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<h1>Welcome to the CAcert Community resources</h1>
<p>This page lists some resources that are available for the CAcert community.</p>
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<div class="header"><i class="blog icon"></i> CAcert Blog</div>
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<p>The <a href="">CAcert blog</a> provides you with information from the CAcert community.</p>
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<div class="header"><i class="bug icon"></i> CAcert Bug Tracker</div>
<div class="description">
<p>You found a bug in our infrastructure or software? Feel free to visit out <a href="">Bug tracker</a> to find out whether we already know about it or to give valuable feedback to improve our systems.</p>
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<div class="header"><i class="wrench icon"></i> Self Service</div>
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<p>You may use out <a href="">self service system</a> to change your email password and find information how to reach specific teams within CAcert.</p>
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<div class="header"><i class="mail icon"></i> Webmail</div>
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<p>We provide a <a href="">web based email interface</a> to access your mailbox.</p>
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<div class="header"><i class="chat icon"></i> Web Access to IRC</div>
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<p>We provide a <a href="">web interface to our IRC server</a>.</p>
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<div class="header"><i class="brain icon"></i> CAcert Wiki</div>
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<p>A lot of documentation is available in our <a href="">Wiki</a>. The Wiki is a community documentation effort. Feel free to provide improvements.</p>