[AuthenticatedAs] hash = "sha1-58e33592c806dab9cddd3693c0cfee64a07a0a9b" other = "Der Identity-Provider hat dich als {{ .Name }} mit der E-Mail-Adresse {{ .Email }} identifiziert." [ErrorTitle] hash = "sha1-736aec25a98f5ec5b71400bb0163f891f509b566" other = "Es ist ein Fehler aufgetreten" [GreetingAnonymous] hash = "sha1-f7ff9e8b7bb2e09b70935a5d785e0cc5d9d0abf0" other = "Hallo" [GreetingAuthenticated] hash = "sha1-22e08bfee49f285ac06df7d582c2a65bab86fa35" other = "Hallo {{ .Name }}" [IndexIntroductionText] hash = "sha1-e190189ce0b76d957315332b6ca336f90a4d3d8c" other = "Das ist eine öffentliche Resource." [IndexNavLabel] description = "Label for the index page in the top navigation" hash = "sha1-f99709e3c9205f21ca31811feec86519b6c1b452" other = "Willkommen" [IndexTitle] hash = "sha1-eccb2b889c068d3f25496c1dad3fb0f88d021bd9" other = "Willkommen in der Demo-Anwendung" [LoginLabel] description = "A label on a login button or link" hash = "sha1-2049c9ee0610e70f7316f98415755b58067e68ee" other = "Anmelden" [LogoutLabel] description = "A label on a logout button or link" hash = "sha1-8acfdeb9a8286f00c8e5dd48471cfdc994807579" other = "Ausloggen" [ProtectedIntroductionText] hash = "sha1-87cd7874f28dfcebcb5460d30b6c2c78dff8f6a4" other = "Das ist eine zugriffsgeschützte Resource." [ProtectedNavLabel] description = "Label for the protected resource page in the top navigation" hash = "sha1-185c4cf5675f44de72ff76f16e6cab2a82afa752" other = "Geschützter Bereich"