You cannot select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

189 lines
7.7 KiB

* Gets the buttons for the right navigation
function getButtons () {
// get topic id
if (isset($_POST['t_id'])) {
} elseif (isset($_REQUEST['t_id'])) {
} elseif (isset($_SESSION['values']['topic']['t_id'])) {
// get action
if (isset($_SESSION['values']['action'])) {
// get value
if (isset($_SESSION['values']['interaction'])) {
// check whether a user is logged in
if (isset($_SESSION['profile']['loggedin']) && $_SESSION['profile']['loggedin'] == 1) {
switch (isset($_SESSION['values']['site']) ? $_SESSION['values']['site'] : 0) {
case "topic" : // site value is topic
echo '<div id="inner_box_top">';
// only admins will see this
if (isset($_SESSION['profile']['admin']) && $_SESSION['profile']['admin'] == 1) {
echo '<br />';
if ($action != 'showDetails' && $action != 'getQuestions') {
printf('<a class="link_topic" ' .
'href="?site=topic&amp;action=new_topic">%s</a><br />',
if ($action == 'new_topic' || $action == 'getQuestions' ||
$action == 'showDetails') {
printf('<a class="link_topic" href="?site=topic">%s</a>',
if ($action == 'showDetails') {
// get topic id from session, again? already done in line 12
$t_id = $_SESSION['values']['topic']['t_id'];
printf('<br /><a class="link_topic" ' .
'href="?site=topic&amp;action=getQuestions&amp;t_id=%d">' .
'%s</a><br />', $t_id, Button_03);
if ($action == 'getQuestions') {
// write topic id to session, why is this done in a view function?
$_SESSION['values']['topic']['t_id']=$t_id ;
printf('<br /><a class="link_topic" ' .
' href="?site=collect_question&amp;t_id=%d&amp;new=true">' .
'%s</a>', $t_id, Button_04);
echo "</div>\n";
case "progress": // site value is progress
if (!$action && !$value) {
// unset topic if action and value are both not true
$t_id = 0;
if (isset($SESSION['values']['topic'])) unset($SESSION['values']['topic']);
// get the topic?
include ("getTopic.php");
// store topic id in session
$_SESSION['values']['topic']['t_id'] = $t_id;
if (!$action && !$value) {
// unset topic again if action and value are both not true
unset ($_SESSION ['values']['topic']);
getTopicProgress($t_id); // Auswahlfenster anzeigen
if ($action == 'showProgress') {
echo "<div id=\"inner_box_bottom\">\n"; // In der Mitte der Inhalt
printf('<a class="link_topic active" ' .
'href="?site=progress&amp;action=showTable&amp;t_id=%d">' .
'%s</a><br />', $t_id, Button_05);
printf('<a class="link_topic" ' .
'href="?site=progress&amp;action=showGraph&amp;t_id=%d">' .
'%s</a><br />', $t_id, Button_06);
printf('<a class="link_topic" ' .
'href="?site=progress&amp;action=showBalken&amp;t_id=%d">' .
'%s</a><br />', $t_id, Button_07);
echo "</div>\n";
} elseif ($action != null) {
echo "<div id=\"inner_box_bottom\">\n";
printf('<a class="link_topic%s" ' .
'href="?site=progress&amp;action=showTable&amp;t_id=%d">' .
'%s</a><br />', ($action == 'showTable') ? ' active' : '',
$t_id, Button_05);
printf('<a class="link_topic%s" ' .
'href="?site=progress&amp;action=showGraph&amp;t_id=%d">' .
'%s</a><br />', ($action == 'showGraph') ? ' active' : '',
$t_id, Button_06);
printf('<a class="link_topic%s" ' .
'href="?site=progress&amp;action=showBalken&amp;t_id=%d">' .
'%s</a><br />', ($action == 'showBalken') ? ' active' : '',
$t_id, Button_07);
echo "</div>\n";
case "start_test": // site value is start_test
if(!$action && !$value){
// unset topic id
if (isset($_SESSION ['values']['topic'])) unset($_SESSION ['values']['topic']);
// get the topic?
getTopicStartTest(isset($t_id) ? $t_id : 0);
case "statistic": // site value is statistic
// only admins will see this
if (isset($_SESSION['profile']['admin']) && $_SESSION['profile']['admin'] == 1) {
if(!$action && !$value){
// unset topic id
$t_id = 0;
if (isset($SESSION ['values']['topic'])) unset($SESSION ['values']['topic']);
echo "<div id=\"inner_box_top\">\n"; // In der Mitte der Inhalt
printf('<br /><a class="link_topic" href="?site=statistic&amp;action=userInfo">%s</a><br />', Button_18);
// get the topic?
include ("getTopic.php");
if ($t_id) {
if ($action == 'topTen' || $value=='topTen') {
$classpart = ' active';
$value = 'topTen';
} else {
$classpart = '';
printf('<br /><a class="link_topic%s" ' .
$classpart, $t_id, Button_08);
if ($action == 'flopTen' || $value=='flopTen') {
$classpart = ' active';
$value = 'flopTen';
} else {
$classpart = '';
printf('<br /><a class="link_topic%s" ' .
'href="?site=statistic&amp;action=flopTen&amp;t_id=%d">' .
'%s</a>', $classpart, $t_id, Button_09);
printf('<br /><a class="link_topic%s" ' .
'href="?site=statistic&amp;action=showPassed&amp;t_id=%d">' .
'%s</a>', ($action == 'showPassed') ? ' active' : '',
$t_id, Button_17);
printf('<br /><a class="link_topic%s" ' .
'href="?site=statistic&amp;action=showStatisticTest' .
($action == 'showStatisticTest') ? ' active' : '',
$t_id, Button_19);
echo "</div>\n"; // end of div inner_box_top
// check condition again so that div inner_box_top is always closed
if ($t_id) {
if ($action && $action!= 'getStatisticQuestions' &&
$action!='showPassed' && $action !='showStatisticTest') {
echo "<div id=\"inner_box_bottom\">\n";
printf('<br /><a class="link_topic%s" ' .
'href="?site=statistic&amp;action=showGraph&amp;value=%s' .
($action == 'showGraph') ? ' active' : '',
$value, $t_id, Button_06);
printf('<a class="link_topic%s" ' .
'href="?site=statistic&amp;action=showBar&amp;value=%s' .
($action = 'showBar') ? ' active' : '',
$value, $t_id, Button_07);
echo "</div>\n";
case "showCertificateInfo": // site value is showCertificateInfo
// do nothing for showCertificateInfo