Start with Debian 12 When you create your machine create two other DNS entries using your base Domain Name. They will be "authserver" and "idp." APT-Install git openssl mkcert postgresql nginx vim make python3-pip python3-venv curl sudo Apt-Install php-bz2 php-curl php-gd php-intl php-mbstring php-mcrypt php-pdo php-pgsql php-xml php-zip php-fpm Apt-Install certbot python3-certbot-nginx golang-go If necessary create a "normal" user and give them "sudo" access in /etc/group Become that user. Create a working directory cmd: cd cmd: git clone cmd: cd oidc-registration-php cmd: cp cacert.ini.sample cacert.ini Edit cacert.ini and set the Database User and Password that you wish to use. Also set the Domain and Host name in the URL variables. cmd: cd misc Edit oidc_db_v2.sql and insert the Database User name chosen above in place of "". As Root: cmd: cp oidc_db_v2.sql /var/lib/postgresql As Root: cmd: su - postgres cmd: createuser -s -d -e -r -P ( Pwd: ) cmd: createdb oidc_db -O cmd: psql oidc_db < oidc_db_v2.sql Ctrl-D cmd: cd .. cmd: mkdir -p $HOME/.local/share/virtualenvs ~/.local/bin cmd: python3 -m venv $HOME/.local/share/virtualenvs/ansible cmd: $HOME/.local/share/virtualenvs/ansible/bin/pip install ansible cmd: ln -s $HOME/.local/share/virtualenvs/ansible/bin/ansible* $HOME/.local/bin/ cmd: export PATH=$HOME/.local/bin:$HOME/go/bin:$PATH Edit your ~/.profile to include the preceeding PATH changes cmd: . ~/.profile cmd: go install cmd: cd .. cmd: git clone --recurse-submodules cmd: cd oidc-parent # cause pull, fetch and other git commands to consider submodules cmd: git config submodule.recurse true cmd: make Answer the password question for your "normal" user. Change into the "deployment" sub-directory cmd: cd deployment Edit two files here. "host_vars/localhost.yml" and "group_vars/all.yml". In both files, search for "hydra_public" and change "auth.cacert.localhost" into the "authserver" DNS name that you created at the top. Then, in both files, search for "idp" and change "login.cacert.localhost" into the "idp" DNS name that you created at the top. Continue by: cmd: ansible-playbook -K 01_install_cacert_oidc.yml Answer the password question for your "normal" user. cmd: cd ../.. As Root: cmd: certbot --nginx -d -d -d Edit misc/reverse-proxy.conf and change "" to the correct value. Also change "" to the correct value for your machine. From your working directory, do the following As Root: cmd: cd oidc-registration-php cmd: cp -r * /var/www/html cmd: cp ssl-certs/* /usr/local/share/ca-certificates cmd: update-ca-certificates -f cmd: cp misc/reverse-proxy.conf /etc/nginx/conf.d cmd: mkdir -p /etc/nginx/certs cmd: cp misc/cas.pem /etc/nginx/certs cmd: chmod 751 /srv/hydra/bin cmd: chmod 751 /srv/hydra/bin/hydra cmd: cp -i /etc/letsencrypt/live/ cmd: cp -i /etc/letsencrypt/live/ cmd: cd /srv/cacert/etc cmd: chown root:cacert * cmd: chmod 640 cmd: systemd restart cacert-idp.service Exit Root, if necessary Once you are finished, you may change the Background Image, the Logo and the Favicon, as you wish.