid "Not Revoked"
msgstr "Revocato"
#: includes/account.php:25
#, php-format
msgid "Not a valid email address. Can't continue."
msgstr "L'indirizzo di posta elettronica non &egrave; valido. Non &egrave; possibile procedere."
#: www/help/2.php:10 www/help/2.php:44
msgid "Notes for the strangely curious"
msgstr ""
#: www/account/39.php:45 www/index/10.php:45
msgid "Notification of changes"
msgstr "Notificazione di modifiche"
#: www/help/3.php:12
msgid "Now 'Create a new certificate'."
msgstr "Nuovo Certificato per il Client (Client Certificate)"
#: includes/account.php:600 includes/account.php:711 includes/account.php:1109
#: includes/account.php:1325
msgid "Now deleting the following pending requests:"
msgstr "Cancellare ora le seguenti richieste in sospeso:"
#: includes/account.php:506 includes/account.php:635 includes/account.php:1032
#: includes/account.php:1241
msgid "Now renewing the following certificates:"
msgstr "Rinnovare ora i seguenti certificati:"
#: includes/account.php:572 includes/account.php:685 includes/account.php:1082
#: includes/account.php:1296
msgid "Now revoking the following certificates:"
msgstr "Revocare ora i certificati seguenti:"
#: www/wot/6.php:81
msgid "Number of days"
msgstr ""
#: includes/general_stuff.php:70
msgid "OCSP Details"
msgstr "Dettagli OCSP"
#: www/help/2.php:30
msgid "Of the biggest reasons why most people haven't started doing this, apart from being slightly technical, the reason is financial. You need your own certificate to digitally sign your emails. And the Certificate Authorities charge money to provide you with your own certificate. Need I say more. Dosh = no thanks I'd rather walk home. But organisations are emerging to provide the common fool in the street with a free alternative. However, given the obvious lack of funding and the emphasis on money to get enrolled, these organisations do not yet have the money to get themselves established as trusted Certificate Authorities. Thus it is currently down to trust. The decision of the individual to trust an unknown Certificate Authority. However once you have put your trust in a Certificate Authority you can implicitly trust the digital signatures generated using their certificates. In other words, if you trust (and accept the certificate of) the Certificate Authority that I use, you can automatically trust my digital signature. Trust me!"
msgstr ""
#: www/account/14.php:21
msgid "Old Pass Phrase"
msgstr "Vecchia Frase di Accesso (Pass Phrase)"
#: www/account/10.php:16 www/account/20.php:16 www/account/3.php:16
msgid "Once you decide to subscribe for an SSL Server Certificate you will need to complete this agreement. Please read it carefully. Your Certificate Request can only be processed with your acceptance and understanding of this agreement."
msgstr "Una volta che hai deciso di iscriverti per ottenere un Certificato SSL per il Server devi compilare questo accordo. Per favore leggilo accuratamente. La tua Richiesta di Certificato potr&agrave; essere elaborata solamente previa accettazione e comprensione di questo accordo."
#: www/account/0.php:26
msgid "Once you have verified your company you will see these menu options. They allow you to issue as many certificates as you like without proving individual email accounts as you like, further more you are able to get your company details on the certificate."
msgstr "Una volta che avrai verificato la tua compagnia, vedrai queste opzioni nel men&ugrave;. Esse ti consentiranno di emettere quanti certificati vorrai senza la necessit&agrave; di controllare ogni singola account di posta elettronica. Inoltre avrai la possibilit&agrave; di avere i dettagli della tua compagnia sul certificato."
#: www/help/4.php:28
msgid "Once you've submitted it the system will process your request and send an email back to you containing your server certificate."
msgstr ""
#: www/help/2.php:45
msgid "One assumes that if a site has an SSL certificate (that's what enables secure communication, for exchanging personal details, credit card numbers, etc. and gives the 'lock' icon in the browser) that they have obtained that certificate from a reliable source (a Certificate Authority), which has the appropriate stringent credentials for issuing something so vital to the security of the Internet, and the security of your communications. You have probably never even asked yourself the question of who decided to trust these Certificate Authorities, because your browser comes with their (root) certificates pre-installed, so any web site that you come across that has an SSL certificate signed by one of them, is automatically accepted (by your browser) as trustworthy."
msgstr ""
#: www/wot/6.php:74
msgid "Only fill this in if you assured the person on a different day"
msgstr ""
#: www/account/43.php:39 www/account/49.php:39
msgid "Only the first 100 rows are displayed."
msgstr ""
#: www/wot/6.php:61
msgid "Only tick the next box if the Assurance was face to face."
msgstr ""
#: www/help/3.php:8
msgid "Open Directory Security folder"
msgstr ""
#: includes/account_stuff.php:176
msgid "Org Admin"
msgstr "Amministratore dell'Organizzazione"
#: includes/account_stuff.php:166
msgid "Org Client Certs"
msgstr "Certificati per i Client dell'Organizzazione (Org Client Certs)"
#: www/account/0.php:25
msgid "Org Client and Server Certificates"
msgstr "Certificati per i Server (Server Certificates) e per i Client (Client Certificates) dell'Organizzazione"
#: includes/account_stuff.php:170
msgid "Org Server Certs"
msgstr "Certificati per i Server dell'Organizzazione (Org Server Certs)"
#: www/account/11.php:29 www/account/21.php:32
msgid "Org. Unit"
msgstr "Unit&agrave; nell'Organizzazione"
#: www/account/11.php:28 www/account/21.php:31 www/account/25.php:20
#: www/account/35.php:20
msgid "Organisation"
msgstr "Organizzazione"
#: www/account/24.php:21 www/account/27.php:24
msgid "Organisation Name"
msgstr "Nome dell'Organizazzione"
#: includes/account.php:1379 includes/account.php:1406
msgid "Organisation Name and Contact Email are required fields."
msgstr "Il nome dell'organizzazione e l'indirizzo di posta elettronica per il contatto sono campi obbligatori."
#: www/account/25.php:17 www/account/35.php:17
msgid "Organisations"
msgstr "Organizzazioni"
#: www/help/4.php:12
msgid "Organization Name (eg, company) [XYZ Corp]:"
msgstr ""
#: www/help/4.php:13
msgid "Organizational Unit Name (eg, section) [Server Administration]:."
msgstr ""
#: www/account/40.php:36 www/index/11.php:36
msgid "Other Mailing Lists"
msgstr ""
#: www/index/16.php:16 www/index/3.php:16
msgid "PKI Key"
msgstr "Chiave PKI"
#: www/account/40.php:18 www/index/11.php:18
msgid "PLEASE NOTE: Due to the large amounts of support questions, incorrectly directed emails may be ignored, this is a volunteer effort and directing general questions to the right place will help everyone, including yourself as you will get a speedier reply."
msgstr ""
#: www/wot/6.php:28
msgid "PLEASE NOTE: You have already assured this person before! If this is unintentional please DO NOT CONTINUE with this assurance."
msgstr ""
#: www/index/1.php:73 www/index/4.php:30
msgid "Pass Phrase"
msgstr "Nuova Frase di Accesso (Pass Phrase)"
#: www/account/14.php:29 www/index/1.php:77
msgid "Pass Phrase Again"
msgstr "Inserire ancora una volta la nuova Frase di Accesso (Pass Phrase)"
#: www/index.php:254
msgid "Pass Phrases don't match"
msgstr "Le Frasi di Accesso (Pass Phrases) non concidono"
#: www/index.php:249
msgid "Pass Phrases were blank"
msgstr "La Frase di Accesso (Pass Phrase) &egrave; stata lasciata in bianco."
#: www/account/10.php:26 www/account/20.php:24 www/account/45.php:15
msgid "Paste your CSR below..."
msgstr "Copia la tua Richiesta di Sottoscrizione del Certificato (Certificate Signing Request, CSR) qui sotto..."
#: www/account/12.php:52 www/account/12.php:59 www/account/18.php:52
#: www/account/18.php:63 www/account/22.php:52 www/account/22.php:61
#: www/account/5.php:56 www/account/5.php:63
msgid "Pending"
msgstr "In attesa"
#: www/account/19.php:99 www/account/6.php:97
msgid "Personal Certificate Installed."
msgstr "Certificato personale installato."
#: www/account/39.php:24 www/index/10.php:24
msgid "Personal information"
msgstr "Informazioni personali"
#: www/account/10.php:24
msgid "Please Note. All information on your certificate will be removed except the CommonName field, this is because it's an automated service and cannot automatically verify other details on your certificates are valid or not. If you are a valid organisation and would like more details to appear on certificates, you will need to have at least 50 assurance points and you need to send us a copy of your document of incorporation. Then we can add those details to your certificates. Contact us for more information on our organisational services."
msgstr ""
#: www/account/3.php:65
msgid "Please Note: By ticking this box you will automatically have your name included in any certificates."
msgstr ""
#: www/account/2.php:56 www/account/9.php:56
msgid "Please Note: You can not set an unverified account as a default account, and you can not remove a default account. To remove the default account you must set another verified account as the default."
msgstr "Nota: non &egrave; possibile impostare come predefinito un account di posta elettronica non verificato e non &egrave; possibile rimuovere un account impostato come predefinito. Per procedere alla rimozione di un account impostato come predefinito &egrave; necessario prima impostare come predefinito un altro account che sia stato verificato."
#: www/account/7.php:32
msgid "Please Note: You only need to enter the main part of your domain, eg. rather then Once you have verified your domain you are able to enter any sub-domain, such as or as the system checks from right to left, rather then specific hostnames when you upload a CSR to the system."
msgstr ""
#: www/wot.php:233
#, php-format
msgid "Please Note: this is a temporary increase for %s days only. After that time their points will be reduced to 150 points."
msgstr ""
#: www/wot.php:220
#, php-format
msgid "Please Note: this is a temporary increase for %s days only. After that time your points will be reduced to 150 points."
msgstr ""
#: www/account/8.php:19
msgid "Please choose an authority email address"
msgstr "Per favore scegli un indirizzo di posta elettronica autoritativo"
#: www/account/11.php:16 www/account/21.php:19
msgid "Please make sure the following details are correct before proceeding any further."
msgstr "Per favore, verifica che tutti i dettagli elencati qui di seguito siano corretti prima di procedere oltre."
#: www/index/0.php:120
msgid "Please note a general limitation is that, unlike long-time players like Verisign, CAcert's root certificate is not included by default in mainstream browsers, email clients, etc. This means people to whom you send encrypted email, or users who visit your SSL-enabled web server, will first have to import CAcert's root certificate, or they will have to agree to pop-up security warnings (which may look a little scary to non-techy users)."
msgstr ""
#: www/account/14.php:33 www/index/1.php:81 www/index/6.php:51
msgid "Please note, in the interests of good security, the pass phrase must be made up of an upper case letter, lower case letter, number and symbol."
msgstr "Ti preghiamo di considerare che, nell'interesse di una buona sicurezza, la Frase di Accesso (Pass Phrase) deve essere composta da lettere maiuscole, minuscole, numeri e simboli."
#: www/wot/8.php:40
msgid "Please note: All html will be stripped from the contact information box, a link to an email form will automatically be inserted to ensure your privacy."
msgstr "Attenzione: tutto l'HTML verr&agrave; eliminato dalle informazioni per il contatto. Verr&agrave; automaticamente aggiunto un collegamento ad un applicativo per la posta elettronica al fine di proteggere la tua privacy."
#: www/account/43.php:195 www/account/43.php:230 www/wot/10.php:24
#: www/wot/10.php:57 www/wot/6.php:108
msgid "Points"
msgstr "Punti"
#: www/stats.php:59
msgid "Points Issued"
msgstr "Punti di Legalizzazione che hai assegnato"
#: www/account/40.php:54 www/index/11.php:54
msgid "Postal Address:"
msgstr "Indirizzo di posta (non elettronica):"
#: www/help/3.php:14
msgid "Prepare the request"
msgstr "Richiesta di creazione del Certificato"
#: www/index/8.php:2
msgid "President"
msgstr "Elaborazione"
#: www/wot/3.php:35
msgid "Privacy"
msgstr "Riservatezza (Privacy)"
#: includes/account_stuff.php:210 includes/general_stuff.php:109
#: www/account/39.php:15 www/index/10.php:15
msgid "Privacy Policy"
msgstr "Politica di riservatezza"
#: www/account/8.php:29
msgid "Probe"
msgstr "Prova"
#: www/wot/3.php:27
msgid "Processing"
msgstr "Elaborazione"
#: www/help/8.php:1
msgid "Question: I'm a software developer for linux and I want to use CAcert/openssl to distribute my packages with detached signatures, is this possible and why would I do this over PGP/GPG detached signatures?"
msgstr ""
#: www/help/2.php:11 www/help/2.php:54
msgid "References"
msgstr ""
#: www/account/36.php:24 www/index/1.php:113
msgid "Regional Announcements"
msgstr ""
#: includes/account.php:623 includes/account.php:732 includes/account.php:1131
#: includes/account.php:1349
#, php-format
msgid "Removed a pending request for '%s'"
msgstr "&Egrave; stata rimossa una richiesta in sospeso per '%s'"
#: www/account/12.php:71 www/account/18.php:77 www/account/22.php:73
#: www/account/5.php:77
msgid "Renew"
msgstr "Rinnova"
#: www/account/12.php:21 www/account/18.php:21 www/account/22.php:21
#: www/account/5.php:21
msgid "Renew/Revoke/Delete"
msgstr "Rinnova/Revoca/Elimina"
#: includes/account.php:548 includes/account.php:1270
msgid "Renewing"
msgstr "Rinnova"
#: www/index/6.php:47
msgid "Repeat"
msgstr "Ripeti"
#: www/help/3.php:52
msgid "Return to the 'Internet Information Services' screen in 'Administrative Tools' under 'Control Panel'. Right click on 'Default Web Site' and select 'Properties'."
msgstr ""
#: www/account/12.php:72 www/account/18.php:78 www/account/22.php:74
#: www/account/5.php:78
msgid "Revoke/Delete"
msgstr "Revoca/Elimina"
#: www/account/12.php:24 www/account/12.php:54 www/account/18.php:24
#: www/account/18.php:54 www/account/22.php:24 www/account/22.php:54
#: www/account/5.php:24 www/account/5.php:58
msgid "Revoked"
msgstr "Revocato"
#: www/index/51.php:31
msgid "Right now it's happening all around you - there are secured websites and email protocols being protected and trusted by people, signed by CAcert."
msgstr ""
#: includes/general_stuff.php:67
msgid "Root Certificate"
msgstr "Certificato Base"
#: www/index/16.php:18 www/index/3.php:18
msgid "Root Certificate (DER Format)"
msgstr "Certificato Base in formato DER. (Root Certificate)"
#: www/index/16.php:17 www/index/3.php:17
msgid "Root Certificate (PEM Format)"
msgstr "Certificato Base in formato PEM. (Root Certificate)"
#: includes/account_stuff.php:182
msgid "Rules"
msgstr "Regole"
#: www/index/0.php:63
msgid "Same as above plus you can include your full name in the certificates."
msgstr ""
#: www/index/0.php:94
msgid "Same as above, except certificates expire in 24 months."
msgstr ""
#: www/index/0.php:95
msgid "Same as above, plus get 50 assurance points by meeting with assurer(s) from the CAcert Web of Trust, who verify your identity using your government issued photo identity documents."
msgstr ""
#: www/index/0.php:65
msgid "Same as above, plus you must get a minimum of 50 assurance points by meeting with one or more assurers from the CAcert Web of Trust, who verify your identity using your government issued photo identity documents."
msgstr ""
#: www/index/0.php:93
msgid "Same as above."
msgstr ""
#: www/help/3.php:46
msgid "Saving the certificate"
msgstr "Installazione del tuo certificato"
#: www/help/3.php:6 www/help/3.php:7 www/help/3.php:10 www/help/3.php:13
#: www/help/3.php:16 www/help/3.php:19 www/help/3.php:29 www/help/3.php:32
#: www/help/3.php:35 www/help/3.php:38 www/help/3.php:50 www/help/3.php:53
#: www/help/3.php:56 www/help/3.php:59 www/help/3.php:62 www/help/3.php:65
#: www/help/3.php:68
msgid "Screenshot of IIS 5.0"
msgstr ""
#: www/wot/7.php:127
msgid "Search"
msgstr "Cerca"
#: www/wot/7.php:120
msgid "Search this region"
msgstr "Cerca in questa zona"
#: www/account/43.php:163
msgid "Secondary Emails"
msgstr "Indirizzo di posta elettronica per il contatto"
#: www/index/8.php:4
msgid "Secretary"
msgstr ""
#: www/help/2.php:36
msgid "Security is a serious matter. For a digital certificate with full rights to be issued to an individual by a Certificate Authority, stringent tests must be conducted, including meeting the physical person to verify their identity. At the current moment in time, my physical identity has not been verified by, but they have verified my email address. Installing their root certificate (see above) will thus automatically allow you to validate my digital signature. You can then be confident of the authenticity of my email address - only I have the ability to digitally sign my emails using my certificate, so if you get an email that I digitally signed and which is validated by your email software using the root certificate that you installed, you know it's from me. (Visually you get a simple indication that my email is signed and trusted). Technically, they haven't verified that I really am me! But you have the guarantee that emails from my address are sent by the person who physically administers that address, i.e. me! The only way that someone could forge my digital signature would be if they logged on to my home computer (using the password) and ran my email software (using the password) to send you a digitally signed email from my address. Although I have noticed the cats watching me logon..."
msgstr ""
#: www/help/3.php:18
msgid "Select 'Bit length'. We advise a key length of 1024 bits."
msgstr ""
#: www/help/3.php:11
msgid "Select 'Create a new certificate'"
msgstr "Nuovo Certificato per il Client (Client Certificate)"
#: www/help/3.php:55
msgid "Select 'Server Certificate' at the bottom of the tab in the 'Secure communications' section."
msgstr ""
#: www/account/43.php:28 www/account/49.php:28
msgid "Select Specific Account Details"
msgstr "Dettagli per contattare"
#: www/help/3.php:37
msgid "Select an easy to locate folder. You'll have to open this file up with Notepad. The CSR must be copied and pasted into our online form. Once the CSR has been submitted, you won't need this CSR any more as IIS won't reuse old CSR to generate new certificates."
msgstr ""
#: www/help/3.php:61
msgid "Select the .cer file and click 'Next'."
msgstr ""
#: www/help/3.php:54
msgid "Select the Directory Security tab"
msgstr ""
#: www/account/40.php:30 www/account/40.php:48 www/index/11.php:30
#: www/index/11.php:48 www/wot/9.php:60
msgid "Send"
msgstr "Invia"
#: www/account/40.php:40 www/index/11.php:40
msgid "Sensitive Information"
msgstr "Informazioni per contattare"
#: includes/account_stuff.php:161
msgid "Server Certificates"
msgstr "Certificati per i Server (Server Certificates)"
#: www/index/0.php:80
msgid "Server certificates (un-assured)"
msgstr "Certificati per i Server (Server Certificates)"
#: www/wot.php:247
msgid "Shortly you and the person you were assuring will receive an email confirmation. There is no action on your behalf required to complete this."
msgstr "A breve sia tu che la persona che stai legalizzando riceverete un messaggio di posta elettronica di conferma. Non &egrave; richiesto nessun altro intervento da parte tua per completare questa operazione."
#: www/account/40.php:51 www/index/11.php:51
msgid "Snail Mail"
msgstr ""
#: www/help/2.php:50
msgid "So if you don't pass the audit, you don't get to be a Certificate Authority. And to pass the audit, well, you've got to show that you can do a good job issuing certificates. That they're secure, you only give them to the right people, etc. So what happens when you make a mistake and you erroneously issue a certificate that risks the entire Internet browsing population, like Verisign did? Well, er, nothing actually. They already paid for their audit, and damn it, they're so big now, we couldn't possibly revoke their Certificate Authority status. (There's too much money at stake!)"
msgstr ""
#: www/index/51.php:33
msgid "So what can I do to help the cause?"
msgstr ""
#: www/help/2.php:52
msgid "So, dammit, what's the point of all this then?"
msgstr ""
#: www/account/39.php:39 www/index/10.php:39
msgid "Some of our advertisers use a third-party ad server to display ads. These ads may contain cookies. The ad server receives these cookies, and we don't have access to them."
msgstr "Alcuni dei nostri sponsor utilizzano un server di terze parti per la visualizzazione dei messaggi pubblicitari. Queste pubblicit&agrave; possono contenere dei cookie. Il server per la visualizzazione dei messaggi pubblicitari riceve questi cookie e noi non abbiamo accesso ad essi."
#: www/wot/9.php:19 www/wot/9.php:29
msgid "Sorry, I was unable to locate that user."
msgstr "Spiacente ma non &egrave; stato possibile individuare l'utente."
#: www/wot/6.php:85
msgid "Sponsoring Member"
msgstr ""
#: www/help/4.php:10
msgid "State or Province Name (full name) [NSW]:"
msgstr "Nome della regione o provincia (nome completo) [NSW]:"
#: www/account/11.php:31 www/account/21.php:34 www/account/24.php:33
#: www/account/27.php:36
msgid "State/Province"
msgstr "Regione/Provincia"
#: includes/general_stuff.php:66 www/stats.php:5 www/stats.php:9
msgid "Statistics"
msgstr "Statistiche"
#: www/account/12.php:22 www/account/18.php:22 www/account/2.php:22
#: www/account/22.php:22 www/account/5.php:22 www/account/9.php:22
msgid "Status"
msgstr "Stato"
#: www/account/40.php:28 www/account/40.php:46 www/index/11.php:28
#: www/index/11.php:46 www/wot/9.php:52
msgid "Subject"
msgstr "Oggetto"
#: www/gpg.php:22 www/account/10.php:29 www/account/11.php:36
#: www/account/20.php:27 www/account/21.php:38 www/account/45.php:18
msgid "Submit"
msgstr "Invia"
#: www/account/13.php:41 www/account/13.php:89 www/account/43.php:90
#: www/index/1.php:36
msgid "Suffix"
msgstr "Suffisso"
#: includes/account_stuff.php:190
msgid "System Admin"
msgstr "Amministratore di sistema"
#: www/help/6.php:7
msgid "System will send you an email with a link in it, you just open the link in a webbrowser."
msgstr "Riceverai una mail con un link, sar sufficiente visualizzare tale link con un browser web."
#: includes/account_stuff.php:182
msgid "TTP Form"
msgstr "Modulo TTP"
#: www/wot/6.php:81
msgid "Temporary Increase"
msgstr "Incremento Temporaneo"
#: scripts/removedead.php:62
msgid "Temporary points increase has expired."
msgstr "L'incremento temporaneo terminato."
#: www/help/2.php:55
msgid "Ten Risks of PKI: What You're not Being Told about Public Key Infrastructure"
msgstr "Dieci pericoli delle PKI: Cosa non ti stato detto sulle infrastrutture a chiave pubblica (Public Key Infrastructure)"
#: www/account/38.php:23 www/index/13.php:23
msgid "Thank you very much for your support, your donations help CAcert to continue to operate."
msgstr "Mille grazie per il tuo supporto, la tua donazione aiuta CAcert a continuare nel suo operato."
#: www/index.php:314
msgid "Thanks for signing up with, below is the link you need to open to verify your account. Once your account is verified you will be able to start issuing certificates till your hearts' content!"
msgstr "Grazie per esserti registrato su Qui sotto &egrave; riportato il collegamento che devi utilizzare per effettuare la verifica finale della tua account. Una volta che avrai provveduto ad effettuare la verifica della tua account potrai iniziare ad emettere tutti i certificati che vorrai!"
#: www/help/2.php:47
msgid "That situation has changed, and Internet Explorer, being the most obvious example, now insists that any Certificate Authorities are 'audited' by an 'independent' organisation, the American Institute for Certified Public Accountant's (AICPA). So now, if you have the money needed (from US$75000 up to US$250000 and beyond) you can get these accountants, who clearly know a lot about money, to approve you as having the required technical infrastructure and business processes to be a Certificate Authority. And they get a nice wad of money for the pleasure. And the Certificate Authorities, having a kind of monopoly as a result, charge a lot for certificates and also get a nice wad of money. And everyone's happy."
msgstr ""
#: www/account/17.php:89 www/account/4.php:89
msgid "The 1024-bit key generation failed. Would you like to try 512 instead?"
msgstr "La generazione della chiave a 1024 bit non &egrave; andata a buon fine. Vuoi provare a generare quella a 512 bit?"
#: www/help/3.php:31
msgid "The Common Name is the fully qualified host and Domain Name or website address that you will be securing. Both '' and '' are valid Common Names. IP addresses are usually not used."
msgstr ""
#: www/verify.php:46
msgid "The ID or Hash has already been verified, or something weird happened."
msgstr "L'identificativo (ID) o la chiave (Hash) sono gi&agrave; stati verificati o &egrave; accaduto qualcosa di strano."
#: www/verify.php:90
msgid "The ID or Hash has already been verified, the domain no longer exists in the system, or something weird happened."
msgstr "L'identificativo (ID) o la chiave (hash) sono gi&agrave; stati verificati, il dominio non &egrave; pi&ugrave; presente all'interno del sistema o qualcosa di strano &egrave; accaduto."
#: www/help/3.php:28
msgid "The Organisational Unit field is the 'free' field. It is often the department or Server name for reference."
msgstr "Il campo Organizational Unit un campo 'libero'. utilizzato spesso per indicare un riferimento al dipartimento oppure al nome del Server."
#: includes/account.php:838
msgid "The Pass Phrase you submitted was too short."
msgstr "La Frase di Accesso (Pass Phrase) che hai specificato &egrave; troppo corta."
#: www/index.php:94
msgid "The Pass Phrase you submitted was too short. It must be at least 6 characters."
msgstr "La Frase di Accesso (Pass Phrase) che hai specificato &egrave; troppo corta."
#: www/help/2.php:59
msgid "The Regulation of Investigational Powers Act (RIPA)&lt;/a&gt; ('Snooping Bill' official gov site, UK)"
msgstr ""
#: www/account/0.php:28
msgid "The Web of Trust system CAcert uses is similar to that many involved with GPG/PGP use, they hold face to face meetings to verify each others photo identities match their GPG/PGP key information. CAcert differs however in that we have modified things to work within the PKI framework, for you to gain trust in the system you must first locate someone already trusted. The trust person depending how many people they've trusted or meet before will determine how many points they can issue to you (the number of points they can issue is listed in the locate assurer section). Once you've met up you can show your ID and you will need to fill out a CAP form which the person assuring your details must retain for verification reasons. You can also get trust points via the Trust Third Party system where you go to a lawyer, bank manager, accountant, or public notary/juctise of the peace and they via your ID and fill in the TTP form to state they have viewed your ID documents and it appears authentic and true. More information on the TTP system can be found in the TTP sub-menu"
msgstr "Il sistema di Rete di Credenziali (Web of Trust) che CAcert utilizza &egrave; simile a quelli convolti nell'uso di GPG/PGP. Si tratta di organizzare incontri di persona per verificare vicendevolmente che le informazioni contenute negli identificativi completi di foto corrispondano a quelle contenute nelle rispettive chiavi GPG/PGP. CAcert si differenzia per&ograve; per il fatto che il sistema sia stato modificato per lavorare secondo il modello PKI: prima di ottenere delle credenziali all'interno del sistema, devi individuare qualcuno che abbia gi&agrave; delle credenziali. Questa persona, a seconda di quante altre persone ha gi&agrave; legalizzato o incontrato, potr&agrave; assegnarti un certo numero di punti, il cui quantitativo &egrave; specificato nella sezione dalla quale si possono cercare i Notai. Una volta che vi sarete incontrati, dovrai mostrare il tuo identificativo e dovrai compilare un modulo CAP che la persona che ti legalizzer&agrave; conserver&agrave; per eventuali future verifiche. Puoi anche ottenere punti di credenziale attraverso Terze Parti Riconosciute recandoti da un avvocato, un banchiere, un ragioniere abilitato dallo stato, un pubblico notaio o un giudice di pace che vedranno il tuo documento di identificazione e compileranno il modulo TTP dichiarando che il documento sembra autentico e vero. Ulteriori informazioni sul sistema TTP si trovano nel sottomen&ugrave; TTP."
#: www/index/0.php:103
msgid "The ability to assure other new CAcert users; contribute to the strengthening and broadening of the CAcert Web of Trust."
msgstr ""
#: includes/account.php:363
msgid "The address you submitted isn't a valid authority address for the domain."
msgstr "L'indirizzo che hai specificato non &egrave; valido come indirizzo autoritario per il dominio."
#: www/index/8.php:1
#, php-format
msgid "The current %s board, and roles."
msgstr ""
#: includes/account.php:394
#, php-format
msgid "The domain '%s' has been added to the system, however before any certificates for this can be issued you need to open the link in a browser that has been sent to your email address."
msgstr "Il dominio '%s' &egrave; stato aggiunto al sistema per&ograve;, prima di poter emettere i certificati, devi aprire nel browser il link che hai ricevuto tramite posta elettronica."
#: includes/account.php:304 includes/account.php:373 includes/account.php:1428
#: includes/account.php:1458
#, php-format
msgid "The domain '%s' is already in the system and is listed as valid. Can't continue."
msgstr "Il dominio '%s' &egrave; gi&agrave; nel sistema ed &egrave; elencato come valido. Non posso procedere."
#: www/account/0.php:22
msgid "The email account section is for adding/updating/removing email accounts which can be used to issue client certificates against. The client certificate section steps you through generating a certificate signing request for one or more emails you've registered in the email account section."
msgstr "La sezione relativa alle account di posta elettronica serve ad aggiungere/aggiornare/rimuovere le account di posta elettronica che possono essere utilizzate per emettere i relativi Certificati per i Client (Client Certificates). La sezione riguardante i Certificati per i Client ti guida attraverso la generazione di una Richiesta di Sottoscrizione del Certificato per una o pi&ugrave; account di posta elettronica registrate nella sezione ad esse relativa."
#: includes/account.php:54
#, php-format
msgid "The email address '%s' has been added to the system, however before any certificates for this can be issued you need to open the link in a browser that has been sent to your email address."
msgstr "L'indirizzo di posta elettronica '%s' &egrave; stato aggiunto al sistema, prima di poter emettere certificati devi aprire in un browser il link che hai ricevuto al tuo indirizzo di posta elettronica."
#: includes/account.php:36
#, php-format
msgid "The email address '%s' is already in the system. Can't continue."
msgstr "L'indirizzo di posta elettronica '%s' &egrave; gi&agrave; nel sistema. Non &egrave; possibile procedere."
#: includes/account.php:86
msgid "The following accounts have been removed:"
msgstr "I seguenti account sono stati rimossi:"
#: includes/account.php:403
msgid "The following domains have been removed:"
msgstr "I seguenti domin&icirc; sono stati rimossi:"
#: www/index/0.php:104
msgid "The number of assurance point you have will limit the maximum assurance points you can issue for people you assure."
msgstr ""
#: www/help/2.php:62
#, php-format
msgid "The page has been reproduced on %s with explicit permission from %sthe author%s with the information being copyrighted to the author (name with held by request)"
msgstr ""
#: includes/account.php:1735
#, php-format
msgid "The password for %s has been updated sucessfully in the system."
msgstr "La password per %s stata aggiornata con successo."
#: www/index/0.php:21
msgid "The primary goals are:"
msgstr "Gli scopi principali sono:"
#: www/help/2.php:15
msgid "The purpose of digital signing is to prove, electronically, one's identity"
msgstr ""
#: www/help/2.php:27
msgid "The reason digital signatures prepare us for encryption is that if everyone were setup to be able to generate their own digital signatures, it would be technically very easy to make the next step from digital signatures to encryption. And that would be great for privacy, the fight against spamming, and a safer Internet."
msgstr ""
#: www/help/7.php:6
msgid "The requests sent to the root store, are stored in a file for another process triggered by cron to parse and sign them, then stored in a reply file to be sent back to the webserver. Causing things to be separated into different users, basic privilege separation stuff. So being actually able to hack the serial daemons will only at the VERY worst cause fraudulent certificates, not the root to be revealed."
msgstr ""
#: www/index/51.php:34
msgid "The simplest and most effective thing you can do is spread the word, by telling your friends, colleagues and relatives about us and join."
msgstr ""
#: www/help/4.php:3
msgid "Then the system will try to generate some very random numbers to get a secure key."
msgstr ""
#: www/help/6.php:3
msgid "Then you need to generate a Certificate Signing Request, for more details go:"
msgstr ""
#: www/help/6.php:9
msgid "Then you need to submit the contents from the CSR file to CAcert, you need to go:"
msgstr ""
#: www/account/40.php:37 www/index/11.php:37
msgid "There are a number of other mailing lists CAcert runs, some are general discussion, others are technical (such as the development list) or platform specific help (such as the list for Apple Mac users)"
msgstr ""
#: www/wot.php:284
msgid "There was an error and I couldn't proceed"
msgstr "Si &egrave; verificato un errore e non mi &egrave; possibile proseguire"
#: www/help/2.php:42
msgid "There's nothing to it. I mean literally, you can already start sending your emails encrypted. Assuming of course you have your own digital signature certificate (e.g. as per above), and the person you want to send an encrypted email to also has a digital signature certificate, and has recently sent you a digitally signed email with it. If all these conditions hold, you just have to change the settings in your email software to send the email encrypted and hey presto! Your email software (probably Outlook I guess) should suss out the rest."
msgstr ""
#: www/index.php:272
msgid "This email address is currently valid in the system."
msgstr "Questo indirizzo di posta elettronica &egrave; attualmente valido nel sistema."
#: www/wot/6.php:36
#, php-format
msgid "This person already has %s assurance points."
msgstr ""
#: www/wot/6.php:32
#, php-format
msgid "This person already has %s assurance points. Any points you give this person may be rounded down, or they may not even get any points. If you have less then 150 points you will still receive 2 points for assuring them."
msgstr ""
#: www/account/39.php:18 www/index/10.php:18
msgid "This policy discloses what information we gather about you when you visit any of our Web site. It describes how we use that information and how you can control it."
msgstr "Questa informativa indica quale tua informazione otteniamo quando visiti una qualsiasi parte del nostro sito web. Descrive come utilizziamo quella informazione e come la puoi controllare."
#: www/help/2.php:46
msgid "Thus, having now asked the question, you suppose that it's the people who make the browser software that have carefully decided who is a trustworthy Certificate Authority. Funnily enough, the mainstream browsers have not, historically, had public policies on how they decide whether a Certificate Authority gets added to their browser. All of the Certificate Authorities that have found themselves in the browser software, are big names, probably with big profits (so they must be doing a good job!)."
msgstr ""
#: www/wot/9.php:42
msgid "To"
msgstr "A"
#: www/help/5.php:1
msgid "To be completed"
msgstr "Da completare"
#: www/wot/2.php:15
msgid "To become an Assurer"
msgstr "Come diventare Legalizzatore"
#: www/index/51.php:17
msgid "To create a Non-Profit Certificate Authority; an alternative to the commercial CAs."
msgstr "Per creare una Certificate Authority Non-Profit; un'alternativa alle CA commerciali."
#: www/help/2.php:33
msgid "To fully understand, read the section directly above. I am using a free Certificate Authority to provide me with the ability to digitally sign my emails. As a result, this Certificate Authority is not (yet) recognised by your email software as it is a new organisation that is not yet fully established, although it is probably being included in the Mozilla browser. If you choose to, you can go the their site at to install the root certificate. You may be told that the certificate is untrusted - that is normal and I suggest that you continue installation regardless. Be aware that this implies your acceptance that you trust their secure distribution and storing of digital signatures, such as mine. (You already do this all the time). The root certificate will then automatically provide the safe validation of my digital signature, which I have entrusted to them. Or you can simply decide that you've wasted your time reading this and do nothing (humbug!). Shame on you! :-)"
msgstr ""
#: www/help/3.php:2
msgid "To generate a public and private key pair and CSR for a Microsoft IIS 5 Server:"
msgstr "Per creare una coppia di chiavi pubblica e privata ed un CSR per un server Microsoft IIS 5:"
#: www/help/2.php:21
msgid "To get from computer Internet User A to Internet User B an email may pass through tens of anonymous computers on the Internet. These 'Internet infrastructure' computers are all free to inspect and change the contents of your email as they see fit. Governments systematically browse the contents of all emails going in/out/within their country, e.g. the"
msgstr ""
#: www/index/0.php:24
msgid "To provide a trust mechanism to go with the security aspects of encryption."
msgstr "Fornire un sistema di credenziali da utilizzare per la sicurezza e la crittografia dei dati."
#: www/account/43.php:217 www/account/43.php:252 www/wot/10.php:44
msgid "Total Points"
msgstr "Numero totale di punti"
#: www/wot/10.php:79
msgid "Total Points Issued"
msgstr "Punti di Legalizzazione che hai assegnato"
#: www/account/24.php:29 www/account/27.php:32
msgid "Town/Suburb"
msgstr "Citt&agrave;/Frazione"
#: includes/general_stuff.php:76
msgid "Translations"
msgstr "Traduzioni"
#: www/index/8.php:5
msgid "Treasurer"
msgstr "Tesoriere"
#: includes/account_stuff.php:182 www/wot/4.php:15
msgid "Trusted Third Parties"
msgstr "Terze parti riconosciute."
#: www/help/2.php:60
msgid "U.K. e-mail snooping bill passed"
msgstr ""
#: www/help/2.php:21
msgid "UK Government has done this since the year 2000"
msgstr "Il Governo del Regno Unito lo fa del 2000"
#: www/index.php:126
msgid "Unable to match your details with any user accounts on file"
msgstr "Non &egrave; stato possibile trovare una corrispondenza fra i tuoi dettagli e quelli di nessuna account utente presente negli archivi"
#: www/help/3.php:5
msgid "Under 'Administrative Tools', open the 'Internet Services Manager'. Then open up the properties window for the website you wish to request the certificate for. Right-clicking on the particular website will open up its properties."
msgstr ""
#: www/help/0.php:12
msgid "Unofficial FAQ/Wiki"
msgstr "FAQ/Wiki non ufficiali"
#: www/account/2.php:34 www/account/9.php:40
msgid "Unverified"
msgstr "Non verificato"
#: www/account/13.php:123 www/account/27.php:48 www/account/29.php:35
#: www/account/41.php:36 www/wot/8.php:35
msgid "Update"
msgstr "Aggiorna"
#: www/account/29.php:28
#, php-format
msgid "Update Domain for %s"
msgstr "Aggiorna il Dominio per %s"
#: www/account/36.php:28
msgid "Update My Settings"
msgstr "Aggiorna le mie impostazioni"
#: www/account/14.php:36
msgid "Update Pass Phrase"
msgstr "Aggiorna la Frase di Accesso (Pass Phrase)"
#: www/verify.php:55 www/verify.php:97
msgid "Updated"
msgstr "Aggiornato"
#: www/stats.php:55
msgid "Users with Points"
msgstr "Utenti con Punti"
#: www/account/12.php:48 www/account/18.php:48 www/account/18.php:59
#: www/account/22.php:48 www/account/22.php:59 www/account/5.php:52
msgid "Valid"
msgstr "Valido"
#: www/stats.php:43
msgid "Valid Certificates"
msgstr "Certificati validi"
#: www/index/0.php:55 www/index/0.php:65 www/index/0.php:75 www/index/0.php:85
#: www/index/0.php:95 www/index/0.php:105 www/index/0.php:115
msgid "Verification needed"
msgstr "Verifica necessaria"
#: www/account/2.php:32 www/account/9.php:38
msgid "Verified"
msgstr "Verificato"
#: www/stats.php:20 www/account/43.php:175
msgid "Verified Domains"
msgstr "Domini Verificati"
#: www/stats.php:16
msgid "Verified Emails"
msgstr "Email Verificate"
#: www/stats.php:12
msgid "Verified Users"
msgstr "Utenti Verificati"
#: www/index/8.php:3
msgid "Vice President"
msgstr "Vice Presidente"
#: includes/account_stuff.php:150 includes/account_stuff.php:154
#: includes/account_stuff.php:158 includes/account_stuff.php:162
#: includes/account_stuff.php:167 includes/account_stuff.php:171
#: includes/account_stuff.php:177 includes/account_stuff.php:186
msgid "View"
msgstr "Visualizza"
#: includes/account_stuff.php:177
msgid "View Organisations"
msgstr "Visualizza le Organizzazioni"
#: www/account/29.php:23 www/account/30.php:23
msgid "Warning!"
msgstr "Attenzione!"
#: www/index/1.php:15 www/index/4.php:19
msgid "Warning! This site requires cookies to be enabled to ensure your privacy and security. This site uses session cookies to store temporary values to prevent people from copying and pasting the session ID to someone else exposing their account, personal details and identity theft as a result."
msgstr "Attenzione! Questo sito richiede che i cookie siano abilitati nel tuo browser per assicurare la tua riservatezza e sicurezza. Questo sito utilizza dei cookie relativi alla sessione di lavoro per immagazzinare dati temporanei al fine di evitare che alcuni individui copino ed incollino ad altri l'identificativo della sessione mettendo in pericolo la loro account e i loro dettagli personali portando, come risultato finale, ad un furto dell'identit&agrave;."
#: www/index/4.php:17
msgid "Warning! You've attempted to log into the system with a client certificate, but the login failed due to the certificate being expired, revoked or simply not valid for this site. You can login using your Email/Pass Phrase to get a new certificate, by clicking on 'Normal Login' to the right of your screen."
msgstr "Attenzione! Hai effettuato un tentativo di ingresso nel sistema con un Certificato per Client (Client Certificate) ma il tentativo &egrave; fallito poich&eacute; il certificato &egrave; scaduto, &egrave; stato revocato oppure semplicemente non &egrave; valido per questo sito. Puoi effettuare un accesso utilizzando il tuo indirizzo di posta elettronica e la tua Frase di Accesso (Pass Phrase) per ottenere un nuovo certficato facendo click su &quot;Accesso Normale&quot; sulla destra dello schermo."
#: includes/account.php:1609
#, php-format
msgid "Wasn't able to match '%s' against any user in the system"
msgstr "Non &egrave; stato possibile associare '%s' a nessun utente nel sistema"
#: www/account/39.php:34 www/index/10.php:34
msgid "We analyse visitors' use of our sites by tracking information such as page views, traffic flow, search terms, and click through. We use this information to improve our sites. We also share this anonymous traffic and demographic information in aggregate form with advertisers and other business partners. We do not share any information with advertisers that can identify an individual user."
msgstr "Analizziamo l'utilizzo del nostro sito da parte dei visitatori tenendo traccia di infomazioni quali le pagine che vengono visualizzate, il flusso di traffico, i termini utilizzati per la ricerca e i collegamenti sui quali viene fatto click. Utilizziamo queste informazioni per migliorare i nostri siti. Condividiamo inoltre queste informazioni sul traffico e sulle persone con i pubblicitari e con altri partner professionali. Non condividiamo con i pubblicitari alcuna informazione che possa portare ad identificarti come utente individuale."
#: www/account/39.php:21 www/index/10.php:21
msgid "We collect two kinds of information about users: 1) data that users volunteer by signing up to our website or when you send us an email via our contact form; and 2) aggregated tracking data we collect when users interact with our site."
msgstr "Raccogliamo due tipi di informazioni riguardo agli utenti: 1) dati che gli utenti forniscono volontariamente iscrivendosi al nostro sito web o inviandoci un messaggio di posta elettronica utilizzando i moduli per mettersi in contatto con noi; 2) dati che raccogliamo per tenere traccia dell'interazione degli utenti con il nostro sito web."
#: www/account/39.php:29 www/index/10.php:29
msgid "We do not share your information with any other organisation."
msgstr "Non condividiamo le tue informazioni con nessun'altra organizzazione."
#: www/account/39.php:42 www/index/10.php:42
msgid "We don't use cookies to store personal information, we do use sessions, and if cookies are enabled, the session will be stored in a cookie, and we do not look for cookies, apart from the session id. However if cookies are disabled then no information will be stored on or looked for on your computer."
msgstr "Non utilizziamo i cookie per immagazzinarvi informazioni personali, usiamo le sessioni e se i cookie sono abilitati, la sessione verr&agrave; immagazzinata in un cookie, inoltre non andiamo a leggere i cookie se non per ottenere l'identificativo della sessione di lavoro. Se comunque i cookie non sono abilitati, nessuna informazione verr&agrave; scritta nel tuo computer o letta da esso."
#: www/help/2.php:56
msgid "WebTrust for Certification Authorities"
msgstr ""
#: www/account.php:27 www/account.php:36 www/cps.php:3 www/gpg.php:160
#: www/gpg.php:179 www/help.php:20 www/index.php:105 www/index.php:342
#: www/index.php:353 www/index.php:362 www/logos.php:3 www/news.php:20
#: www/stats.php:3
msgid "Welcome to"
msgstr "Benvenuto su"
#: www/account/0.php:16
msgid "Welcome to your account section of the website. Below is a description of the different sections and what they're for."
msgstr "Benvenuto alla sezione del sito web relativa alla tua account. Pi&ugrave; sotto troverai una descrizione delle varie sezioni e della loro utilit&agrave;."
#: www/index/0.php:46
msgid "What can CAcert provide to you, to increase your privacy and security for free?"
msgstr "Cosa pu&amp;ograve; offrirti CAcert, per aumentare la tua privacy e la sicurezza gratuitamente?"
#: www/help/2.php:2 www/help/2.php:14
msgid "What is it for?"
msgstr "A cosa serve?"
#: www/index/51.php:30
msgid "When and Where?"
msgstr "Dove e quando?"
#: www/help/3.php:67
msgid "When you have read this information, click 'Finish'."
msgstr ""
#: www/account/39.php:26 www/index/10.php:26
msgid "When you post to the contact form, you must provide your name and email address. When you sign up to the website, you must provide your name, email address date of birth and some lost pass phrase question and answers."
msgstr "Quando invii un messaggio dal modulo per contattarci, devi indicare il tuo nome e il tuo indirizzo di posta elettronica. Quando ti iscrivi nel sito web, devi indicare il tuo nome, il tuo indrizzo di posta elettronica, la tua data di nascita e alcune domande e risposte che veranno utilizzare nel caso in cui venga smarrita la Frase di Accesso (Pass Phrase)."
#: www/account/43.php:194 www/account/43.php:229 www/wot/10.php:23
#: www/wot/10.php:56
msgid "Who"
msgstr "Chi"
#: www/index/51.php:19
msgid "Who?"
msgstr "Chi?"
#: www/help/2.php:3 www/help/2.php:19
msgid "Why digitally sign your own emails?! (weirdo..)"
msgstr "Perch&amp;eacute; usare la firma digitale per le email?!"
#: www/help/2.php:6 www/help/2.php:32
msgid "Why is the digital signature described as 'not valid/not trusted'?"
msgstr "Perch&amp;eacute; la firma digitale definita 'non valida/non sicura'?"
#: www/help/2.php:5 www/help/2.php:29
msgid "Why isn't it being adopted by everyone?"
msgstr "Perch&amp;eacute; non &amp;egrave; utilizzto da tutti?"
#: www/help/7.php:7
msgid "Why use serial you ask? Well certificate requests are low bandwidth for starters, then of course simpler systems in security are less prone to exploits, and finally serial code is pretty mature and well tested and hopefully all exploits were found and fixed a long time ago."
msgstr ""
#: www/index/51.php:23
msgid "Why?"
msgstr "Perch&amp;eacute;?"
#: www/help/7.php:8
msgid "With the proposed root certificate changes, there would be a new root, this would sign at least 1 sub-root, then the private key stored offline in a bank vault, with the sub-root doing all the signing, or alternatively 2 sub-roots, 1 for client certificates, one for server, the thinking behind this, if any of the sub-roots are compromised they can be revoked and reissued."
msgstr ""
#: www/account/36.php:25 www/index/1.php:114
msgid "Within 200km Announcements"
msgstr ""
#: includes/account_stuff.php:182
msgid "WoT Form"
msgstr "Modulo WoT"
#: www/wot/6.php:48
msgid "YYYY-MM-DD"
msgstr "AAAA-MM-GG"
#: www/account/50.php:29
msgid "Yes"
msgstr "Si"
#: www/account/39.php:52 www/index/10.php:52
msgid "You are able to update, add and remove your information at any time via our web interface, log into the 'My Account' and then click on the 'My Details' section, and then click the relevant link"
msgstr "Puoi aggiornare, aggiungere e rimuovere le tue informazioni in qualsiasi momento attraverso la nostra interfaccia web effettuando un accesso attraverso &quot;La mia account&quot;, facendo click sulla sezione &quot;I miei dettagli&quot; e poi facendo click sul collegamento di interesse"
#: www/account/19.php:44 www/account/6.php:42
msgid "You are about to install a certificate, if you are using mozilla/netscape based browsers you will not be informed that the certificate was installed successfully, you can go into the options dialog box, security and manage certificates to view if it was installed correctly however."
msgstr "Stai per installare un certificato. Se stai utilizzando programmi di navigazione basati su Mozilla/Netscape, non verrai informato del fatto che il certificato sia stato installato correttamente. Puoi comunque aprire il men&ugrave; Opzioni (Options) del programma, scegliere Sicurezza (Security) e Gestisci certificati (Manage certificates) per controllare che l'installazione sia andata a buon fine."
#: www/wot.php:54
msgid "You are never allowed to Assure yourself!"
msgstr "Non ti &egrave; mai concesso di legalizzare te stesso!"
#: www/wot.php:68
msgid "You are only allowed to Assure someone once!"
msgstr "Ti &egrave; concesso di legalizzare qualcuno solamente una volta!"
#: www/help/2.php:45
msgid "You are putting your trust in people you don't know!"
msgstr "Ti stai fidando di persone che non conosci!"
#: scripts/removedead.php:56
msgid "You are receiving this email because you had a temporary increase to 200 points. This has since expired and you have been reduced to 150 points."
msgstr "Hai ricevuto un incremento temporaneo fino a 200 punti. Alla scadenza avrai nuovamente 150 punti."
#: www/wot.php:230
#, php-format
msgid "You are receiving this email because you have assured %s %s (%s)."
msgstr "Hai ricevuto questo messaggio di posta elettronica perch&eacute; hai legalizzato %s %s (%s)."
#: www/wot.php:206
#, php-format
msgid "You are receiving this email because you have been assured by %s %s (%s)."
msgstr "Hai ricevuto questo messaggio di posta elettronica perch&eacute; sei stato legalizzato da %s %s (%s)."
#: www/account/40.php:22 www/index/11.php:22
msgid "You can alternatively use the form below, however joining the list is the prefered option to support your queries"
msgstr "In alternativa, puoi utilizzare il modulo seguente oppure iscriverti alla mailing list di supporto, che &amp;egrave; la cosa migliore"
#: www/wot/4.php:19
msgid "You can become a CAcert Assurer by seeking out trusted 3rd parties. You will also need to download and print out a copy of the TTP.pdf and fill in your sections. You will need to produce a photo copy of your ID, which the person assuring you will inspect against the originals. Once they are satisfied the documents appear to be genuine they need to sign the back of the photo copies, and fill in their sections of the TTP document. Once you have had your ID verified by 2 different people, pop the copies + forms in an envelope and post them to:"
msgstr "Puoi diventare un Legalizzatore di CAcert anche rivolgendoti ad una terza parte riconosciuta. Per fare ci&ograve; dovrai scaricare e stampare una copia del file TTP.pdf compilandone le parti che ti competono. Dovrai inoltre presentare una fotocopia del tuo documento d'identit&agrave; che la persona che effettur&agrave; il riconoscimento dovr&agrave; verificare assieme all'originale. Quando avr&agrave; verificato il documento, dovr&agrave; firmare il retro delle fotocopie e compilare le parti che gli competono del documento TTP. Dopo aver fatto verificare il tuo documento ad almeno 2 persone differenti, inserisci le fotocopie e la documentazione compilata in una busta e inviala a:"
#: www/index/0.php:53
msgid "You can send digitally signed/encrypted emails; others can send encrypted emails to you."
msgstr ""
#: includes/account.php:68
msgid "You currently don't have access to the email address you selected, or you haven't verified it yet."
msgstr "Non hai accesso all'indirizzo di posta elettronica selezionato o non hai ancora proceduto alla sua verifica."
#: www/wot.php:133
msgid "You didn't list a valid sponsor for this action."
msgstr ""
#: includes/account.php:1362 includes/account.php:1566
#: includes/account.php:1686
msgid "You don't have access to this area."
msgstr "Non hai accesso a quest'area."
#: www/wot.php:23
msgid "You don't have access to view these pages."
msgstr "Non ti &egrave; consentito l'accesso per la visualizzazione di queste pagine."
#: www/wot.php:92 www/wot.php:99
msgid "You failed to check all boxes to validate your adherence to the rules and policies of CAcert"
msgstr "Non hai spuntato tutte le voci per rendere valida la tua adesione alle regole e alle politiche di CAcert"
#: includes/account.php:842
msgid "You failed to correctly enter your current Pass Phrase."
msgstr "La Frase di Accesso (Pass Phrase) inserita non &egrave; corretta."
#: www/wot.php:109
msgid "You failed to enter a location of your meeting."
msgstr "Non hai indicato una localit&agrave; per l'incontro."
#: www/index.php:90
msgid "You failed to get all answers correct, system admins have been notified."
msgstr "Non hai risposto correttamente a tutte le domande, gli amministratori del sistema ne sono stati avvisati."
#: www/gpg.php:24
msgid "You failed to paste a valid GPG/PGP key."
msgstr "Non hai copiato una chiave GPG/PGP valida."
#: www/index/0.php:113
msgid "You get a vote in how CAcert (a non-profit association incorporated in Australia) is run; be eligible for positions on the CAcert board."
msgstr ""
#: www/help/3.php:21
msgid "You have now created a public/private key pair. The private key is stored locally on your machine. The public portion is sent to CAcert in the form of a CSR."
msgstr ""
#: www/wot.php:146
msgid "You listed an invalid sponsor for this action."
msgstr ""
#: www/wot/3.php:39
msgid "You may charge a fee for your expenses if the applicant has been advised of the amount prior to the meeting."
msgstr "Puoi chiedere un onorario per le spese che hai sostenuto se il richiedente viene informato del suo ammontare prima dell'incontro."
#: www/index/0.php:55
msgid "You must confirm it is your email address by responding to a 'ping' email sent to it."
msgstr ""
#: www/index/0.php:85
msgid "You must confirm that you are the owner (or authorized administrator) of the domain by responding to a 'ping' email sent to either the email address listed in the whois record, or one of the RFC-mandatory addresses (hostmaster/postmaster/etc)."
msgstr ""
#: www/account/17.php:17 www/account/19.php:57 www/account/4.php:17
#: www/account/6.php:55
msgid "You must enable ActiveX for this to work."
msgstr "Devi abilitare ActiveX affinch&eacute; questo funzioni."
#: www/wot/3.php:21
msgid "You must meet the applicant in person;"
msgstr "Devi incontrare il richiedente di persona;"
#: www/wot/3.php:22
msgid "You must sight at least one form of government issued photo identification. It's preferable if 2 forms of Government issued photo ID are presented, as less points may be issued if there is any doubt on the person by the person issuing points;"
msgstr "Devi vedere almeno un documento di identificazione completo di foto emesso dallo Stato. &Egrave; preferibile presentare 2 documenti di identificazione completi di foto emessi dallo Stato. Meno punti possono essere infatti assegnati dal Notaio se &egrave; presente un qualche dubbio circa l'identit&agrave; della persona che richiede la certificazione;"
#: www/wot.php:216
msgid "You now have over 100 points and can start assuring others."
msgstr "Ora possiedi pi&ugrave; di 100 punti e puoi iniziare a legalizzare altre persone."
#: www/wot.php:211
msgid "You now have over 50 points, and can now have your name added to client certificates, and issue server certificates for up to 2 years."
msgstr "Ora possiedi pi&ugrave; di 50 punti, il tuo nome pu&ograve; essere inserito nei certificati per i client (client certificates) e puoi emettere certificati per i server (server certificates) fino ad un massimo di 2 anni di validit&agrave;."
#: www/help/2.php:15
msgid "You see this all the time on the Internet - every time you go to a secure page on a web site, for example to enter personal details, or to make a purchase, every day you browse web sites that have been digitally signed by a Certificate Authority that is accepted as having the authority to sign it. This is all invisible to the user, except that you may be aware that you are entering a secure zone (e.g. SSL and HTTPS)."
msgstr ""
#: includes/account.php:177
msgid "You submitted invalid email addresses, or email address you no longer have control of. Can't continue with certificate request."
msgstr "Hai specificato indirizzi di posta elettronica non validi o non pi&ugrave; sotto il tuo controllo. Non posso continuare con la richiesta del certificato."
#: www/help/6.php:5
msgid "You then need to add the domain you have control of to your account, which you can do:"
msgstr ""
#: www/wot.php:125
msgid "You tried to give a temporary points increase to someone that already has more then 150 points. Can't continue."
msgstr ""
#: includes/account.php:1676
msgid "You tried to use an invalid language."
msgstr "Hai tentato di utilizzare una lingua non valida."
#: www/wot.php:207
#, php-format
msgid "You were issued %s points and you now have %s points in total."
msgstr "Hai ricevuto %s punti, ora ne hai %s in totale."
#: www/index/0.php:105
msgid "You will need to be issued 100 points by meeting with existing assurers from the CAcert Web of Trust, who verify your identity using your government issued photo identity documents; OR if it is too difficult to meet up with existing assurers in your area, meet with two Trusted Third Party assurers (notary public, justice of the peace, lawyer, bank manager, accountant) to do the verifying."
msgstr ""
#: www/help/3.php:23
msgid "You will now create a CSR. This information will be displayed on your certificate, and identifies the owner of the key to users. The CSR is only used to request the certificate. The following characters must be excluded from your CSR fields, or your certificate may not work:"
msgstr ""
#: www/help/3.php:66
msgid "You will see a confirmation screen."
msgstr ""
#: www/help/4.php:8
msgid "You will then be asked to enter information about your company into the certificate. Below is a valid example:"
msgstr ""
#: www/help/3.php:15
msgid "You'll prepare the request now, but you can only submit the request via the online request forms. We do not accept CSRs via email."
msgstr ""
#: www/wot.php:237
msgid "You've Assured Another Member."
msgstr "Hai legalizzato un altro membro."
#: www/verify.php:77
msgid "You've attempted to verify the same domain a fourth time with an invalid hash, subsequantly this request has been deleted in the system"
msgstr "Hai tentato di verificare lo stesso dominio per la quarta volta con una chiave (Hash) non valida di conseguenza questa richiesta &egrave; stata eliminata dal sistema"
#: www/wot.php:225
msgid "You've been Assured."
msgstr "Sei stato legalizzato."
#: www/account/43.php:190 www/wot/10.php:19
msgid "Your Assurance Points"
msgstr "I tuoi Punti di Legalizzazione"
#: www/account/40.php:27 www/account/40.php:45 www/index/11.php:27
#: www/index/11.php:45
msgid "Your Email"
msgstr "Il tuo indirizzo di posta elettronica"
#: www/account/40.php:26 www/account/40.php:44 www/index/11.php:26
#: www/index/11.php:44
msgid "Your Name"
msgstr "Il tuo nome"
#: includes/account.php:846 www/index.php:106
msgid "Your Pass Phrase has been updated and your primary email account has been notified of the change."
msgstr "La tua Frase di Accesso (Pass Phrase) &egrave; stata aggiornata ed &egrave; stata inviata una notifica del cambio al tuo indirizzo principale di posta elettronica."
#: www/verify.php:56
msgid "Your account and/or email address has been verified. You can now start issuing certificates for this address."
msgstr "La tua account e/o il tuo indirizzo di posta elettronica sono stati verificati. Ora puoi iniziare ad emettere certificati per questo indirizzo."
#: www/wot.php:266
msgid "Your account information has been updated."
msgstr "Le informazioni relative alla tua account sono state aggiornate."
#: www/help/2.php:16
msgid "Your browser includes special digital (root) certificates from a number of these 'Certificate Authorities' by default, and all web sites use certificates that are validated by one of these companies, which you as a user implicitly trust every time you go to the secure part of a web site. (You might ask, who validates the security of the Certificate Authorities, and why should you trust them?!"
msgstr ""
#: includes/account.php:281 includes/account.php:491 includes/account.php:554
#: includes/account.php:667 includes/account.php:1017
#: includes/account.php:1064 includes/account.php:1227
#: includes/account.php:1279 includes/account.php:1802 www/gpg.php:165
msgid "Your certificate request has failed to be processed correctly, please try submitting it again."
msgstr "La tua richiesta di ottenimento del certificato non &egrave; andata a buon fine. Per favore inviala un'altra volta."
#: www/help/3.php:34
msgid "Your country, state and city."
msgstr "Il tuo paese, la tua regione e la tua citt&amp;agrave;."
#: includes/account.php:77
#, php-format
msgid "Your default email address has been updated to '%s'."
msgstr "Il tuo indirizzo di posta elettronica predefinito &egrave; stato aggiornato in '%s'."
#: includes/account.php:814
msgid "Your details have been updated with the database."
msgstr "I tuoi dettagli sono stati aggiornati utilizzando il database."
#: www/wot/7.php:173
msgid "Your details have been updated."
msgstr "I tuoi dettagli sono stati aggiornati."
#: www/verify.php:98
msgid "Your domain has been verified. You can now start issuing certificates for this domain."
msgstr "Il tuo dominio &egrave; stato verificato. Ora puoi iniziare ad emettere certificati per questo dominio."
#: www/wot.php:278
msgid "Your email has been sent to"
msgstr "Il tuo messaggio di posta elettronica &egrave; stato inviato a"
#: www/index/2.php:16
msgid "Your information has been submitted into our system. You will now be sent an email with a web link, you need to open that link in your web browser within 24 hours or your information will be removed from our system!"
msgstr "Le tue informazioni sono state inviate al nostro sistema. Ti verr&agrave; ora inviato un messaggio di posta elettronica con un collegamento, dovrai aprire quel collegamento nel tuo browser entro 24 ore o le tue informazioni verranno rimosse dal nostro sistema!"
#: includes/account.php:1669
msgid "Your language setting has been updated."
msgstr "Le informazioni relative alla tua account sono state aggiornate."
#: www/account.php:37 www/index.php:354
msgid "Your message has been sent to the general support list."
msgstr "Il tuo messaggio &egrave; stato inviato alla lista di supporto generico."
#: www/account.php:28 www/index.php:343
msgid "Your message has been sent."
msgstr "Il tuo messaggio &egrave; stato inviato."
#: www/help/3.php:48
msgid "and"
msgstr "e"
#: www/account/13.php:47 www/account/13.php:95 www/index/1.php:42
#: www/index/5.php:26
msgid "dd/mm/yyyy"
msgstr "gg/mm/aaaa"
#: www/help/6.php:3 www/help/6.php:5 www/help/6.php:9
msgid "here"
msgstr "qui"
#: www/help/3.php:49
msgid "lines. Do not copy any extra line feeds or carriage returns at the beginning or end of the certificate. Save the certificate into a text editor like Notepad. Save the certificate with an extension of .cer and a meaningful name like certificate.cer"
msgstr ""
#: www/account/13.php:32 www/account/13.php:42 www/account/13.php:80
#: www/account/13.php:90 www/index/1.php:27 www/index/1.php:37
msgid "optional"
msgstr "opzionale"
#: includes/account.php:1445 includes/account.php:1492
#: includes/account.php:1504
msgid "to continue."
msgstr "per continuare."
#: includes/account.php:671 includes/account.php:1068 www/account/19.php:45
#: www/account/6.php:43
msgid "to install your certificate."
msgstr "per installare il tuo certificato"
#: www/help/4.php:7
msgid "writing new private key to 'private.key'"
msgstr ""
#: www/analyse.php:25
msgid "Analyse"
msgstr ""
#: includes/account.php:840 www/index.php:100
#, php-format
msgid "The Pass Phrase you submitted failed to contain enough differing characters and/or contained words from your name and/or email address. Only scored %s points out of 6."
msgstr ""
#: includes/account.php:25 includes/account.php:302
msgid "Due to the possibility for punycode domain exploits we currently do not allow any certificates to sign punycode domains or email addresses."
msgstr ""
#: www/help/9.php:28
msgid "Firstly you need mod-ssl and apache setup (this is beyond the scope of this FAQ item and you will need to search on google etc for LAMP setup information). I recommend mod-ssl over apache-ssl because it means you need less resources to achieve the same result."
msgstr ""
#: www/help/0.php:26 www/help/9.php:26
msgid "How can I do a single sign on similar to CAcert using client certificates?"
msgstr ""
#: www/index/1.php:17
msgid "In light of the number of people having issues with making up a password we have the following suggestions:"
msgstr ""
#: www/index/17.php:142
msgid "Install a Root Certificate using Internet Explorer and the CEnroll ActiveX control. This avoids the Microsoft Certificate Installation wizard and all of its complexity and extra screens for users. This however will ONLY work for Microsoft Internet Explorer."
msgstr ""
#: includes/general_stuff.php:111
msgid "Mission Statement"
msgstr ""
#: www/help/9.php:30
msgid "Once you have everything setup and working you will need to add lines similar to below to your apache.conf"
msgstr ""
#: www/help/9.php:49
msgid "Once you have everything working and you've tested sending a client certificate to your site and you're happy all is well you can start adding code to PHP (or any other language you like that can pull server environment information). At present I only have PHP code available and the example is in PHP"
msgstr ""
#: www/help/9.php:47
msgid "Please note, you will need to alter the paths, hostname and IP of the above example, which is just that an example! The SSLCACertificateFile directive is supposed to point to a file with the root certificate you wish to verify your client certificates against, for the CAcert website we obviously only accept certificates issued by our own website and use our root certificate to initially verify this."
msgstr ""
#: includes/general_stuff.php:69
msgid "RSS News Feed"
msgstr ""
#: www/help/2.php:67
msgid "The point is, as the current situation holds, you should be wary of anyone making decisions for you (i.e. pre-installed certificates in your browser), and you should be weary of anyone else's certificates that you install. But at the end of the day, it all boils down to trust. If an independent Certificate Authority seems to be reputable to you, and you can find evidence to support this claim, there's no reason why you shouldn't trust it any less than you implicitly trust the people who have already made mistakes."
msgstr ""
#: www/index/1.php:19
msgid "This wouldn't match your name or email at all, it contains at least 1 lower case letter, 1 upper case letter, a number, white space and a misc symbol. You get additional points for being over 15 characters and a second additional point for having it over 30. The system starts reducing points if you include any section of your name, or password or email address or if it matches a word from the english dictionary..."
msgstr ""
#: www/index/1.php:18
msgid "To get a password that will work I suggest the following example:"
msgstr ""
#: www/wot.php:240
#, php-format
msgid "You issued %s points and they now have %s points in total."
msgstr "Hai assegnato %s punti cos&igrave; ora hanno un totale di %s punti."
#: www/wot.php:238
#, php-format
msgid "You issued %s points however the system has rounded this down to %s and they now have %s points in total."
msgstr "Hai ricevuto %s punti per&ograve; il sistema ha arrotondato per difetto questo valore a %s cos&igrave; adesso hai in totale %s punti."
#: www/wot.php:211
#, php-format
msgid "You were issued %s points however the system has rounded this down to %s and you now have %s points in total."
msgstr "Hai ricevuto %s punti per&ograve; il sistema ha arrotondato questo valore per difetto a %s ed ora hai un totale di %s punti."
#: www/wot.php:49
msgid "A reminder notice has been sent."
msgstr "Il tuo messaggio &egrave; stato inviato."
#: includes/account_stuff.php:214 www/disputes/0.php:19
msgid "Abuses"
msgstr ""
#: www/disputes/4.php:26 www/disputes/6.php:26
msgid "Accept Dispute"
msgstr ""
#: www/wot/10.php:19
msgid "Assurer Ranking"
msgstr "Indirizzo di posta elettronica"
#: www/index/16.php:24 www/index/3.php:24
msgid "CAcert's GPG Key"
msgstr "Chiave GPG a bassa credenzialit&agrave;"
#: www/account/52.php:39
msgid "Certificate Subject"
msgstr "Certificati per i client (Client Certificates)"
#: www/index/16.php:17 www/index/3.php:17
msgid "Click here if you want to import the root certificate into Microsoft Internet Explorer"
msgstr ""
#: www/account/52.php:48
msgid "Comment"
msgstr "Commenti"
#: includes/account.php:478 includes/account.php:491 includes/account.php:592
#: includes/account.php:1238 includes/account.php:1251
#: includes/account.php:1859 includes/account.php:1884
msgid "CommonName field was blank. This is usually caused by entering your own name when openssl prompt's you for 'YOUR NAME', or if you try to issue certificates for domains you haven't already verified, as such this process can't continue."
msgstr ""
#: www/account/52.php:42
msgid "Current Points"
msgstr "Numero massimo di punti"
#: www/disputes/6.php:16
#, php-format
msgid "Currently the domain '%s' is in dispute, you have been sent an email to resolve the issue, below you have the option to accept, reject or report the request as fraudulent."
msgstr ""
#: www/disputes/4.php:16
#, php-format
msgid "Currently the email '%s' is in dispute, you have been sent an email to resolve the issue, below you have the option to accept, reject or report the request as fraudulent."
msgstr ""
#: www/account/1.php:31 www/account/7.php:33
msgid "Currently we only issue certificates for Punycode domains if the person requesting them has code signing attributes attached to their account, as these have potentially slightly higher security risk."
msgstr ""
#: www/index/7.php:25
msgid "Did a substantial amount of work on the previous website design, adn has been floating about on the mailing lists often giving invaluble insight into what we should be doing better."
msgstr ""
#: www/disputes/2.php:20
msgid "Dispute Domain"
msgstr "Aggiungi dominio"
#: www/disputes.php:286 www/disputes.php:420
msgid "Dispute Probe"
msgstr "Controllo dell'indirizzo di posta elettronica"
#: www/disputes/0.php:17
msgid "Disputes"
msgstr ""
#: www/disputes/0.php:15
msgid "Disputes and Abuse Reporting"
msgstr ""
#: includes/account_stuff.php:213
msgid "Disputes/Abuses"
msgstr ""
#: includes/account_stuff.php:214 www/disputes.php:138 www/disputes.php:147
#: www/disputes.php:154 www/disputes.php:181 www/disputes.php:195
#: www/disputes.php:205 www/disputes.php:215 www/disputes.php:299
#: www/disputes.php:309 www/disputes.php:319 www/disputes.php:328
#: www/disputes.php:377 www/disputes.php:422 www/disputes/2.php:15
#: www/disputes/6.php:15 www/disputes/6.php:20
msgid "Domain Dispute"
msgstr "Domin&icirc;"
#: www/disputes.php:399
msgid "Domain Dispute!"
msgstr "Domin&icirc;"
#: www/disputes.php:428
msgid "Domain and Email Disputes"
msgstr ""
#: www/index/5.php:58
msgid "Due to the increasing number of people that haven't been able to recover their passwords via the lost password form there is now 2 other options available to you. If you don't care about your account you can signup under a new account file dispute forms to recover your email accounts and domains. If you would like to recover your password via help from support staff this requires a small payment to cover time from a real person to verify your claims to ownership on an account, click the payment button below to continue."
msgstr ""
#: includes/account.php:50 includes/account.php:402 www/index.php:293
msgid "Email Address given was invalid, or a test connection couldn't be made to your server, or the server rejected the email address as invalid"
msgstr ""
#: includes/account_stuff.php:214 www/disputes.php:28 www/disputes.php:39
#: www/disputes.php:46 www/disputes.php:90 www/disputes.php:104
#: www/disputes.php:114 www/disputes.php:124 www/disputes.php:226
#: www/disputes.php:235 www/disputes.php:246 www/disputes.php:256
#: www/disputes.php:268 www/disputes.php:288 www/disputes/1.php:15
#: www/disputes/4.php:15 www/disputes/4.php:20
msgid "Email Dispute"
msgstr "Indirizzo di posta elettronica"
#: www/disputes/1.php:27 www/disputes/2.php:28
msgid "File Dispute"
msgstr ""
#: www/index/7.php:22
msgid "For much of the art work that exists on the website, t-shirt designs, much of the organisational work for Usenix '04, as well as a few published articles and written documents."
msgstr ""
#: www/index/16.php:23 www/index/3.php:23
msgid "GPG Key"
msgstr "Chiavi GPG"
#: www/account/40.php:20 www/index/11.php:20
msgid "General questions about CAcert should be sent to the general support list, please send all emails in ENGLISH only, this list has many more volunteers then those directly involved with the running of the website, everyone on the mailing list understands english, even if this isn't their native language this will increase your chance at a competent reply. While it's best if you sign up to the mailing list to get replied to, you don't have to, but please make sure you note this in your email, otherwise it might seem like you didn't get a reply to your question."
msgstr ""
#: www/index/7.php:24
msgid "Has put a lot of time and effort into promoting and assuring people in Brazil and South America, and for doing most of the Portuguese translations"
msgstr ""
#: www/index/7.php:23
msgid "Has put so much effort into CAcert I don't know where to begin, he managed to bring the CPS Chrisitian had started up to draft status, he has given countless hours to assuring people and attending conferences to help spread the word"
msgstr ""
#: www/index/7.php:21
msgid "He's constantly helping out on the support list, building up documentation and all round nice guy, he was even offered a free book and turned down the offer until there is a book on CAcert available!"
msgstr ""
#: www/account/52.php:49
msgid "I agree with this Application"
msgstr ""
#: www/account/52.php:50
msgid "I don't agree with this Application"
msgstr ""
#: www/disputes/0.php:18
msgid "If you want to dispute who has control of your email address or domain, select 'Dispute Email' or 'Dispute Domain' on the right hand side."
msgstr ""
#: www/disputes/0.php:20
msgid "If you would like to report an abuse of our certificates that breaches our policies please select the Abuse menu on the right."
msgstr ""
#: www/disputes/2.php:16
msgid "If your dispute is sucessful the domain will be removed from the current account and any certificates will be revoked."
msgstr ""
#: www/disputes/1.php:16
msgid "If your dispute is sucessful you will have the email address removed from the system, you will need add the email address as per usual afterwards. The email will be removed from the current account and any certificates will be revoked."
msgstr ""
#: www/disputes.php:91 www/disputes.php:115 www/disputes.php:182
#: www/disputes.php:206
msgid "Invalid request. Can't continue."
msgstr "L'indirizzo di posta elettronica non &egrave; valido. Non &egrave; possibile procedere."
#: includes/tverify_stuff.php:39
msgid "Main Website"
msgstr ""
#: includes/account_stuff.php:214
msgid "More Information"
msgstr "Informazioni per contattare"
#: www/account/52.php:37
msgid "Name on file"
msgstr ""
#: www/account/11.php:36
msgid "No additional information will be included on certificates because it can not be automatically checked by the system."
msgstr ""
#: www/disputes.php:300
msgid "Not a valid Domain. Can't continue."
msgstr "L'indirizzo di posta elettronica non &egrave; valido. Non &egrave; possibile procedere."
#: www/account/52.php:40
msgid "Notary URL"
msgstr ""
#: includes/account_stuff.php:198
msgid "Organisation Assurance"
msgstr "Nome dell'Organizazzione"
#: www/wot/11.php:19
msgid "Organisational Assurance"
msgstr "Nome dell'Organizazzione"
#: www/wot/11.php:22
msgid "Orgnisation Title"
msgstr "Nome dell'Organizazzione"
#: www/index/16.php:28 www/index/3.php:28
msgid "PKI finger/thumb print signed by the CAcert GPG Key"
msgstr "Impronta digitale PKI firmata con la chiave GPG ad alta credenzialit&agrave;"
#: www/account/52.php:41
msgid "Photo ID URL"
msgstr ""
#: www/disputes/0.php:16
msgid "Please select the most appropriate section to report your problem."
msgstr ""
#: www/account/52.php:43
msgid "Potential Points"
msgstr "Numero totale di punti"
#: www/account/52.php:38
msgid "Primary email address"
msgstr "Indirizzo di posta elettronica"
#: www/index/7.php:20
msgid "Put a lot of effort convincing people in Germany to signup and be assured, he started work on a new RFC complient CPS, spent countless hours helping with tech support, and so much more"
msgstr ""
#: www/disputes/4.php:23 www/disputes/6.php:23
msgid "Reject Dispute"
msgstr ""
#: www/account/11.php:40
msgid "Rejected"
msgstr ""
#: www/disputes/4.php:29 www/disputes/6.php:29
msgid "Report Dispute as Abuse"
msgstr ""
#: www/account/52.php:36
msgid "Request Details"
msgstr "I miei dettagli"
#: www/index/0.php:75
msgid "Same as above plus get 100 assurance points by meeting with multiple assurers from the CAcert Web of Trust, who verify your identity using your government issued photo identity documents."
msgstr ""
#: www/wot/5.php:20
msgid "Send reminder notice"
msgstr ""
#: www/disputes.php:310
#, php-format
msgid "The domain '%s' already exists in the dispute system. Can't continue."
msgstr "L'indirizzo di posta elettronica '%s' &egrave; gi&agrave; nel sistema. Non &egrave; possibile procedere."
#: www/disputes.php:320
#, php-format
msgid "The domain '%s' doesn't already in the system. Can't continue."
msgstr "L'indirizzo di posta elettronica '%s' &egrave; gi&agrave; nel sistema. Non &egrave; possibile procedere."
#: www/disputes.php:423
#, php-format
msgid "The domain '%s' has been entered into the dispute system, the email address you choose will now be sent an email which will give the recipent the option of accepting or rejecting the request, if after 2 days we haven't received a valid response for or against we will discard the request."
msgstr ""
#: www/disputes.php:400
#, php-format
msgid "The domain '%s' isn't in the system. Can't continue."
msgstr "L'indirizzo di posta elettronica '%s' &egrave; gi&agrave; nel sistema. Non &egrave; possibile procedere."
#: www/disputes.php:236
#, php-format
msgid "The email address '%s' already exists in the dispute system. Can't continue."
msgstr "L'indirizzo di posta elettronica '%s' &egrave; gi&agrave; nel sistema. Non &egrave; possibile procedere."
#: www/disputes.php:247
#, php-format
msgid "The email address '%s' doesn't already in the system. Can't continue."
msgstr "L'indirizzo di posta elettronica '%s' &egrave; gi&agrave; nel sistema. Non &egrave; possibile procedere."
#: www/disputes.php:289
#, php-format
msgid "The email address '%s' has been entered into the dispute system, the email address will now be sent an email which will give the recipent the option of accepting or rejecting the request, if after 2 days we haven't received a valid response for or against we will discard the request."
msgstr ""
#: includes/account.php:2056
msgid "The following comments were made by reviewers"
msgstr "I seguenti account sono stati rimossi:"
#: www/account/11.php:38
msgid "The following hostnames were rejected because the system couldn't link them to your account, if they are valid please verify the domains against your account."
msgstr ""
#: www/index/7.php:18
msgid "The list of names are in no sense of order"
msgstr ""
#: www/wot/2.php:28
msgid "The only other way to receive assurance points is to have had your identity checked by a third party CA, whose policies are suitably set to not let identity fraud run rampant. Please contact us if you would like more details about this."
msgstr "L'unico altro modo per ricevere i punti per diventare Legalizzatore di CAcert, &egrave; di far verificare la tua identit&agrave; ad un'altra Autorit&agrave; di Certificazione le cui regole impediscano di falsificare l'identit&agrave;. Contattaci pure se desideri ottenere maggiori informazioni in merito."
#: www/wot/2.php:17
msgid "There are several ways to become a CAcert Assurer, the most common of which is face to face meetings with existing assurers, who check your ID documents (you need to show 2 government issued photo ID where possible otherwise you won't be allocated as many points!)."
msgstr "Vi sono diverse modalit&agrave; per diventare un Legalizztore di CAcert, la pi&ugrave; comune &egrave; rappresentata dagli incontri dal vivo con Legalizztori gi&agrave; riconosciuti che controlleranno i tuoi documenti identificativi. Se possibile, dovresti presentare 2 documenti identificativi con foto emessi dallo Stato, altrimenti non ti verranno assegnati molti punti!"
#: www/account/51.php:27 www/account/52.php:59
msgid "This UID has already been voted on."
msgstr ""
#: www/disputes.php:29 www/disputes.php:139
msgid "This dispute no longer seems to be in the database, can't continue."
msgstr ""
#: www/disputes.php:76
msgid "This was the primary email on the account, and no emails or domains were left linked so the account has also been removed from the system."
msgstr ""
#: www/wot.php:255
msgid "To make it easier for others in your area to find you, it's helpful to list yourself as an assurer (this is voluntry), as well as a physical location where you live or work the most. You can flag your account to be listed, and add a comment to the display by going to:"
msgstr ""
#: www/account/43.php:101
msgid "Tverify Account"
msgstr "La mia account"
#: www/account/11.php:48
msgid "Unable to continue as no valid commonNames or subjectAltNames were present on your certificate request."
msgstr ""
#: includes/account.php:1997
msgid "Unable to find a valid tverify request for this ID."
msgstr ""
#: www/account/51.php:29 www/account/52.php:61
msgid "Unable to locate a valid request for that UID."
msgstr ""
#: includes/account.php:2075
msgid "Unfortunately your request for a points increase has been denied, below is the comments from people that reviewed your request as to why they rejected your application."
msgstr ""
#: www/disputes/4.php:32 www/disputes/5.php:29 www/disputes/6.php:32
msgid "Update Dispute"
msgstr "Aggiorna"
#: www/wot/2.php:26
msgid "Upon receiving your documents you will be notified, and points will be added to your account."
msgstr "Al ricevimento della tua documentazione, verrai avvisato e i punti verranno aggiunti alla tua account."
#: www/account/12.php:18 www/account/5.php:18
msgid "View all certificates"
msgstr "Certificati validi"
#: www/disputes/1.php:20
msgid "Which Email?"
msgstr ""
#: www/wot/6.php:40
msgid "You are about to assure a person that isn't currently verified. If you continue and they do not verify their account within 48 hours the account could automatically be removed by the system."
msgstr ""
#: includes/account.php:2081
msgid "You are welcome to try submitting another request at any time in the future, please make sure you take the reviewer comments into consideration or you risk having your application rejected again."
msgstr ""
#: www/disputes.php:257 www/disputes.php:329
msgid "You aren't allowed to dispute your own email addresses. Can't continue."
msgstr "L'indirizzo di posta elettronica non &egrave; valido. Non &egrave; possibile procedere."
#: www/wot/2.php:19
msgid "You can also become a CAcert Assurer by seeking out a public notary, justice of the peace, accountant, lawyer or bank manager. You will need to download and print out a copy of the TTP.pdf and fill in your sections. You will need to produce a photo copy of your ID, which the person assuring you will inspect against the originals. Once they are satisfied the documents appear to be genuine they need to sign the back of the photo copies, and fill in their sections of the TTP document. Once you have had your ID verified by 2 different people, pop the copies + forms in an envelope and post them to:"
msgstr "Un altro modo per diventare Notaio di CAcert &egrave; cercare un notaio pubblico abilitato alla professione, un giudice di pace, un ragioniere abilitato dallo Stato, un avvocato, un banchiere o qualsiasi altra figura che abbia l'autorit&agrave; per certificare l'identit&agrave; di una persona. Dovrai scaricare e stampare una copia del file TTP.pdf e compilare le parti a te relative. Dovrai inoltre presentare una fotocopia del tuo documento che la persona che ti certificher&agrave; dovr&agrave; verificare assieme all'originale. Nel momento in cui avr&agrave; verificato il documento, dovr&agrave; firmare il retro delle fotocopie e compilare le parti a lui relative del documento TTP. Quando avrai fatto verificare il tuo documento ad almeno 2 persone differenti, inserisci le copie e i documenti compilati in una busta e inviala a:"
#: www/wot.php:257
msgid "You can list your location by going to:"
msgstr ""
#: includes/account.php:2010
msgid "You have already voted on this request."
msgstr "Non hai accesso a quest'area."
#: www/disputes.php:416
#, php-format
msgid "You have been sent this email as the domain '%s' is being disputed. You have the option to accept or reject this request, after 2 days the request will automatically be discarded. Click the following link to accept or reject the dispute:"
msgstr ""
#: www/disputes.php:282
#, php-format
msgid "You have been sent this email as the email address '%s' is being disputed. You have the option to accept or reject this request, after 2 days the request will automatically be discarded. Click the following link to accept or reject the dispute:"
msgstr ""
#: www/wot/10.php:34
#, php-format
msgid "You have made %s assurances which ranks you as the #%s top assurer."
msgstr ""
#: www/disputes.php:155
msgid "You have opted to accept this dispute and the request will now remove this domain from the existing account, and revoke any current certificates."
msgstr ""
#: www/disputes.php:47
msgid "You have opted to accept this dispute and the request will now remove this email address from the existing account, and revoke any current certificates."
msgstr ""
#: www/disputes.php:40 www/disputes.php:148
msgid "You have opted to reject this dispute and the request will be removed from the database"
msgstr ""
#: www/disputes.php:269
msgid "You only dispute the primary email address of an account if there is no longer any email addresses or domains linked to it."
msgstr ""
#: www/verify.php:34
msgid "You've attempted to verify the same email address a fourth time with an invalid hash, subsequently this request has been deleted in the system"
msgstr "Hai tentato di verificare lo stesso dominio per la quarta volta con una chiave (Hash) non valida di conseguenza questa richiesta &egrave; stata eliminata dal sistema"
#: www/disputes.php:201
msgid "Your attempt to accept or reject a disputed domain is invalid due to the hash string not matching with the domain ID."
msgstr ""
#: www/disputes.php:198
msgid "Your attempt to accept or reject a disputed domain is invalid due to the hash string not matching with the domain ID. Your attempt has been logged and the request will be removed from the system as a result."
msgstr ""
#: www/disputes.php:110
msgid "Your attempt to accept or reject a disputed email is invalid due to the hash string not matching with the email ID."
msgstr ""
#: www/disputes.php:107
msgid "Your attempt to accept or reject a disputed email is invalid due to the hash string not matching with the email ID. Your attempt has been logged and the request will be removed from the system as a result."
msgstr ""
#: includes/account.php:2089
msgid "Your vote has been accepted."
msgstr "Il tuo messaggio &egrave; stato inviato."