Jan Dittberner jandd
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jandd created repository cacert/mantis-oidc-plugin

2 weeks ago

jandd approved cacert/cacert-webdb#22

Modified text as per https://lists.cacert.org/wws/arc/cacert-policy/2020-09/msg00008.html

content approved, the PR should be made against the files in https://code.cacert.org/cacert/cacert-policies too. See the discussion in https://code.cacert.org/cacert/cacert-webdb/pulls/23#issuecomment-342 for reasoning.

1 month ago

jandd approved cacert/cacert-webdb#23


content approved, the PR should be made against the files in https://code.cacert.org/cacert/cacert-policies too. See the discussion in https://code.cacert.org/cacert/cacert-webdb/pulls/23#issuecomment-342 for reasoning.

1 month ago

jandd approved cacert/cacert-webdb#24

Updated text as per #bug-1537

content approved, the PR should be made against the files in https://code.cacert.org/cacert/cacert-policies too. See the discussion in https://code.cacert.org/cacert/cacert-webdb/pulls/23#issuecomment-342 for reasoning.

1 month ago

jandd pushed tag 0.8.3 to cacert/cacert-boardvoting

2 months ago

jandd pushed to main at cacert/cacert-boardvoting

2 months ago

jandd closed issue cacert/cacert-boardvoting#1

Message-IDs are not RFC5322 compliant

2 months ago

jandd commented on issue cacert/cacert-boardvoting#1

Message-IDs are not RFC5322 compliant

originally filed at https://bugs.cacert.org/view.php?id=1563

2 months ago

jandd opened issue cacert/cacert-boardvoting#1

Message-IDs are not RFC5322 compliant

2 months ago

jandd pushed to add-quality-check-script at cacert/cacert-webdb

  • 46db965846 Use mariadb version compatible with Debian 11

2 months ago

jandd pushed to add-quality-check-script at cacert/cacert-webdb

  • c18f78741b Switch to Python 3.9 for Debian 11 compatibilty

2 months ago

jandd commented on pull request cacert/cacert-webdb#23


We have multiple locations for policy documents now: 1. http://svn.cacert.org/CAcert/Policies/ (the original policy section of the old Subversion repository) 2. https://code.cacert.org/cacert/c…

2 months ago

jandd commented on pull request cacert/cacert-webdb#23


Hi @bmc, thank you very much to pick up this task (and the other text related ones). For the future please try to write more useful commit messages. It is especially important to reference the…

2 months ago

jandd pushed to add-quality-check-script at cacert/cacert-webdb

2 months ago

jandd created pull request cacert/cacert-webdb#20


2 months ago

jandd created branch add-quality-check-script in cacert/cacert-webdb

2 months ago

jandd pushed to add-quality-check-script at cacert/cacert-webdb

2 months ago

jandd pushed to master at cacert/community-website

2 months ago