= 5.1.4 * * You can run this sample from a web browser. * * NOTE: You must ensure that Zend Framework is in your PHP include * path. You can do this via php.ini settings, or by modifying the * argument to set_include_path in the code below. * * NOTE: As this is sample code, not all of the functions do full error * handling. */ /** * @see Zend_Loader */ require_once 'Zend/Loader.php'; /** * @see Zend_Gdata */ Zend_Loader::loadClass('Zend_Gdata'); /** * @see Zend_Gdata_AuthSub */ Zend_Loader::loadClass('Zend_Gdata_AuthSub'); /** * @see Zend_Gdata_Photos */ Zend_Loader::loadClass('Zend_Gdata_Photos'); /** * @see Zend_Gdata_Photos_UserQuery */ Zend_Loader::loadClass('Zend_Gdata_Photos_UserQuery'); /** * @see Zend_Gdata_Photos_AlbumQuery */ Zend_Loader::loadClass('Zend_Gdata_Photos_AlbumQuery'); /** * @see Zend_Gdata_Photos_PhotoQuery */ Zend_Loader::loadClass('Zend_Gdata_Photos_PhotoQuery'); /** * @see Zend_Gdata_App_Extension_Category */ Zend_Loader::loadClass('Zend_Gdata_App_Extension_Category'); session_start(); /** * Adds a new photo to the specified album * * @param Zend_Http_Client $client The authenticated client * @param string $user The user's account name * @param integer $albumId The album's id * @param array $photo The uploaded photo * @return void */ function addPhoto($client, $user, $albumId, $photo) { $photos = new Zend_Gdata_Photos($client); $fd = $photos->newMediaFileSource($photo["tmp_name"]); $fd->setContentType($photo["type"]); $entry = new Zend_Gdata_Photos_PhotoEntry(); $entry->setMediaSource($fd); $entry->setTitle($photos->newTitle($photo["name"])); $albumQuery = new Zend_Gdata_Photos_AlbumQuery; $albumQuery->setUser($user); $albumQuery->setAlbumId($albumId); $albumEntry = $photos->getAlbumEntry($albumQuery); $result = $photos->insertPhotoEntry($entry, $albumEntry); if ($result) { outputAlbumFeed($client, $user, $albumId); } else { echo "There was an issue with the file upload."; } } /** * Deletes the specified photo * * @param Zend_Http_Client $client The authenticated client * @param string $user The user's account name * @param integer $albumId The album's id * @param integer $photoId The photo's id * @return void */ function deletePhoto($client, $user, $albumId, $photoId) { $photos = new Zend_Gdata_Photos($client); $photoQuery = new Zend_Gdata_Photos_PhotoQuery; $photoQuery->setUser($user); $photoQuery->setAlbumId($albumId); $photoQuery->setPhotoId($photoId); $photoQuery->setType('entry'); $entry = $photos->getPhotoEntry($photoQuery); $photos->deletePhotoEntry($entry, true); outputAlbumFeed($client, $user, $albumId); } /** * Adds a new album to the specified user's album * * @param Zend_Http_Client $client The authenticated client * @param string $user The user's account name * @param string $name The name of the new album * @return void */ function addAlbum($client, $user, $name) { $photos = new Zend_Gdata_Photos($client); $entry = new Zend_Gdata_Photos_AlbumEntry(); $entry->setTitle($photos->newTitle($name)); $result = $photos->insertAlbumEntry($entry); if ($result) { outputUserFeed($client, $user); } else { echo "There was an issue with the album creation."; } } /** * Deletes the specified album * * @param Zend_Http_Client $client The authenticated client * @param string $user The user's account name * @param integer $albumId The album's id * @return void */ function deleteAlbum($client, $user, $albumId) { $photos = new Zend_Gdata_Photos($client); $albumQuery = new Zend_Gdata_Photos_AlbumQuery; $albumQuery->setUser($user); $albumQuery->setAlbumId($albumId); $albumQuery->setType('entry'); $entry = $photos->getAlbumEntry($albumQuery); $photos->deleteAlbumEntry($entry, true); outputUserFeed($client, $user); } /** * Adds a new comment to the specified photo * * @param Zend_Http_Client $client The authenticated client * @param string $user The user's account name * @param integer $albumId The album's id * @param integer $photoId The photo's id * @param string $comment The comment to add * @return void */ function addComment($client, $user, $album, $photo, $comment) { $photos = new Zend_Gdata_Photos($client); $entry = new Zend_Gdata_Photos_CommentEntry(); $entry->setTitle($photos->newTitle($comment)); $entry->setContent($photos->newContent($comment)); $photoQuery = new Zend_Gdata_Photos_PhotoQuery; $photoQuery->setUser($user); $photoQuery->setAlbumId($album); $photoQuery->setPhotoId($photo); $photoQuery->setType('entry'); $photoEntry = $photos->getPhotoEntry($photoQuery); $result = $photos->insertCommentEntry($entry, $photoEntry); if ($result) { outputPhotoFeed($client, $user, $album, $photo); } else { echo "There was an issue with the comment creation."; } } /** * Deletes the specified comment * * @param Zend_Http_Client $client The authenticated client * @param string $user The user's account name * @param integer $albumId The album's id * @param integer $photoId The photo's id * @param integer $commentId The comment's id * @return void */ function deleteComment($client, $user, $albumId, $photoId, $commentId) { $photos = new Zend_Gdata_Photos($client); $photoQuery = new Zend_Gdata_Photos_PhotoQuery; $photoQuery->setUser($user); $photoQuery->setAlbumId($albumId); $photoQuery->setPhotoId($photoId); $photoQuery->setType('entry'); $path = $photoQuery->getQueryUrl() . '/commentid/' . $commentId; $entry = $photos->getCommentEntry($path); $photos->deleteCommentEntry($entry, true); outputPhotoFeed($client, $user, $albumId, $photoId); } /** * Adds a new tag to the specified photo * * @param Zend_Http_Client $client The authenticated client * @param string $user The user's account name * @param integer $album The album's id * @param integer $photo The photo's id * @param string $tag The tag to add to the photo * @return void */ function addTag($client, $user, $album, $photo, $tag) { $photos = new Zend_Gdata_Photos($client); $entry = new Zend_Gdata_Photos_TagEntry(); $entry->setTitle($photos->newTitle($tag)); $photoQuery = new Zend_Gdata_Photos_PhotoQuery; $photoQuery->setUser($user); $photoQuery->setAlbumId($album); $photoQuery->setPhotoId($photo); $photoQuery->setType('entry'); $photoEntry = $photos->getPhotoEntry($photoQuery); $result = $photos->insertTagEntry($entry, $photoEntry); if ($result) { outputPhotoFeed($client, $user, $album, $photo); } else { echo "There was an issue with the tag creation."; } } /** * Deletes the specified tag * * @param Zend_Http_Client $client The authenticated client * @param string $user The user's account name * @param integer $albumId The album's id * @param integer $photoId The photo's id * @param string $tagContent The name of the tag to be deleted * @return void */ function deleteTag($client, $user, $albumId, $photoId, $tagContent) { $photos = new Zend_Gdata_Photos($client); $photoQuery = new Zend_Gdata_Photos_PhotoQuery; $photoQuery->setUser($user); $photoQuery->setAlbumId($albumId); $photoQuery->setPhotoId($photoId); $query = $photoQuery->getQueryUrl() . "?kind=tag"; $photoFeed = $photos->getPhotoFeed($query); foreach ($photoFeed as $entry) { if ($entry instanceof Zend_Gdata_Photos_TagEntry) { if ($entry->getContent() == $tagContent) { $tagEntry = $entry; } } } $photos->deleteTagEntry($tagEntry, true); outputPhotoFeed($client, $user, $albumId, $photoId); } /** * Returns the path to the current script, without any query params * * Env variables used: * $_SERVER['PHP_SELF'] * * @return string Current script path */ function getCurrentScript() { global $_SERVER; return $_SERVER["PHP_SELF"]; } /** * Returns the full URL of the current page, based upon env variables * * Env variables used: * $_SERVER['HTTPS'] = (on|off|) * $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'] = value of the Host: header * $_SERVER['SERVER_PORT'] = port number (only used if not http/80,https/443) * $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'] = the URI after the method of the HTTP request * * @return string Current URL */ function getCurrentUrl() { global $_SERVER; /** * Filter php_self to avoid a security vulnerability. */ $php_request_uri = htmlentities(substr($_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'], 0, strcspn($_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'], "\n\r")), ENT_QUOTES); if (isset($_SERVER['HTTPS']) && strtolower($_SERVER['HTTPS']) == 'on') { $protocol = 'https://'; } else { $protocol = 'http://'; } $host = $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST']; if ($_SERVER['SERVER_PORT'] != '' && (($protocol == 'http://' && $_SERVER['SERVER_PORT'] != '80') || ($protocol == 'https://' && $_SERVER['SERVER_PORT'] != '443'))) { $port = ':' . $_SERVER['SERVER_PORT']; } else { $port = ''; } return $protocol . $host . $port . $php_request_uri; } /** * Returns the AuthSub URL which the user must visit to authenticate requests * from this application. * * Uses getCurrentUrl() to get the next URL which the user will be redirected * to after successfully authenticating with the Google service. * * @return string AuthSub URL */ function getAuthSubUrl() { $next = getCurrentUrl(); $scope = 'http://picasaweb.google.com/data'; $secure = false; $session = true; return Zend_Gdata_AuthSub::getAuthSubTokenUri($next, $scope, $secure, $session); } /** * Outputs a request to the user to login to their Google account, including * a link to the AuthSub URL. * * Uses getAuthSubUrl() to get the URL which the user must visit to authenticate * * @return void */ function requestUserLogin($linkText) { $authSubUrl = getAuthSubUrl(); echo "{$linkText}"; } /** * Returns a HTTP client object with the appropriate headers for communicating * with Google using AuthSub authentication. * * Uses the $_SESSION['sessionToken'] to store the AuthSub session token after * it is obtained. The single use token supplied in the URL when redirected * after the user succesfully authenticated to Google is retrieved from the * $_GET['token'] variable. * * @return Zend_Http_Client */ function getAuthSubHttpClient() { global $_SESSION, $_GET; if (!isset($_SESSION['sessionToken']) && isset($_GET['token'])) { $_SESSION['sessionToken'] = Zend_Gdata_AuthSub::getAuthSubSessionToken($_GET['token']); } $client = Zend_Gdata_AuthSub::getHttpClient($_SESSION['sessionToken']); return $client; } /** * Processes loading of this sample code through a web browser. Uses AuthSub * authentication and outputs a list of a user's albums if succesfully * authenticated. * * @return void */ function processPageLoad() { global $_SESSION, $_GET; if (!isset($_SESSION['sessionToken']) && !isset($_GET['token'])) { requestUserLogin('Please login to your Google Account.'); } else { $client = getAuthSubHttpClient(); if (!empty($_REQUEST['command'])) { switch ($_REQUEST['command']) { case 'retrieveSelf': outputUserFeed($client, "default"); break; case 'retrieveUser': outputUserFeed($client, $_REQUEST['user']); break; case 'retrieveAlbumFeed': outputAlbumFeed($client, $_REQUEST['user'], $_REQUEST['album']); break; case 'retrievePhotoFeed': outputPhotoFeed($client, $_REQUEST['user'], $_REQUEST['album'], $_REQUEST['photo']); break; } } // Now we handle the potentially destructive commands, which have to // be submitted by POST only. if (!empty($_POST['command'])) { switch ($_POST['command']) { case 'addPhoto': addPhoto($client, $_POST['user'], $_POST['album'], $_FILES['photo']); break; case 'deletePhoto': deletePhoto($client, $_POST['user'], $_POST['album'], $_POST['photo']); break; case 'addAlbum': addAlbum($client, $_POST['user'], $_POST['name']); break; case 'deleteAlbum': deleteAlbum($client, $_POST['user'], $_POST['album']); break; case 'addComment': addComment($client, $_POST['user'], $_POST['album'], $_POST['photo'], $_POST['comment']); break; case 'addTag': addTag($client, $_POST['user'], $_POST['album'], $_POST['photo'], $_POST['tag']); break; case 'deleteComment': deleteComment($client, $_POST['user'], $_POST['album'], $_POST['photo'], $_POST['comment']); break; case 'deleteTag': deleteTag($client, $_POST['user'], $_POST['album'], $_POST['photo'], $_POST['tag']); break; default: break; } } // If a menu parameter is available, display a submenu. if (!empty($_REQUEST['menu'])) { switch ($_REQUEST['menu']) { case 'user': displayUserMenu(); break; case 'photo': displayPhotoMenu(); break; case 'album': displayAlbumMenu(); break; case 'logout': logout(); break; default: header('HTTP/1.1 400 Bad Request'); echo "

Invalid menu selection.

\n"; echo "

Please check your request and try again.

"; } } if (empty($_REQUEST['menu']) && empty($_REQUEST['command'])) { displayMenu(); } } } /** * Displays the main menu, allowing the user to select from a list of actions. * * @return void */ function displayMenu() { ?>

Main Menu

Welcome to the Photos API demo page. Please select from one of the following four options to fetch information.

"; echo "<< Back"; } /** * Displays the user menu, allowing the user to request a specific user's feed. * * @return void */ function displayUserMenu() { ?>

User Menu

Photo Menu

Album Menu

setUser($user); $userFeed = $photos->getUserFeed(null, $query); echo "

User Feed for: " . $userFeed->getTitle() . "

"; echo "
\n"; echo "

Add an Album

"; ?>
setUser($user); $query->setAlbumId($albumId); $albumFeed = $photos->getAlbumFeed($query); echo "

Album Feed for: " . $albumFeed->getTitle() . "

"; echo "
\n"; echo "

Add a Photo

"; ?>
Please select a photo to upload:
setUser($user); $query->setAlbumId($albumId); $query->setPhotoId($photoId); $query = $query->getQueryUrl() . "?kind=comment,tag"; $photoFeed = $photos->getPhotoFeed($query); echo "

Photo Feed for: " . $photoFeed->getTitle() . "

"; $thumbs = $photoFeed->getMediaGroup()->getThumbnail(); echo ""; echo "


"; echo "\n"; echo "

Add a Comment

"; ?>
"; echo "


"; echo "\n"; echo "

Add a Tag

"; ?>