AuthServerErrorExplanation = "A request that your browser sent to the authorization server caused an error. The authorization server returned details about the error that are printed below." AuthServerErrorTitle = "Authorization server returned an error" CertLoginIntroText = "The application {{ .ClientName }} requests a login." CertLoginRequestText = "Do you want to use the chosen identity from the certificate for authentication?" ClaimsInformation = "In addition the application wants access to the following information:" ErrorTitle = "An error has occurred" ErrorUnknown = "Unknown error" HintChooseAnIdentityForAuthentication = "Choose an identity for authentication." IntroConsentMoreInformation = "You can find more information about {{ .client }} at its description page." IntroConsentRequested = "The {{ .client }} application requested your consent for the following set of permissions:" LabelConsent = "I hereby agree that the application may get the requested permissions." LabelSubmit = "Submit" LoginDeniedByUser = "Login has been denied by the user." LoginTitle = "Authenticate with a client certificate" LogoutSuccessfulText = "You have been logged out successfully." LogoutSuccessfulTitle = "Logout successful" NoChallengeInRequestExplanation = "Your authentication request did not contain the necessary `login_challenge` parameter. You can find more information about this parameter in [the ORY Hydra documentation](" NoChallengeInRequestTitle = "No challenge parameter in your authentication request" NoEmailsInClientCertificateExplanation = "The presented client certificate does not contain any email address value.\nAn email address is required to authenticate yourself." NoEmailsInClientCertificateTitle = "No email addresses in client certificate" Scope-email-Description = "Access your email address." Scope-offline-Description = "Keep access to your information until you revoke the permission." Scope-openid-Description = "Request information about your identity." Scope-profile-Description = "Access your user profile information (your name)." TitleRequestConsent = "Application requests your consent" WrongOrLockedUserOrInvalidPassword = "You entered an invalid username or password or your account has been locked." [EmailChoiceText] one = "You have presented a valid client certificate for the following email address:" other = "You have presented a valid client certificate for multiple email addresses. Please choose which one you want to present to the application:" [LabelAcceptCertLogin] description = "Label for a button to accept certificate login" other = "Yes, please use this identity" [LabelRejectCertLogin] description = "Label for a button to reject certificate login" other = "No, please send me back"