You cannot select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

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20 years ago
<? /*
LibreSSL - CAcert web application
Copyright (C) 2004-2008 CAcert Inc.
20 years ago
This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation; version 2 of the License.
20 years ago
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.
20 years ago
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA
18 years ago
if(!array_key_exists('secrethash',$_SESSION['_config'])) $_SESSION['_config']['secrethash'] = md5(date("YmdHis").rand(0, intval(date("u"))));
18 years ago
20 years ago
<H3><?=_("Contact Us")?></H3>
20 years ago
<p><b><?=_("General Questions")?></b></p>
19 years ago
<p><b><?=_("PLEASE NOTE: Due to the large amounts of support questions, incorrectly directed emails may be over looked, this is a volunteer effort and directing general questions to the right place will help everyone, including yourself as you will get a reply quicker.")?></b></p>
<p><b><?=_("If you are contacting us about advertising, please use the form at the bottom of the website, the first contact form is not the correct place.")?></b></p>
19 years ago
<p><?=sprintf(_("If you are having trouble with your username or password, please visit our %swiki page%s for more information"), "<a href='' target='_new'>", "</a>");?></p>
<p><?=_("Before contacting us, be sure to read the information on our official and unofficial HowTo and FAQ pages.")?> - <a href="//"><?=_("Go here for more details.")?></a></p>
20 years ago
<p><?=_("General questions about CAcert should be sent to the general support list, please send all emails in ENGLISH only, this list has many more volunteers then those directly involved with the running of the website, everyone on the mailing list understands english, even if this isn't their native language this will increase your chance at a competent reply. While it's best if you sign up to the mailing list to get replied to, you don't have to, but please make sure you note this in your email, otherwise it might seem like you didn't get a reply to your question.")?></p>
16 years ago
<p><a href=""><?=_("Click here to go to the Support List")?></a></p>
<p><?=_("You can alternatively use the form below, however joining the list is the prefered option to support your queries")?></p>
<form method="post" action="account.php" name="form1">
18 years ago
<input type="hidden" name="oldid" value="<?=$id?>">
<!-- <input type="hidden" name="support" value="yes"> -->
<input type="hidden" name="secrethash2" value="">
<p class="robotic" id="pot">
<label>If you're human leave this blank:</label>
<input name="robotest" type="text" id="robotest" class="robotest" />
<table border="0">
<tr><td width="100"><?=_("Your Name")?>:</td><td width="100"><input type="text" name="who"></td><td width="100"></td><td width="100"></td>
<tr><td width="100"><?=_("Your Email")?>:</td><td colspan="3"><input type="text" name="email"></td>
<tr><td width="100"><?=_("Subject")?>:</td><td colspan="3"><input type="text" name="subject"></td></tr>
<tr><td width="100" valign="top"><?=_("Message")?>:</td><td colspan="3"><textarea name="message" cols="70" rows="10"></textarea></td></tr>
<td colspan="2"><font color="#ff0000"><?=_("Warning: Please do not use \"send to mailing list\" when you entered confidential data. The request is being sent to a public mailinglist.")?></font></td>
<td colspan="2"><?=_("For confidential data use \"send to support\".")?></td>
<td colspan="2"><input type="submit" name="process[0]" value="<?=_("Send to mailing list")?>"></td>
<td colspan="2"><input type="submit" name="process[1]" value="<?=_("Send to support")?>"></td>
18 years ago
20 years ago
<p><a href="irc://">irc://</a></p>
18 years ago
<p><b>Secure IRC</b></p>
<p><a href="ircs://">ircs://</a></p>
20 years ago
<p><b><?=_("Other Mailing Lists")?></b></p>
<p><?=_("There are a number of other mailing lists CAcert runs, some are general discussion, others are technical (such as the development list) or platform specific help (such as the list for Apple Mac users)")?></p>
16 years ago
<p><a href=""><?=_("Click here to view all lists available")?></a></p>
20 years ago
<p><b><?=_("Security Issues")?></b></p>
<p><?=sprintf(_("Please use any of the following ways to report security ".
"issues: You can use the above contact form for sensitive information. ".
"You can email us to %s. You can file a bugreport on %s and mark it as ".
"<a href=''></a>",
"<a href=''></a>")?></p>
20 years ago
<script type="text/javascript">
var pagehash = '<?=$_SESSION['_config']['secrethash']?>';
document.form1.secrethash2.value = pagehash;
document.form2.secrethash2.value = pagehash;