<p><?=_("It is essential that CAcert Assurers understand and follow the rules below to ensure that applicants for assurance are suitably identified, which, in turn, maintains trust in the system.")?></p>
*<?=_("You must meet the applicant in person;")?><br>
*<?=_("You must sight at least one form of government issued photo identification. It's preferable if 2 forms of Government issued photo ID are presented, as less points may be issued if there is any doubt on the person by the person issuing points;")?><br>
*<?=_("Compare and verify that the copy of the identification sighted is a true and correct copy;")?><br>
*<?=_("Enter the applicant's email address;")?><br>
*<?=_("Compare the online information to the information recorded on the paper form;")?><br>
*<?=_("If, and only if, the two match completely - you may award trust points up to the maximum points you are able to allocate;")?><br>
<?=_("It is imperative that you maintain the confidentiality and privacy of the applicant, and never disclose the information obtained without the applicant's consent.")?></p>
<?=_("You may charge a fee for your expenses if the applicant has been advised of the amount prior to the meeting.")?></p>
<?=_("CAcert may, from time to time, alter the amount of Assurance Points that a class of assurer may assign as is necessary to effect a policy or rule change. We may also alter the amount of Assurance Points available to an individual, or new class of assurer, should another policy of CAcert require this.")?></p>