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# this is for a localhost deployment, database passwords for public servers
# must be different random values encrypted via ansible-vault
hydra_db_password: hydra
hydra_db_host: localhost
hydra_db_port: 5432
cert: "{{ hydra_home }}/etc/localhost+2.pem"
key: "{{ hydra_home }}/etc/localhost+2-key.pem"
# this is for a localhost deployment, secrets for public servers must be
# different random values encrypted via ansible-vault
hydra_system_secret: "AczA+NZ25Ye9eAreglv5bo9XcND6uwBQHVUYCvPfwXo="
cert: "{{ cacert_home }}/etc/idp.cacert.localhost.pem"
key: "{{ cacert_home }}/etc/idp.cacert.localhost-key.pem"
cert: "{{ cacert_home }}/etc/app.cacert.localhost.pem"
key: "{{ cacert_home }}/etc/app.cacert.localhost-key.pem"