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csrf.key = "{{ idp_csrf_key | default(lookup('community.general.random_string', length=32, base64=true)) }}" = "{{ idp_tls.client_cas }}"
name = "{{ oidc_urls.idp.address | default(ansible_default_ipv4.address) }}"
port = {{ oidc_urls.idp.address | default("3000") }}
certificate = "{{ idp_tls.cert }}"
key = "{{ idp_tls.key }}"
auth-key = "{{ idp_auth_key | default(lookup('community.general.random_string', length=64, base64=true)) }}"
enc-key = "{{ idp_enc_key | default(lookup('community.general.random_string', length=32, base64=true)) }}"
url = "https://{{ oidc_urls.hydra_admin.address | default("hydra.cacert.localhost") }}:{{ oidc_urls.hydra_admin.port | default("3000") }}"
level = "trace"