#!/usr/bin/perl use Socket; use Net::SSLeay qw(die_now die_if_ssl_error) ; use DBI; # Be sure the CertFile includes a key chain if you are using class 3 certificates my $CertFile; my $KeyFile; my $CAfile = "CAcert_roots.pem"; my $TargetHost="secure.cacert.org"; my $TargetScript="cats/cats_import.php"; my $ConnectInc="/home/cats/public_html/includes/db_connect.inc"; sub url_encode($) { my ($Input) = @_; my $Result; $Input =~ s/([^A-Za-z0-9])/sprintf("%%%02X", ord($1))/seg; return $Input; } sub SendRecord($$$$$$) { my ($ssl, $serial, $root, $type, $variant, $date) = @_; my $data; my $msg; my $res; my $CurLine; my $IsChunked; my $IsHTML; my $CurBlock; my $ChunkSize; my $BytesRead; my $Result; my $ContentLength; my $DoClose; my $HTTPResult; my $HTTPTextResult; $data = "serial=".url_encode($serial)."&root=".url_encode($root)."&type=".url_encode($type). "&variant=".url_encode($variant)."&date=".url_encode($date)."&OK=Anfrage+abschicken\r\n"; $msg = "POST https://$TargetHost/$TargetScript HTTP/1.1\r\n". "Host: $TargetHost\r\n". "Connection: keep-alive\r\n". "Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded\r\n". "Content-Length: ". length($data) . "\r\n\r\n".$data; $res = Net::SSLeay::ssl_write_all($ssl, $msg); # Perl knows how long $msg is die_if_ssl_error("ssl write"); $IsChunked = 0; $ContentLength = 0; $DoClose = 0; do { $CurLine = Net::SSLeay::ssl_read_CRLF($ssl); die_if_ssl_error("ssl_read_CRLF"); if (!$CurLine) { print "ssl_read_CRLF returns nothing\n"; return (1, "BREAK"); } if (CurLine =~ /^HTTP\/[0-9.]+ (\d+) (.+)/i) { $HTTPResult = $1; $HTTPTextResult = $2; } if ($CurLine =~ /^Transfer-Encoding: chunked/i) { $IsChunked = 1; } if ($CurLine =~ /^Content-Type: text\/html;/i) { $IsHTML = 1; } if ($CurLine =~ /^Content-Length:\s*(\d+)/) { $ContentLength = $1; } if ($CurLine =~ /^Connection: close/) { $DoClose = 1; } } while($CurLine ne "\r\n"); if ($IsChunked && $IsHTML) { do { $CurLine = Net::SSLeay::ssl_read_CRLF($ssl); die_if_ssl_error("ssl_read_CRLF"); if ($CurLine =~ /^([0-9A-F]+)/i) { $ChunkSize = hex($1); } else { die "Invalid format\n"; } $BytesRead = 0; while($BytesRead < $ChunkSize) { $CurBlock = Net::SSLeay::read($ssl, $ChunkSize); $Result .= $CurBlock; $BytesRead += length($CurBlock); } # Trailing CR/LF $CurLine = Net::SSLeay::ssl_read_CRLF($ssl); } while($ChunkSize > 0); } elsif ($ContentLength > 0) { $Result = Net::SSLeay::read($ssl, $ContentLength); } return ($DoClose, $Result); } # parse db_connect.inc for database parameters sub connect_with_php_inc($) { my ($phpFile) = @_; my $user; my $password; my $DataBase; my $dbh; open(INFILE, $phpFile) || die "Cannot open $phpFile\n"; while() { if (/\$user\s*=\s*\"([^\"]*)\"/i) { $user = $1; } elsif (/\$password\s*=\s*\"([^\"]*)\"/i) { $password =$1; } elsif (/\$database\s*=\s*\"([^\"]*)\"/i) { $DataBase = $1; } last if ($user && $password && $DataBase); } $dbh=DBI->connect("DBI:mysql:database=$DataBase", $user, $password); if (!$dbh) { die "Cannot open Database $DataBase/$user/$password\n"; } return $dbh; } my $CurArg = 0; while($CurArg < scalar(@ARGV)) { if ($ARGV[$CurArg] eq "--CertFile") { $CurArg++; $CertFile = $ARGV[$CurArg]; } elsif ($ARGV[$CurArg] eq "--KeyFile") { $CurArg++; $KeyFile = $ARGV[$CurArg]; } elsif ($ARGV[$CurArg] eq "--CAFile") { $CurArg++; $CAFile = $ARGV[$CurArg]; } elsif ($ARGV[$CurArg] eq "--Host") { $CurArg++; $TargetHost = $ARGV[$CurArg]; } elsif ($ARGV[$CurArg] eq "--ConnectInc") { $CurArg++; $ConnectInc = $ARGV[$CurArg]; } $CurArg++; } Net::SSLeay::load_error_strings(); Net::SSLeay::SSLeay_add_ssl_algorithms(); Net::SSLeay::randomize(); my $dbh = connect_with_php_inc($ConnectInc); my $sth; my $RecID; my $serial; my $root; my $type; my $variant; my $date; my @OKIDs; my @FailIDs; my $RowNum; my $DoClose; $dbh->do("SET time_zone='+00:00'"); $sth = $dbh->prepare("SELECT `lp`.`lp_id`, `lp`.`user_id`, `lp`.`root`, `tt`.`text`, `t`.`topic`, `lp`.`date` ". "FROM `learnprogress` AS `lp`, `topics` AS `t`, `topic_type` AS `tt` ". "WHERE `lp`.`t_id`=`t`.`t_id` AND `lp`.`percentage` >= `t`.`percentage` AND `lp`.`correct`>0 ". " AND `t`.`type_id`=`tt`.`type_id` ". " AND `t`.`type_id` in (1, 3) ". # Upload Assurer Challenge and Triage challenge " AND `lp`.`uploaded` IS NULL"); if (!$sth->execute()) { die($sth->errstr); } $port = 443; $dest_ip = gethostbyname ($TargetHost); $dest_serv_params = sockaddr_in($port, $dest_ip); # Exchange data $RowNum = 0; $DoClose = 1; do { ($RecID, $serial, $root, $type, $variant, $date) = $sth->fetchrow_array(); if ($DoClose) { socket (S, &AF_INET, &SOCK_STREAM, 0) or die "socket: $!"; connect (S, $dest_serv_params) or die "connect: $!"; select (S); $| = 1; select (STDOUT); # Eliminate STDIO buffering # The network connection is now open, lets fire up SSL $ctx = Net::SSLeay::CTX_new() or die_now("Failed to create SSL_CTX $!"); Net::SSLeay::CTX_set_options($ctx, &Net::SSLeay::OP_ALL) and die_if_ssl_error("ssl ctx set options"); # Set accepted CAs Net::SSLeay::CTX_load_verify_locations($ctx, $CAfile, 0); # Add client certificate Net::SSLeay::set_cert_and_key($ctx, $CertFile, $KeyFile); #Net::SSLeay::CTX_use_certificate_chain_file($ctx, $CertFile); #Net::SSLeay::CTX_use_PrivateKey_file($ctx, $KeyFile, &Net::SSLeay::FILETYPE_PEM); $ssl = Net::SSLeay::new($ctx) or die_now("Failed to create SSL $!"); Net::SSLeay::set_fd($ssl, fileno(S)); # Must use fileno $res = Net::SSLeay::connect($ssl) and die_if_ssl_error("ssl connect"); #print "Cipher `" . Net::SSLeay::get_cipher($ssl) . "'\n"; # Still to do here. CRL/OCSP-Checking } if ($RecID) { ($DoClose, $got) = SendRecord($ssl, $serial, $root, $type, $variant, $date); $got =~ s/\s+$//g; print localtime(time).": $root/$serial, $type/$variant: $got\n"; if (($got =~ /^OK/i) || ($got =~ /^Duplicate/i)) { push(@OKIDs, $RecID); } elsif ($got =~ /^Cannot find cert/i) { push(@FailIDs, $RecID); } $RowNum += 1; if ($DoClose) { # Server requested closing of connection CORE::shutdown S, 1; # Half close --> No more output, sends EOF to server Net::SSLeay::free ($ssl); # Tear down connection Net::SSLeay::CTX_free ($ctx); close S; } } } while($RecID && ($got ne "BREAK")); if (!$DoClose) { CORE::shutdown S, 1; # Half close --> No more output, sends EOF to server Net::SSLeay::free ($ssl); # Tear down connection Net::SSLeay::CTX_free ($ctx); close S; } $sth = $dbh->prepare("UPDATE `learnprogress` SET `uploaded`=1 WHERE `lp_id`=?"); foreach $RecID (@OKIDs) { $sth->execute($RecID); } $sth = $dbh->prepare("UPDATE `learnprogress` SET `uploaded`=2 WHERE `lp_id`=?"); foreach $RecID (@FailIDs) { $sth->execute($RecID); } $dbh->disconnect();