You cannot select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

467 lines
18 KiB

<? /*
LibreSSL - CAcert web application
Copyright (C) 2004-2008 CAcert Inc.
This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation; version 2 of the License.
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA
*/ ?>
if(array_key_exists('date',$_POST) && $_POST['date'] != "")
20 years ago
$_SESSION['_config']['date'] = $_POST['date'];
if(array_key_exists('location',$_POST) && $_POST['location'] != "")
20 years ago
$_SESSION['_config']['location'] = $_POST['location'];
19 years ago
if($oldid == 12)
$id = $oldid;
if(($id == 5 || $oldid == 5 || $id == 6 || $oldid == 6) && $_SESSION['profile']['points'] < 100)
showheader(_("My Account!"));
echo "<p>"._("You don't have access to view these pages.")."</p>";
if($oldid == 6 && intval($_SESSION['_config']['notarise']['id']) <= 0)
$id = 5;
if($oldid == 5 && array_key_exists('reminder',$_POST) && $_POST['reminder'] != "")
20 years ago
19 years ago
$body = "";
if($_POST['reminder-lang'] != "" && $_POST['reminder-lang'] != "en_AU")
$userlang = $_POST['reminder-lang'];
$_SESSION['_config']['reminder-lang'] = $_POST['reminder-lang'];
setlocale(LC_ALL, $userlang);
$body .= $_SESSION['_config']['translations'][$userlang].":\n\n";
$body .= sprintf(_("This is a short reminder that you filled out forms to become trusted with, and %s has attempted to issue you points. Please create your account at %s as soon as possible and then notify %s so that the points can be issued."), $_SESSION['profile']['fname']." (".$_SESSION['profile']['email'].")", "", $_SESSION['profile']['fname'])."\n\n";
$body .= _("Best regards")."\n";
$body .= _("CAcert Support Team");
$body .= "\n\nEnglish:\n\n";
$body .= sprintf("This is a short reminder that you filled out forms to become trusted with, and %s has attempted to issue you points. Please create your account at %s as soon as possible and then notify %s so that the points can be issued.", $_SESSION['profile']['fname']." (".$_SESSION['profile']['email'].")", "", $_SESSION['profile']['fname'])."\n\n";
20 years ago
$body .= "Best regards"."\n";
$body .= "CAcert Support Team";
19 years ago
sendmail($_POST['email'], "[] "._("Reminder Notice"), $body, $_SESSION['profile']['email'], "", "", $_SESSION['profile']['fname']);
if($_POST['reminder-lang'] != "" && $_POST['reminder-lang'] != "en_AU")
$userlang = $_SESSION['profile']['language'];
setlocale(LC_ALL, $userlang);
20 years ago
$_SESSION['_config']['remindersent'] = 1;
$_SESSION['_config']['error'] = _("A reminder notice has been sent.");
$id = $oldid;
20 years ago
if($oldid == 5)
20 years ago
$_SESSION['_config']['noemailfound'] = 0;
$query = "select * from `users` where `email`='".mysql_escape_string(stripslashes($_POST['email']))."' and `deleted`=0";
$res = mysql_query($query);
if(mysql_num_rows($res) != 1)
$id = $oldid;
$_SESSION['_config']['error'] = _("I'm sorry, there was no email matching what you entered in the system. Please double check your information.");
$_SESSION['_config']['noemailfound'] = 1;
} else {
$_SESSION['_config']['notarise'] = mysql_fetch_assoc($res);
if($oldid == 5 || $oldid == 6)
if(array_key_exists('cancel',$_REQUEST) && $_REQUEST['cancel'] != "")
18 years ago
header("location: wot.php");
if($_SESSION['_config']['notarise']['id'] == $_SESSION['profile']['id'])
$id = 5;
20 years ago
$_SESSION['_config']['error'] = _("You are never allowed to Assure yourself!");
if($oldid == 5 || $oldid == 6)
$query = "select * from `notary` where `from`='".$_SESSION['profile']['id']."' and
$_SESSION['_config']['alreadydone'] = 0;
$res = mysql_query($query);
if(mysql_num_rows($res) > 0 && $_SESSION['profile']['points'] < 200)
$id = 5;
20 years ago
$_SESSION['_config']['error'] = _("You are only allowed to Assure someone once!");
} elseif($oldid == 5) {
$id = 6;
if($id == 6 && mysql_num_rows($res) > 0)
$_SESSION['_config']['alreadydone'] = 1;
if($id == 6 && $_SESSION['profile']['points'] >= 100)
$query = "select sum(`points`) as `total` from `notary` where `to`='".$_SESSION['_config']['notarise']['id']."' group by `to`";
$res = mysql_query($query);
$drow = mysql_fetch_assoc($res);
$_SESSION['_config']['pointsalready'] = $drow['total'];
if($id == 6 && $_SESSION['profile']['points'] >= 100)
$query = "select `verified` from `users` where `id`='".$_SESSION['_config']['notarise']['id']."'";
$res = mysql_query($query);
$drow = mysql_fetch_assoc($res);
$_SESSION['_config']['verified'] = $drow['verified'];
if($oldid == 6)
if(!array_key_exists('assertion',$_POST) || $_POST['assertion'] != 1 || !array_key_exists('rules',$_POST) || $_POST['rules'] != 1)
20 years ago
$id = $oldid;
20 years ago
$_SESSION['_config']['error'] = _("You failed to check all boxes to validate your adherence to the rules and policies of CAcert");
if($_POST['certify'] != 1 && $_SESSION['profile']['ttpadmin'] != 1)
$id = $oldid;
$_SESSION['_config']['error'] = _("You failed to check all boxes to validate your adherence to the rules and policies of CAcert");
if($oldid == 6 && $_SESSION['profile']['ttpadmin'] != 1)
20 years ago
if($_POST['location'] == "")
$id = $oldid;
20 years ago
$_SESSION['_config']['error'] = _("You failed to enter a location of your meeting.");
19 years ago
if($oldid == 6)
$query = "select * from `users` where `id`='".$_SESSION['_config']['notarise']['id']."'";
$res = mysql_query($query);
$row = mysql_fetch_assoc($res);
$name = $row['fname']." ".$row['mname']." ".$row['lname']." ".$row['suffix'];
19 years ago
if($_SESSION['_config']['wothash'] != md5($name."-".$row['dob']) || $_SESSION['_config']['wothash'] != $_REQUEST['pagehash'])
19 years ago
$id = $oldid;
19 years ago
$_SESSION['_config']['error'] = _("Race condition discovered, user altered details during assurance procedure. PLEASE MAKE SURE THE NEW DETAILS BELOW MATCH THE ID DOCUMENTS.");
19 years ago
18 years ago
if($oldid == 6 && $_REQUEST['points'] == "")
$id = $oldid;
18 years ago
$_SESSION['_config']['error'] = _("You must enter the number of points you wish to allocate to this person.");
if($oldid == 6)
$max = maxpoints();
18 years ago
$awarded = $newpoints = intval($_POST['points']);
if($newpoints > $max)
$newpoints = $max;
$query = "select sum(`points`) as `total` from `notary` where `to`='".$_SESSION['_config']['notarise']['id']."' group by `to`";
$res = mysql_query($query);
$drow = mysql_fetch_assoc($res);
if($_SESSION['profile']['board'] == 1 && intval($_POST['expire']) > 0 && $drow['total'] > 150)
showheader(_("My Account!"));
echo "<p>"._("You tried to give a temporary points increase to someone that already has more then 150 points. Can't continue.")."</p>";
if($_SESSION['profile']['board'] == 1 && intval($_POST['expire']) > 0 && intval($_POST['sponsor']) <= 0)
showheader(_("My Account!"));
echo "<p>"._("You didn't list a valid sponsor for this action.")."</p>";
if($_SESSION['profile']['board'] == 1 && intval($_POST['expire']) > 0 && intval($_POST['sponsor']) > 0)
$resc = mysql_query("select * from `users` where `id`='".intval($_POST['sponsor'])."' and `board`='1'");
$rc = mysql_num_rows($resc);
$sponsor = mysql_fetch_assoc($resc);
if($rc <= 0)
showheader(_("My Account!"));
echo "<p>"._("You listed an invalid sponsor for this action.")."</p>";
if($_SESSION['profile']['board'] == 1 && intval($_POST['expire']) > 0)
$_POST['method'] == "Administrative Increase";
$newpoints = 200 - $drow['total'];
if(intval($_POST['expire']) > 45)
$_POST['expire'] = 45;
if(intval($_POST['expire']) <= 7)
$_POST['expire'] = 7;
} else {
$_POST['expire'] = 0;
if(($drow['total'] + $newpoints) > 100 && $max < 100)
$newpoints = 100 - $drow['total'];
if(($drow['total'] + $newpoints) > $max && $max >= 100)
$newpoints = $max - $drow['total'];
if($newpoints < 0)
$newpoints = 0;
20 years ago
if(mysql_escape_string(stripslashes($_POST['date'])) == "")
20 years ago
$_POST['date'] = date("Y-m-d H:i:s");
18 years ago
$query = "select * from `notary` where `from`='".$_SESSION['profile']['id']."' AND
18 years ago
`to`='".$_SESSION['_config']['notarise']['id']."' AND
18 years ago
`awarded`='$awarded' AND
18 years ago
`location`='".mysql_escape_string(stripslashes($_POST['location']))."' AND
$res = mysql_query($query);
18 years ago
if(mysql_num_rows($res) > 0)
18 years ago
$id = $oldid;
18 years ago
$_SESSION['_config']['error'] = _("Identical Assurance attempted, will not continue.");
if($oldid == 6)
$query = "insert into `notary` set `from`='".$_SESSION['profile']['id']."',
18 years ago
`points`='$newpoints', `awarded`='$awarded',
20 years ago
if($_SESSION['profile']['board'] == 1 && intval($_POST['expire']) > 0)
$query .= ",\n`method`='Temporary Increase'";
$query .= ",\n`expire`=DATE_ADD(NOW(), INTERVAL '".intval($_POST['expire'])."' DAY)";
$query .= ",\n`sponsor`='".intval($_POST['sponsor'])."'";
} else if($_SESSION['profile']['board'] == 1) {
$query .= ",\n`method`='".mysql_escape_string(stripslashes($_POST['method']))."'";
19 years ago
} else if($_SESSION['profile']['ttpadmin'] == 1 && ($_POST['method'] == 'Trusted 3rd Parties' || $_POST['method'] == 'Trusted third Parties')) {
$query .= ",\n`method`='Trusted Third Parties'";
20 years ago
if($_SESSION['profile']['points'] < 150)
20 years ago
$addpoints = 0;
if($_SESSION['profile']['points'] < 149 && $_SESSION['profile']['points'] >= 100)
$addpoints = 2;
else if($_SESSION['profile']['points'] == 149 && $_SESSION['profile']['points'] >= 100)
$addpoints = 1;
20 years ago
$query = "insert into `notary` set `from`='".$_SESSION['profile']['id']."',
18 years ago
`points`='$addpoints', `awarded`='$addpoints',
20 years ago
`method`='Administrative Increase',
20 years ago
$_SESSION['profile']['points'] += $addpoints;
20 years ago
20 years ago
if($_SESSION['_config']['notarise']['language'] != "")
$userlang = $_SESSION['_config']['notarise']['language'];
19 years ago
setlocale(LC_ALL, $userlang);
20 years ago
20 years ago
$body = sprintf(_("You are receiving this email because you have been assured by %s %s (%s)."), $_SESSION['profile']['fname'], $_SESSION['profile']['lname'], $_SESSION['profile']['email'])."\n\n";
if($_POST['points'] != $newpoints)
$body .= sprintf(_("You were issued %s points however the system has rounded this down to %s and you now have %s points in total."), $_POST['points'], $newpoints, ($newpoints + $drow['total']))."\n\n";
$body .= sprintf(_("You were issued %s points and you now have %s points in total."), $newpoints, ($newpoints + $drow['total']))."\n\n";
if(($drow['total'] + $newpoints) < 100 && ($drow['total'] + $newpoints) >= 50)
$body .= _("You now have over 50 points, and can now have your name added to client certificates, and issue server certificates for up to 2 years.")."\n\n";
if(($drow['total'] + $newpoints) >= 100 && $newpoints > 0)
20 years ago
$body .= _("You now have over 100 points and can start assuring others.")."\n\n";
18 years ago
$body .= _("To make it easier for others in your area to find you, it's helpful to list yourself as an assurer (this is voluntary), as well as a physical location where you live or work the most. You can flag your account to be listed, and add a comment to the display by going to:")."\n\n";
$body .= "\n\n";
$body .= _("You can list your location by going to:")."\n\n";
18 years ago
$body .= "\n\n";
if($_SESSION['profile']['board'] == 1 && intval($_POST['expire']) > 0)
$body .= sprintf(_("Please Note: this is a temporary increase for %s days only. After that time your points will be reduced to 150 points."), intval($_POST['expire']))."\n\n";
20 years ago
$body .= _("Best regards")."\n";
$body .= _("CAcert Support Team");
sendmail($_SESSION['_config']['notarise']['email'], "[] "._("You've been Assured."), $body, "", "", "", "CAcert Website");
20 years ago
19 years ago
setlocale(LC_ALL, $_SESSION['profile']['language']);
20 years ago
$body = sprintf(_("You are receiving this email because you have assured %s %s (%s)."), $_SESSION['_config']['notarise']['fname'], $_SESSION['_config']['notarise']['lname'], $_SESSION['_config']['notarise']['email'])."\n\n";
if($_POST['points'] != $newpoints)
$body .= sprintf(_("You issued %s points however the system has rounded this down to %s and they now have %s points in total."), $_POST['points'], $newpoints, ($newpoints + $drow['total']))."\n\n";
$body .= sprintf(_("You issued %s points and they now have %s points in total."), $newpoints, ($newpoints + $drow['total']))."\n\n";
if($_SESSION['profile']['board'] == 1 && intval($_POST['expire']) > 0)
$body .= sprintf(_("Please Note: this is a temporary increase for %s days only. After that time their points will be reduced to 150 points."), intval($_POST['expire']))."\n\n";
20 years ago
$body .= _("Best regards")."\n";
$body .= _("CAcert Support Team");
sendmail($_SESSION['profile']['email'], "[] "._("You've Assured Another Member."), $body, "", "", "", "CAcert Support");
if($_SESSION['profile']['board'] == 1 && intval($_POST['expire']) > 0)
$body = sprintf("%s %s (%s) has issued a temporary increase to 200 points for %s %s (%s) for %s days. This action was sponsored by %s %s (%s).", $_SESSION['profile']['fname'], $_SESSION['profile']['lname'], $_SESSION['profile']['email'], $_SESSION['_config']['notarise']['fname'], $_SESSION['_config']['notarise']['lname'], $_SESSION['_config']['notarise']['email'], intval($_POST['expire']), $sponsor['fname'], $sponsor['lname'], $sponsor['email'])."\n\n";
sendmail("", "[] Temporary Increase Issued.", $body, "", "", "", "CAcert Website");
showheader(_("My Account!"));
20 years ago
echo "<p>"._("Shortly you and the person you were assuring will receive an email confirmation. There is no action on your behalf required to complete this.")."</p>";
?><form method="post" action="wot.php">
<table align="center" valign="middle" border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" class="wrapper">
<td colspan="2" class="title"><?=_("Assure Someone")?></td>
<td class="DataTD"><?=_("Email")?>:</td>
18 years ago
<td class="DataTD"><input type="text" name="email" id="email" value=""></td>
<td class="DataTD" colspan="2"><input type="submit" name="process" value="<?=_("Next")?>"></td>
<input type="hidden" name="oldid" value="5">
18 years ago
function my_init()
window.onload = my_init();
if($oldid == 8)
$info = mysql_escape_string(strip_tags(stripslashes($_POST['contactinfo'])));
$listme = intval($_POST['listme']);
if($listme < 0 || $listme > 1)
$listme = 0;
$_SESSION['profile']['listme'] = $listme;
$_SESSION['profile']['contactinfo'] = $info;
$query = "update `users` set `listme`='$listme',`contactinfo`='$info' where `id`='".$_SESSION['profile']['id']."'";
showheader(_("My Account!"));
echo "<p>"._("Your account information has been updated.")."</p>";
18 years ago
if($oldid == 9 && $_REQUEST['userid'] > 0 && $_SESSION['profile']['id'] > 0)
19 years ago
if($_SESSION['_config']['pagehash'] != $_REQUEST['pageid'])
19 years ago
$id = 9;
$error = _("It looks like you were trying to contact multiple people, this isn't allowed due to data security reasons.");
} else {
18 years ago
$body = $_REQUEST['message'];
$subject = $_REQUEST['subject'];
$userid = intval($_REQUEST['userid']);
$user = mysql_fetch_assoc(mysql_query("select * from `users` where `id`='$userid' and `listme`=1"));
$points = mysql_num_rows(mysql_query("select sum(`points`) as `total` from `notary`
where `to`='".$user['id']."' group by `to` HAVING SUM(`points`) > 0"));
if($points > 0)
sendmail($user['email'], "[] ".$_REQUEST['subject'], $_REQUEST['message'],
$_SESSION['profile']['email'], "", "", $_SESSION['profile']['fname']." ".$_SESSION['profile']['lname']);
showheader(_("My Account!"));
echo "<p>"._("Your email has been sent to ").$user['fname'].".</p>";
echo "<p>[ <a href='javascript:history.go(-2)'>Go Back</a> ]</p>\n";
} else {
showheader(_("My Account!"));
echo _("Sorry, I was unable to locate that user.");
19 years ago
} elseif($oldid == 9) {
$error = _("There was an error and I couldn't proceed");
$id = 9;
showheader(_("My Account!"));
includeit($id, "wot");