Fixed a bug

Added Sanitizing to avoid XSS
root 16 years ago
parent 5499bf244e
commit 122cf1a704

@ -756,13 +756,14 @@
$query = "insert into `domaincerts` set
//`csr_name`='".$row['csr_name']."', // RACE CONDITION
$newid = mysql_insert_id();
//echo mysql_error();
$newfile = $_SESSION['_config']['filepath']."/csr/server-$newid.csr";
copy($row['csr_name'], $newfile);
$_SESSION['_config']['subject'] = trim(`/usr/bin/openssl req -text -noout -in "$newfile"|tr -d "\\0"|grep "Subject:"`);
@ -808,7 +809,7 @@
$subject = mysql_real_escape_string($subject);
mysql_query("update `domaincerts` set `subject`='$subject',`csr_name`='$newfile' where `id`='$newid'");
echo _("Renewing").": ".$_SESSION['_config']['0.CN']."<br>\n";
echo _("Renewing").": ".sanitizeHTML($_SESSION['_config']['0.CN'])."<br>\n";
waitForResult("domaincerts", $newid,$oldid,0);
$query = "select * from `domaincerts` where `id`='$newid' and `crt_name` != ''";
$res = mysql_query($query);

@ -698,7 +698,7 @@
function waitForResult($table, $certid, $id = 0, $show = 1)
$found = $trycount = 0;
while($trycount++ <= 30)
while($trycount++ <= 40)
if($table == "gpg")
$query = "select * from `$table` where `id`='".intval($certid)."' and `crt` != ''";
@ -719,20 +719,23 @@
$query = "select * from `$table` where `id`='".intval($certid)."' ";
$res = mysql_query($query);
if(mysql_num_rows($res) > 0)
printf(_("Your certificate request is still queued and hasn't been processed yet. Please wait, and go to Certificates -> View to see it's status."));
$subject="[] Certificate TIMEOUT";
$body = "A certificate has timed out!\n\n";
printf(_("Your certificate request has failed to be processed correctly, see %sthe WIKI page%s for reasons and solutions.")." certid:$table:".intval($certid), "<a href=''>", "</a>");
$body = "A certificate has failed!\n\n";
$subject="[] Certificate FAILURE";
$body = "A certificate has failed: $table $certid $id $show\n\n";
$body .= _("Best regards")."\n"._(" Support!");
sendmail("", "[] Certificate TIMEOUT", $body, "", "", "", "CAcert Support");
sendmail("", $subject, $body, "", "", "", "CAcert Support");
if($show) showfooter();
if($show) exit;
