You cannot select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

276 lines
12 KiB

<? /*
LibreSSL - CAcert web application
Copyright (C) 2004-2008 CAcert Inc.
This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation; version 2 of the License.
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA
if($_SESSION['_config']['language'] != "ja_JP")
class PDF2 extends FPDF
} else {
class PDF2 extends PDF_Japanese
class PDF extends PDF2
function Header()
if($_SESSION['_config']['language'] == "ja_JP")
$this->Cell(40,20,recode($_SESSION['_config']['recode'], _("CAcert Assurance Programme")));
$this->Cell(40,20,recode($_SESSION['_config']['recode'], _("Identity Verification Form")));
18 years ago
if($_SESSION['_config']['language'] == "ja_JP")
$this->Cell(0,0,'CAcert Inc. - P.O. Box 4107 - Denistone East NSW 2112 - Australia -',0,0,'C');
18 years ago
if($_SESSION['_config']['language'] == "ja_JP")
$this->Cell(0,0, recode($_SESSION['_config']['recode'], _("CAcert's Root Certificate fingerprints")).": A6:1B:37:5E:39:0D:9C:36:54:EE:BD:20:31:46:1F:6B "._("and")." 135C EC36 F49C B8E9 3B1A B270 CD80 8846 76CE 8F33",0,0,'C');
18 years ago
$this->Line(1, 43, $this->w - 1, 43);
function Footer()
19 years ago
function Body($name = "", $dob = "", $email = "", $assurer = "", $date = "", $maxpoints = "", $document1 = "", $document2 = "", $location = "")
if($date == "now")
$date = date("Y-m-d");
// Show text blurb at top of page
18 years ago
if($_SESSION['_config']['language'] == "ja_JP")
$this->Write(4,sprintf(recode($_SESSION['_config']['recode'], _("To the Assurer: The CAcert Assurance Programme (CAP) aims to verify the identities of Internet users through face-to-face witnessing of government issued identity documents. The Applicant asks you to verify to that you have met them and verified their identity against one or more original, trusted, government photo identity documents. If you have ANY doubts or concerns about the Applicant's identity, DO NOT COMPLETE OR SIGN this form. For more information about the CAcert Assurance Programme, including detailed guides for CAcert Assurers, please visit: %s")), ""));
$this->Write(4,recode($_SESSION['_config']['recode'], _("As the assurer, you are required to keep the signed document on file for 7 years. Should Cacert Inc. have any concerns about a meeting taking place, Cacert Inc. can request proof, in the form of this signed document, to ensure the process is being followed correctly. After 7 years if you wish to dispose of this form it's preferred that you shred and burn it. You do not need to retain copies of ID at all.")));
18 years ago
$this->Write(4,recode($_SESSION['_config']['recode'], _("It's encouraged that you tear the top of this form off and give it to the person you are assuring as a reminder to sign up, and as a side benefit the tear off section also contains a method of offline verification of our fingerprints.")));
// Assuree Section
$top = 130;
$this->Rect(11, $top, $this->w - 25, 50, "D");
$this->SetXY(11, $top + 5);
$this->SetFont("Arial", "BUI", "20");
if($_SESSION['_config']['language'] == "ja_JP")
$this->Write(0, recode($_SESSION['_config']['recode'],_("Applicant's Statement")));
$this->Rect(13, $top + 10, $this->w - 29, 6, "D");
$this->Line(80, $top + 10, 80, $top + 16);
$this->SetXY(15, $top + 13);
$this->SetFont("Arial", "B", "12");
if($_SESSION['_config']['language'] == "ja_JP")
$this->Write(0, recode($_SESSION['_config']['recode'], _("Names")).":");
$this->SetXY(82, $top + 13);
$this->SetFont("Arial", '', "11");
if($_SESSION['_config']['language'] == "ja_JP")
$this->Write(0, $name);
$this->Rect(13, $top + 16, $this->w - 29, 6, "D");
$this->Line(80, $top + 16, 80, $top + 22);
$this->SetXY(15, $top + 19);
$this->SetFont("Arial", "B", "12");
if($_SESSION['_config']['language'] == "ja_JP")
$this->Write(0, recode($_SESSION['_config']['recode'], _("Date of Birth")).": ");
$this->SetFont("Arial", "", "8");
if($_SESSION['_config']['language'] == "ja_JP")
$this->Write(0, "(".recode($_SESSION['_config']['recode'], _("YYYY-MM-DD")).")");
$this->SetXY(82, $top + 19);
$this->SetFont("Arial", "", "11");
if($_SESSION['_config']['language'] == "ja_JP")
$this->Write(0, $dob);
$this->Rect(13, $top + 22, $this->w - 29, 6, "D");
$this->Line(80, $top + 22, 80, $top + 28);
$this->SetXY(15, $top + 25);
$this->SetFont("Arial", "B", "12");
if($_SESSION['_config']['language'] == "ja_JP")
$this->Write(0, recode($_SESSION['_config']['recode'], _("Email Address")).":");
$this->SetXY(82, $top + 25);
$this->SetFont("Arial", "", "11");
if($_SESSION['_config']['language'] == "ja_JP")
$this->Write(0, $email);
$this->SetXY(13, $top + 32);
$this->SetFont("Arial", "", "9");
if($_SESSION['_config']['language'] == "ja_JP")
$this->MultiCell($this->w - 29, 3, recode($_SESSION['_config']['recode'], _("I hereby confirm that the information stated above is both true and correct, and request the CAcert Assurer (identified below) to witness my identity in the CAcert Assurance Programme.")));
$this->SetXY(17, $top + 45);
$this->Write(0, recode($_SESSION['_config']['recode'], _("Applicant's signature")).": __________________________________");
$this->SetXY(135, $top + 45);
$this->Write(0, recode($_SESSION['_config']['recode'], _("Date (YYYY-MM-DD)")).": ");
if($date == "")
$this->Write(0, "20___-___-___");
} else {
$this->SetFont("Arial", "U", "10");
if($_SESSION['_config']['language'] == "ja_JP")
19 years ago
$this->Write(0, str_pad($date, 13, " "));
// Assurer Section
$top += 55;
$this->Rect(11, $top, $this->w - 25, 63, "D");
$this->SetXY(11, $top + 5);
$this->SetFont("Arial", "BUI", "20");
if($_SESSION['_config']['language'] == "ja_JP")
$this->Write(0, recode($_SESSION['_config']['recode'], _("CAcert Assurer")));
$this->SetFont("Arial", "", "9");
if($_SESSION['_config']['language'] == "ja_JP")
$this->SetXY(17, $top + 15);
$this->Write(0, recode($_SESSION['_config']['recode'], _("Assurer's Name")).": ");
$this->SetFont("Arial", "U", "10");
if($_SESSION['_config']['language'] == "ja_JP")
19 years ago
$this->Write(0, str_pad($assurer, 50, " "));
} else {
$this->Write(0, recode($_SESSION['_config']['recode'], _("Assurer's Name")).": ________________________________________________________________");
$this->SetFont("Arial", "", "9");
if($_SESSION['_config']['language'] == "ja_JP")
$this->SetXY(17, $top + 22);
$this->Write(0, recode($_SESSION['_config']['recode'], _("Assurer's signature")).": __________________________________");
$this->SetXY(135, $top + 22);
$this->Write(0, recode($_SESSION['_config']['recode'], _("Date (YYYY-MM-DD)")).": ");
if($date == "")
$this->Write(0, "20___-___-___");
} else {
$this->SetFont("Arial", "U", "10");
if($_SESSION['_config']['language'] == "ja_JP")
19 years ago
$this->Write(0, str_pad($date, 13, " "));
$this->SetFont("Arial", "", "9");
if($_SESSION['_config']['language'] == "ja_JP")
$this->SetXY(17, $top + 25);
$this->MultiCell($this->w - 34, 3, recode($_SESSION['_config']['recode'], _("Photo ID Shown: (ID types, not numbers. eg Drivers license, Passport)")));
$this->SetXY(17, $top + 35);
19 years ago
if($document1 == "")
$this->Write(0, "1. __________________________________________________________________");
} else {
$this->Write(0, "1. ");
$this->SetFont("Arial", "U", "10");
if($_SESSION['_config']['language'] == "ja_JP")
$this->Write(0, str_pad($document1, 90, " "));
$this->SetFont("Arial", "", "9");
if($_SESSION['_config']['language'] == "ja_JP")
$this->SetXY(17, $top + 40);
19 years ago
if($document2 == "")
$this->Write(0, "2. __________________________________________________________________");
} else {
$this->Write(0, "2. ");
$this->SetFont("Arial", "U", "10");
if($_SESSION['_config']['language'] == "ja_JP")
$this->Write(0, str_pad($document2, 90, " "));
$this->SetFont("Arial", "", "9");
if($_SESSION['_config']['language'] == "ja_JP")
$this->SetXY(17, $top + 50);
19 years ago
$this->Write(0, recode($_SESSION['_config']['recode'], _("Location of Face-to-face Meeting")).": ");
if($location == "")
$this->Write(0, "_____________________________________________");
} else {
$this->SetFont("Arial", "U", "10");
if($_SESSION['_config']['language'] == "ja_JP")
$this->Write(0, str_pad($location, 70, " "));
$this->SetFont("Arial", "", "9");
if($_SESSION['_config']['language'] == "ja_JP")
$this->SetXY(17, $top + 55);
$this->Write(0, recode($_SESSION['_config']['recode'], _("Points Allocated")).": ______________");
18 years ago
if($maxpoints > 0)
$this->SetXY(17, $top + 60);
$this->Write(0, recode($_SESSION['_config']['recode'], _("Maximum Points")).": ".$maxpoints);
$format = $_GET['format'];
if($format != "letter")
$format = "A4";
$maxpoints = intval($_GET['maxpoints']);
if($maxpoints < 0)
$maxpoints = 0;
18 years ago
// if($maxpoints == 0)
// $maxpoints = intval(maxpoints());
$pdf = new PDF('P', 'mm', $format);
if($_SESSION['_config']['language'] == "ja_JP")
19 years ago
$pdf->Body($_GET['name'], $_GET['dob'], $_GET['email'], $_GET['assurer'], $_GET['date'], $maxpoints, $_GET['document1'], $_GET['document2'], $_GET['location']);
header("Expires: ".gmdate("D, j M Y G:i:s \G\M\T", time()+10800));
19 years ago
header("Content-Disposition: attachment; filename=cap.pdf");
header("Cache-Control: public, max-age=10800");
header("Pragma: cache");