# CAcert OpenID connect parent project This repository references several repositories for the CAcert OpenID connect setup. ## Clone the repository ```shell git clone --recurse-submodules https://code.cacert.org/cacert/oidc-parent.git cd oidc-parent # cause pull, fetch and other git commands to consider submodules git config submodule.recurse true ``` ## Get started Make sure you have the necessary prerequisites installed (tested on Debian 12 Bookworm) and `~/.local/bin` in your `$PATH` variable: ```shell sudo apt update sudo apt install git golang-go make mkcert postgresql python3-pip python3-venv yarnpkg mkdir -p $HOME/.local/share/virtualenvs ~/.local/bin python3 -m venv $HOME/.local/share/virtualenvs/ansible $HOME/.local/share/virtualenvs/ansible/bin/pip install ansible ln -s $HOME/.local/share/virtualenvs/ansible/bin/ansible* $HOME/.local/bin/ export PATH=$HOME/.local/bin:$HOME/go/bin:$PATH ``` *Note:* It is a good idea to put the `PATH` export line into your `.bashrc` or `.zshenv`. ### Initial Configuration *Note:* If you want to do everything manually, read on. Otherwise skip to the ansible or Vagrant options below. Each of the sub-directories contains instructions for creating or editing a configuration file and, usually, certificates. The first that must be performed are the instructions found in the `hydra_config` sub-directory. In that one, you must first install Hydra before you continue. Next, create a certificate and key pair using mkcert, set your database password, and generate a secret key for Hydra. Following that, you need to create the Hydra configuration file, hydra.yaml. Finally, after starting Hydra, you need to create a Hydra Client, using the command found at the bottom of the README.md in that directory. Save the values returned from that command. Next, go in to the `cacert_resources` sub-directory and follow the directions in that README.md regarding installing nodejs and webpack. Third, go in to the `oidc_app` sub-directory. There, you again need to create a certicate and key pair using mkcert. Create the configuration file, resource_app.toml, using the values created from the Hydra command described in the hydra_config README.md, and the two secret keys as described in the current README.md file. Next, the `oidc_idp` sub-directory. Again, you will need to create the certificate and key pair using mkcert. Create the configuration file, idp.toml, using only the a secret key, as described in the current README.md file. Finally, change into the `oidc_registration` sub-directory. There, you will find detailed instructions for certificate creation for this module. As well, after creating a secret key, you will create the configuration file, registration.toml. ### Continuing At this point, you should have created all of the certificates and configuration files needed by this system. ### Build the applications Use `make` to build the web app resources and applications: ### Install the language translation tool ```shell go install github.com/nicksnyder/go-i18n/v2/goi18n@latest ``` ### Build the applications Use `make` to build the web app resources and applications: ```shell make ``` ## Deployment options There are two deployment options for the Hydra server and for the custom applications: 1. local deployment 2. Vagrant deployment You only need one of these options. Both options use [ansible](https://docs.ansible.com/) to: - setup the Hydra authorization server - setup IDP (provides login and consent screens) - setup demo application - setup OpenID Connect client registration application ### Local deployment Use `ansible-playbook` to deploy Hydra, IDP, Client registration and the demo application: ```shell cd deployment ansible-playbook 01_install_cacert_oidc.yml ``` *Note:* If ansible-playbook fails early in the process with "sudo: a password is required," then confirm that your user has sudo privileges and execute the `ansible-playbook` command like: ```shell ansible-playbook -K 01_install_cacert_oidc.yml ``` ### Vagrant setup Instead of Ansible, you can also use [Vagrant](https://www.vagrantup.com/) with the libvirt-provider. The included Vagrantfile is configured to apply the ansible-playbook to the Vagrant managed virtual machine. ```shell sudo apt install vagrant-libvirt virt-manager libvirt-clients vagrant up CAROOT=$(pwd)/mkcert_ca mkcert -install ``` The last step installs the `mkcert` CA certificate in your user's browser trust store. ## Testing your local setup After running `make` and `ansible-playbook`, Hydra and oidc-idp will both be running. To run the rest of the components, in each of two new terminal windows, execute `oidc_app/demo-app` and `oidc_registration/cacert-oidc-registration`. ### Test the authorization server Request the OpenID connect auto discovery information from Hydra ```shell curl https://hydra.cacert.localhost:4444/.well-known/openid-configuration | python3 -m json.tool ``` This should give you a JSON document with information about the authorization server. ### Test the identity provider Open [https://login.cacert.localhost:3000/](https://login.cacert.localhost:3000/) this should ask you for a CAcert class 3 client certificate and should render a welcome page with a CAcert logo. ### Test the demo application Open [https://app.cacert.localhost:4000/](https://app.cacert.localhost:4000/) to visit the demo application. Login should redirect you to the IDP, request consent and redirect back to the application.