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CAcert Communication Policy (CCP)
CAcert Communication Policy (CCP)
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Author: Sam Johnston<br />
Creation date: 2008-04-16<br />
Status: WIP 2008-04-16<br />
Next status: DRAFT 2008-04-XX<br />
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0. Preliminaries
This CAcert policy describes how CAcert communicates as required for achieving its mission.
1. Scope
This policy is applicable to:<br />
<li>Press Releases and Announcements
<li>Internet Email
<li>Internet Relay Chat (IRC)
2. Requirements
This section describes all CAcert communication channels.<br />
<strong>Press Releases and Announcements</strong><br />
<ol style="list-style-type: lower-alpha;">
<li>Community Members MAY communicate on their areas, but these are considered community views.
<li>Targeted announcements MAY be sent to a minority subset of users who have opted-in to receiving information on the topic.
<li>Press releases and official announcements MUST be approved by the board and issued via:<br />
<ol style="list-style-type: lower-roman;">
<li>Digitally signed email to appropriate mailing list(s).
<li>Posting and indefinite archiving on the official CAcert web site(s)
<strong>Internet Email</strong><br />
<ol style="list-style-type: lower-alpha;">
<strong>Email Aliases</strong> are official email addresses within the CAcert domain(s) (eg<br />
<ol style="list-style-type: lower-roman;">
<li>All official CAcert communications MUST be conducted using an official address, which is typically a forwarding service.
<li>Access to full accounts (available only to officials listed on the organisation chart) SHALL be available via web interface and standard mail protocols.
<li>Outbound mail SHOULD contain the full name and short reference to the official capacity of the user: <i>John Citizen (CAcert AO) &lt;;</i>.
<li>Role accounts (eg SHALL be implemented as a mailing list or automated issue tracking system as appropriate.
<strong>Mailing Lists</strong> are automated distribution lists containing CAcert community members.<br />
<ol style="list-style-type: lower-roman;">
<li>List management (new list creation, dead list removal) SHALL be managed by the board.
<li>List membership SHALL be restricted to CAcert Community members and all posts are contributions, as described in the CCA.
<li>Lists SHALL follow the naming convention of cacert-&lt;listname&gt;, with important lists (eg support, board) aliased
<li>List policy SHALL be set on a per-list basis (eg open/closed, searchable archives, etc.)<br />
<li>Open lists (eg cacert-policy) shall be accessible by anyone (including Internet search engines) and closed lists (eg cacert-board) only by list members.
<li>Posting to discussion lists (eg cacert-policy) MUST be restricted to list members and MUST NOT be restricted for role lists (eg cacert-board).
<li>Messages which do not meet list policy (eg size, non-member) MUST be immediately rejected.
<li>Subscription requests MUST be confirmed by the requestor and subscriber lists MUST NOT be revealed..
<li>Web based archives SHALL be maintained and authentication MUST reflect list policy.
<strong>Automated Email</strong> is sent by various CAcert systems automatically<br />
<ol style="list-style-type: lower-roman;">
<li>All new automated emails MUST be approved by the board.
<li>Automated emails SHOULD only be sent in response to a user action.
<strong>Personal Email</strong> is individual personal addresses of CAcert Community members (eg<br />
<ol style="list-style-type: lower-roman;">
<li>Personal email MUST NOT be used for official CAcert purposes.
<strong>Internet Relay Chat (IRC)</strong><br />
<ol style="list-style-type: lower-alpha;">
<li>An IRC service SHALL be maintained at which SHALL be available via SSL.
3. Implementation
This section describes how CAcert communication channels are to be implemented.
<strong>General</strong><br />
<ol style="list-style-type: lower-alpha;">
<li>CAcert System Administrators SHALL have discretion as to the technical implementation of this policy and SHALL report status to the board periodically.
<strong>Security</strong><br />
<ol style="list-style-type: lower-alpha;">
<li>Authentication (where required) MUST be done via username and password and/or CAcert certificate.
<li>Transport encryption MUST be used where possible.
<li>Content encryption MAY be used where appropriate.
<li>All outbound mail SHOULD be digitally signed.
<strong>Internet Email</strong><br />
<ol style="list-style-type: lower-alpha;">
<li>All mails MUST be securely archived for a period of 10 years.
<li>All mails MUST be subject to appropriate spam prevention mechanisms (eg SpamAssassin, greylisting).
<li>All mails MUST be subject to appropriate virus and content filtering (eg ClamAV, content types).
4. Acceptable Usage Policy
CAcert infrastrucutre is for official, lawful, non-commercial, non-abusive CAcert use only.
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