CertLoginIntroText="The application <strong>{{ .ClientName }}</strong> requests a login."
CertLoginRequestText="Do you want to use the chosen identity from the certificate for authentication?"
ClaimsInformation="In addition the application wants access to the following information:"
ErrorTitle="An error has occurred"
ErrorUnknown="Unknown error"
HintChooseAnIdentityForAuthentication="Choose an identity for authentication."
IntroConsentMoreInformation="You can find more information about <strong>{{ .client }}</strong> at <a href=\"{{ .clientLink }}\">its description page</a>."
IntroConsentRequested="The <strong>{{ .client }}</strong> application requested your consent for the following set of permissions:"
LabelConsent="I hereby agree that the application may get the requested permissions."
LoginDeniedByUser="Login has been denied by the user."
LoginTitle="Authenticate with a client certificate"
NoChallengeInRequestExplanation="Your authentication request did not contain the necessary `login_challenge` parameter. You can find more information about this parameter in [the ORY Hydra documentation](https://www.ory.sh/docs/oauth2-oidc/custom-login-consent/flow)."
NoChallengeInRequestTitle="No challenge parameter in your authentication request"
NoEmailsInClientCertificateExplanation="The presented client certificate does not contain any email address value.\nAn email address is required to authenticate yourself."
NoEmailsInClientCertificateTitle="No email addresses in client certificate"