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GOFILES = $(shell find -type f -name '*.go')
TEMPLATES = $(wildcard ui/templates/*.gohtml)
TRANSLATIONS = $(wildcard translations/active.*.toml)
RESOURCES = ui/css ui/images ui/js
all: demo-app
ui/css: ../cacert_resources/static/css
cp -r ../cacert_resources/static/css ui/
ui/js: ../cacert_resources/static/js
cp -r ../cacert_resources/static/js ui/
ui/images: ../cacert_resources/static/images
cp -r ../cacert_resources/static/images ui/
go.sum: go.mod
go mod tidy -v
translations: $(TRANSLATIONS) $(GOFILES)
if [ ! -z "$(wildcard translations/translate.*.toml)" ]; then \
echo "missing translations"; \
goi18n merge -outdir translations translations/active.*.toml translations/translate.*.toml; \
fi ; \
goi18n extract -outdir translations . ; \
goi18n merge -outdir translations translations/active.*.toml
lint: $(GOFILES)
golangci-lint run --verbose
demo-app: go.sum $(GOFILES) $(TEMPLATES) translations $(RESOURCES)
CGO_ENABLED=0 go build -o $@ ./cmd/app
rm -rf demo-app ui/css ui/js ui/images
.PHONY: all translations clean lint